我有一个数据框,其中包含两个数值变量 fatcontent 和 saltcontent 以及两个描述不同处理方法的因子变量 cond 和 spice。在此数据框中,对数值变量的每次测量都进行了两次。

a <- data.frame(cond = rep(c("uncooked", "fried", "steamed", "baked", "grilled"),
                       each = 2, times = 3),
                spice = rep(c("none", "chilli", "basil"), each = 10),
                fatcontent = c(4, 5, 6828, 7530, 6910, 7132, 5885, 613, 2845, 2867,
                               25, 18, 2385, 33227, 4233, 4023, 953, 1025, 4465, 5016,
                               5, 5, 10235, 12545, 5511, 5111, 596, 585, 4012, 3633),
                saltcontent = c(2, 5, 4733, 5500, 5724, 15885, 14885, 217, 193, 148,
                                6, 4, 26738, 24738, 22738, 23738, 267, 256, 1121, 1558,
                                1, 1, 21738, 20738, 26738, 27738, 195, 202, 129, 131)

例如。 $spice == "none"
       cond  spice fatcontent saltcontent
1  uncooked   none          4           2
2  uncooked   none          5           5
3     fried   none       6828        4733
4     fried   none       7530        5500
5   steamed   none       6910        5724
6   steamed   none       7132       15885
7     baked   none       5885       14885
8     baked   none        613         217
9   grilled   none       2845         193
10  grilled   none       2867         148

       cond spice   fatcontent  saltcontent
1  uncooked  none    0.8888889    0.5714286
2  uncooked  none    1.1111111    1.4285714
3     fried  none 1517.3333333 1352.2857143
4     fried  none 1673.3333333 1571.4285714
5   steamed  none 1535.5555556 1635.4285714
6   steamed  none 1584.8888889 4538.5714286
7     baked  none 1307.7777778 4252.8571429
8     baked  none  136.2222222   62.0000000
9   grilled  none  632.2222222   55.1428571
10  grilled  none  637.1111111   42.2857143

我的问题是如何对数据框中的所有组和变量执行此操作?我假设我可以使用 dplyr 包,但我不确定什么是最好的方法。我感谢任何帮助!


我认为这就是你所追求的。您想使用未煮过的数据点找到每种香料条件的平均值。这是我在第一步中所做的事情。然后,我想将 fatmean 中的 saltmeanana 添加到您的数据框 a 中。如果您的数据真的很大,这可能不是一种内存高效的方式。但是,我使用 left_join 来合并 anaa 。然后,我在 mutate 中为每种香料条件进行了划分。最后,我删除了两列以使用 select 整理结果。

### Find mean for each spice condition using uncooked data points
ana <- group_by(filter(a, cond == "uncooked"), spice) %>%
       summarise(fatmean = mean(fatcontent), saltmean = mean(saltcontent))

 #   spice fatmean saltmean
 #1  basil     5.0      1.0
 #2 chilli    21.5      5.0
 #3   none     4.5      3.5

left_join(a, ana, by = "spice") %>%
group_by(spice) %>%
mutate(fatcontent = fatcontent / fatmean,
       saltcontent = saltcontent / saltmean) %>%
select(-c(fatmean, saltmean))

# A part of the results
#       cond spice   fatcontent  saltcontent
#1  uncooked  none    0.8888889    0.5714286
#2  uncooked  none    1.1111111    1.4285714
#3     fried  none 1517.3333333 1352.2857143
#4     fried  none 1673.3333333 1571.4285714
#5   steamed  none 1535.5555556 1635.4285714
#6   steamed  none 1584.8888889 4538.5714286
#7     baked  none 1307.7777778 4252.8571429
#8     baked  none  136.2222222   62.0000000
#9   grilled  none  632.2222222   55.1428571
#10  grilled  none  637.1111111   42.2857143

group_by(filter(a, cond == "uncooked"), spice) %>%
    summarise(fatmean = mean(fatcontent), saltmean = mean(saltcontent)) %>%
    left_join(a, ., by = "spice") %>% #right_join is possible with the dev dplyr
    group_by(spice) %>%
    mutate(fatcontent = fatcontent / fatmean,
           saltcontent = saltcontent / saltmean) %>%
    select(-c(fatmean, saltmean))

关于r - 如何从 R 中的分组数据框中标准化子组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27435453/

10-12 22:27