
例如;我想在一个选项卡(“用户”)中有一个允许电子邮件地址的列表,然后从表单中的另一个选项卡(“ Form1”)中输入地址。



if( entryValues[i] === emailsAllowed[t] )


function onOpen()

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var s = sheet.getSheetByName('Form1'); //Get the sheet with the entered records in it.
  var s2 = sheet.getSheetByName('Users');//Get the sheet with the Allow list in it.

  var entryValues = s.getRange('C2:C9').getValues(); //(Get the list of e-mail addresses entered via the form (using their cell reference))
  var emailsAllowed = s2.getRange('A2:A6').getValues(); //(Get the list of allowed e-mail addresses (using their cell reference))
  var isAllowed = 0;

  for(var i = entryValues.length-1; i > 1 ; i--)  // work from the bottom up so when you delete a row it will not miss other rows or delete a row it should not.
    var valueE = entryValues[i] // Test Variable to see what the value is (Can delete this line)
    for(var t = 0; t < emailsAllowed.length; t++) //Loop through all the records in the allow list
      var valueA = emailsAllowed[t] // Test Variable to see what the value is (Can delete this line)
      if( entryValues[i] === emailsAllowed[t] ) // Check to see if there is a match between what was entered and what is in the allow list. //!!! For some reason this line is never true !!!//
      {  isAllowed = 1;} //if it is there set a variable isAllowed to 1 (to indicate that there is a match)

    if( isAllowed === 1 )
    {isAllowed = 0; }// if there was a match set isAllowed back to 0, ready for the next run
      s.deleteRows(i) //if there was no match (and isAllowed is not set) delete the invalid row.


更新:这是工作代码:感谢(Sandy Good)

function onOpen()

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var s = sheet.getSheetByName('Form1'); //Get the sheet with the entered records in it.
  var s2 = sheet.getSheetByName('Users');//Get the sheet with the Allow list in it.

  var entryValues = s.getRange('C2:C9').getValues().join().split(","); //(Get the list of e-mail addresses entered via the form (using their cell reference))
  var emailsAllowed = s2.getRange('A2:A6').getValues().join().split(","); //(Get the list of allowed e-mail addresses (using their cell reference))

  var isAllowed = 0; // Create the variable isAllowed and set it to 0 (this will be used to leave the row if it matches)

  for(var i = entryValues.length-1; i > 1 ; i--)  // work from the bottom up so when you delete a row it will not miss other rows or delete a row it should not.
    var valueE = entryValues[i] // Test Variable to see what the value is (Can delete this line)
    for(var t = 0; t < emailsAllowed.length; t++) //Loop through all the records in the allow list
      var valueA = emailsAllowed[t] // Test Variable to see what the value is (Can delete this line)
      if( entryValues[i] === emailsAllowed[t] ) // Check to see if there is a match between what was entered and what is in the allow list. //!!! For some reason this line is never true !!!//
      {  isAllowed = 1;} //if it is there set a variable isAllowed to 1 (to indicate that there is a match)

    if( isAllowed === 1 )
    {isAllowed = 0; }// if there was a match set isAllowed back to 0, ready for the next run
      s.deleteRow(i+2) //if there was no match (and isAllowed is not set) delete the invalid row. (+ 2 because the rows start from 1 and they also have a heading (the the array starts from 0))




var entryValues = s.getRange('C2:C9').getValues();
var emailsAllowed = s2.getRange('A2:A6').getValues();


var entryValues = s.getRange('C2:C9').getValues().join().split(",");
var emailsAllowed = s2.getRange('A2:A6').getValues().join().split(",");


twoDArray = [ [innerValue], [innerValueTwo], [inner3] ]

关于javascript - Google表格删除行,如果一个选项卡上的列中的值与其他选项卡上的列不匹配,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33447274/

10-09 23:59