当前,我的MainWindowViewModel具有类型对象object的属性“CurrentViewModel”,可以将其设置为方法选择 View 模型或分析结果 View 模型中的一个,然后使用数据模板进行呈现。
我面临的问题是,我不知道不同的 View 模型应该如何通信。
对于它的值(value),我帮助实现了一个用于类似Composite Application的模块。因此,以下内容基于轶事经验,
// a simple Plain Old C Object that describes business methods.
public class BusinessMethod
// user-friendly name
public string Name { get; set; }
// type that actually implements
public Type ImplementationType { get; set; }
// ... meanwhile, back on the ranch ...
public void OnBusinessMethodSelection ()
// 1. if selected
if (BusinessMethodList.SelectedItem != null)
// 2. retrieve selected item
BusinessMethod selected =
// 3. request implementation of selected item from
// IoC container
object implementation =
_container.Resolve (selected.ImplementationType);
// an example of a strongly typed subject. notice how subject
// defines content. semanticly, when someone creates and publishes
// an instance of this subject, they are requesting someone show
// an analysis view based on data content,
public class AnalysisSubject
// subject content, in this case a data result from
// a business method
public object Data { get; set; }
public class MainWindow : ISubscriber<AnalysisSubject> ...
// use whatever implementation of an IoC container we like
// here i assume we abstract from implementation and use a
// custom interface IContainer that exposes functionality
// that we need
private readonly IContainer _container = null;
public class MainWindow ()
// we're teh r00tz! we create an instance of IoC
// container for use throughout application
IContainer _container = new CustomContainer ();
// our container exposes both parameterized and
// type-parameterized resolve methods
IEventHub events = _container.Resolve<IEventHub> ();
events.Subscribe<AnalysisSubject> (this);
#region ISubscriber<AnalysisSubject>
// part of strongly typed subscriptions is that we
// may now handle strongly typed publications! yay!
public void Receive (AnalysisSubject subject)
// 1. request to display analysis of data
Type analysisType = subject.Data.GetType ();
// 2. get view control based on payload type
// NOTE: implicit usage below is not consistent
// with previous invocations, here we are submitting
// a type of something we already have, and actually
// want back something that knows how to handle it.
// most IoC containers can provide this functionality
// through "facilities" add ons that accept a
// parameter\discriminator like below, and produce
// something in return.
Control control = (Control)(_container.Resolve (analysisType));
// [alternatively] if the above is too "magical" where
// IAnalysisFactory is an interface we define for this
// express purpose
//IAnalysisFactory factory = _container.Resolve<IAnalysisFactory> ();
//Control control = factory.GetAnalysisControlFor (analysisType);
// 3. assign subject data to control
Control.DataContext = subject.Data;
// 4. display control
public class SomeBusinessView
private readonly IEventHub _events = null;
// we cannot function without an event aggregator of
// some kind, so we declare our dependency as a contructor
// dependency
public SomeBusinessView (IEventHub events)
_events = events;
public void DoMyThang ()
// 1. do some business
MyBusinessData data = SomeBusinessFunction ();
// 2. publish complete event
AnalysisSubject subject = new AnalysisSubject () { Data = data, };
_events.Publish (subject);
关于c# - MVVM:如何设计一个承载不同应用程序的窗口?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3864246/