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            <div align="center"><h3><Strong>New Infrared Outdoor Camera with Built-in, Swing-out Junction Box</Strong></h3></div>
            <p>The Vanguard-700 <strong>Infrared Outdoor Camera</strong> is another new tough security camera from Rugged Cams. The Vanguard-700 is not only weatherproof, but waterproof and dust proof as well, and carries a sealed rating of IP67.</p>

     <p>The Vanguard-700 has a built-in Fan & Heater that allows it to operate at incredibly low temperatures. In fact, it is rated for -40ºF below zero and the fan cools the camera to at least +158ºF above. Not many cameras can match this incredible temperature range.</p><br>

 <p>The Vanguard-700 Infrared Outdoor Camera uses the latest <strong>SONY 960H</strong> Technology, which uses a 700 TV lines camera chipset to output an incredible <strong>960 Horizontal lines</strong> wide picture. This is very near <strong>Megapixel resolution</strong>, which starts at 1000 lines wide. It is a big leap for analog cameras, because you now have the ability to record at “<strong>Near HD</strong>” with a 700 line camera, using our new <strong>960HD DVR</strong>. This camera can be recorded at D1 (740x480) with any regular DVR, but you actually get <strong>30% more resolution</strong> when you use our 960HD DVR.</p>

<p>The Vanguard-700 is also using Rugged Cams' new “<strong>Easy Pro Install System</strong>”, which attaches a swing-out Junction Box to the base of the mount. Now anyone can get professional results and really quick installations using this system. You can mount on any surface, in any direction or orientation, from the ceiling, wall or table type mount, and even directly to any indoor or outdoor double gang switch box. The swing-out feature makes working on and fine tuning the camera super easy since you don't have to hold onto the camera at the same time. Truly revolutionary.</p>

<p><strong>Top Ten Features of the Vanguard-700 Infrared Outdoor Camera:</strong></p>
<ul style="list-style: circle"><li>Uses SONY's new 960H Effio ExView HAD II Technology that delivers <b>near Megapixel</b> picture
    <b>(960 Horizontal Lines of Resolution)</b> &#8211; <i>30% more resolution than any other analog camera!</i></li>
<li><b>700 TV Lines</b> of Resolution</li>
<li><b>Completely Weatherproof &amp; Waterproof </b>and is rated to IP67 standards</li>
<li>Built-in <b>Swing-out Junction Box with American 3/4&#8221; Conduit</b> fittings</li>
<li>Mounts on the <b>Wall, Ceiling, Pole or any flat surface </b>such as parapet walls or atop fences, etc.</li>
<li>Rated to <b>-40º below zero and +158º above </b>(-40º F to +158º F)</li>
<li><b>Heater and Fan</b> built-in</li>
<li><b>30 Wide angle (30º spread) Variable Power Infrared Lamps</b> with <b>Smart IR
</b>Technology  &#8211; 100' Outdoor &amp; 165' Indoor Range</li>
<li><b>3.5mm-16mm Auto-Iris Varifocal Lens </b>&#8211; with Infrared Cut Filter for True Day/Night Operation</li>
<li><b>Smart 3D-DNR, WDR</b>, plus, the all-new <b>F-DNR </b>which is <b>Enhanced Digital Noise Reduction
</b>with the ability to help <b>cut through Fog, Dust, etc</b></li></ul>
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<p>In our quest to design the best Infrared Outdoor Cameras with the latest technology, Rugged Cams also makes them the toughest in the industry.  The <strong><u>Vanguard-700 Infrared Outdoor Camera</u></strong> is no exception.</p>

<p>Harsh environments, ice & snow, heat & sun pose no problems for The <strong>Vanguard-700</strong>.  The waterproof aluminum case is sealed to IP67 standards with a built-in Anti-Fog fan and a robust Heater with an automatic thermostat.  That's why The <strong>Vanguard-700</strong> is rated -40° below zero and +158° above.  <strong><i>Trugly Rugged</i></strong>.</p>

<p>The <strong>Vanguard-700</strong> Infrared Outdoor Camera is not only dual voltage (12V DC and 24V AC), but can accept wide ranges of those voltages as well.  If using DC volatage, anything from 10 volts to 30 volts will work, and when using AC voltage, anything from 10 volts to 28 volts work just as well.</p>

<p><strong>Rugged Cams</strong> is known for ramping up the Tough factor and packing in the features, and this Camera carries some great new design innovations.</p>

<ul style="list-style:circle">
<li><b>Gasketed Drop Down Access Door</b> that opens a compartment for easy Lens Adjustment</li>
<li>Access Door also has <b>Menu navigation Buttons, a Video Output connection, Infrared Sensitivity switches, Infrared On/Off Switch and an Infrared Power Gain Potentiometer</b> &#8211; all handy and at your fingertips</li>
<li><b>Smart Infrared Technology</b> &#8211; varies the power depending on how close the subject is &#8211; no more white-out effect</li>
<li><b>Sun Shield</b> is adjustable and helps provide cooling on the hottest days and keeps ice off of the camera body on the coldest days</li>
<li><b>Dual Voltage Power Choice</b> &#8211; 12V DC (10-30 volts) and 24V AC (10-28 volts)</li></ul>
<img src="images/infrared-outside-camera-tech-info.gif" alt="Outside Camera Tech Information">
<p>The <strong>Vanguard-700</strong> delivers a lot of performance for a low price. <strong><i>Rugged Cams cameras last!</i></strong>

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