
Function Export-WMIDetailsHC {
    Param (
            if (($_ -like '*.mof') -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath (Split-Path $_) -PathType Container)) {$true}
            else {throw "The path must end with the extension '.MOF' and the path location must exist."}

    Process {
        Try {
            [System.Management.Textformat]$MOF = 'mof'

            if ($WmiClass = Get-WmiObject -Namespace $Namespace -ClassName $ClassName -List -EA Stop) {
                Write-Verbose "Namespace '$Namespace' ClassName '$ClassName'"
                $Result += "`n" + ('#PRAGMA NAMESPACE("\\\\.\\' + ($Namespace.Split('\') -join '\\') + '")') + "`n"
                $Result += $WMIClass.GetText($MOF)
            else {
                Write-Verbose "No WMI class found with name '$ClassName' in namespace '$Namespace'"

            if ($Result) {
                $Result = $Result = '#PRAGMA AUTORECOVER' + "`n" + $Result
                if ($Path) {
                    $Result | Out-File -LiteralPath $Path # Encoding is special 'UCS-2 LE BOM'
                    Get-Item $Path
                    Write-Verbose "Exported WMI details to MOF file '$Path'"
                else {
        Catch {
            throw "Exporting WMI details to the MOF file '$Path' for class '$ClassName' in namespace '$Namespace' failed: $_"

$Path = 'C:\Temp\MyMof.mof'
$MofComp = Get-Item 'C:\Windows\System32\wbem\mofcomp.exe'
Invoke-expression "& $MofComp $Path"




this answer中,我创建了Bash的process substitution的穷人版本,该版本提供了一种从命令输出中创建临时临时文件并返回该临时文件路径的方法。




# Use `cf()` to save the script block's output to a temporary *.mof file
# and return that file's path.
& 'C:\Windows\System32\wbem\mofcomp.exe' (cf -Extension .mof { Export-WMIDetailsHC ... })
cf  # clean up temporary file

为了方便起见,我将在此处重新打印函数定义,但是可以在linked answer中找到更多背景信息。
# Define a succinct alias.
set-alias cf ConvertTo-TempFile
function ConvertTo-TempFile {
      [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Standard', Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
      [ScriptBlock] $ScriptBlock
    , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Standard', Position=1)]
      [string] $LiteralPath
    , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Standard')]
      [string] $Extension
    , [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Standard')]
      [switch] $NoBOM

  $prevFilePath = Test-Path variable:__cttfFilePath
  if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Cleanup') {
    if ($prevFilePath) {
      Write-Verbose "Removing temp. file: $__cttfFilePath"
      Remove-Item -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $__cttfFilePath
      Remove-Variable -Scope Script  __cttfFilePath
    } else {
      Write-Verbose "Nothing to clean up."
  } else { # script block specified
    if ($Extension -and $Extension -notlike '.*') { $Extension = ".$Extension" }
    if ($LiteralPath) {
      # Since we'll be using a .NET framework classes directly,
      # we must sync .NET's notion of the current dir. with PowerShell's.
      [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $pwd
      if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($LiteralPath)) {
        $script:__cttfFilePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($LiteralPath, [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + $Extension)
        Write-Verbose "Creating file with random name in specified folder: '$__cttfFilePath'."
      } else { # presumptive path to a *file* specified
        if (-not [System.IO.Directory]::Exists((Split-Path $LiteralPath))) {
          Throw "Output folder '$(Split-Path $LiteralPath)' must exist."
        $script:__cttfFilePath = $LiteralPath
        Write-Verbose "Using explicitly specified file path: '$__cttfFilePath'."
    } else { # Create temp. file in the user's temporary folder.
      if (-not $prevFilePath) {
        if ($Extension) {
          $script:__cttfFilePath = [IO.Path]::Combine([IO.Path]::GetTempPath(), [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + $Extension)
        } else {
          $script:__cttfFilePath = [IO.Path]::GetTempFilename()
        Write-Verbose "Creating temp. file: $__cttfFilePath"
      } else {
        Write-Verbose "Reusing temp. file: $__cttfFilePath"
    if ($NoBOM) { # UTF8 file *without* BOM
      # Note: Out-File, sadly, doesn't support creating UTF8-encoded files
      #       *without a BOM*, so we must use the .NET framework.
      #       [IO.StreamWriter] by default writes UTF-8 files without a BOM.
      $sw = New-Object IO.StreamWriter $__cttfFilePath
      try {
          . $ScriptBlock | Out-String -Stream | % { $sw.WriteLine($_) }
      } finally { $sw.Close() }
    } else { # UTF8 file *with* BOM
      . $ScriptBlock | Out-File -Encoding utf8 $__cttfFilePath
    return $__cttfFilePath

10-05 20:00