我正在使用GWT构建一个Facebook平台Web应用程序并将其托管在App Engine上。

我要在回调URL中添加使用提供的查询字符串参数的验证代码。 GWT允许我通过调用Window.Location.getParameterMap()获得这些参数,并且返回的Map是不可变的。

我可能是错的,但是我认为这个问题与FB,GWT或App Engine无关,而更多的是我对Map对象的误解。



我会提供堆栈跟踪,但是找不到找到堆栈跟踪的方法来显示在App Engine日志中。


 * Validation Test
 * To generate the signature for these arguments:
 * 1. Remove the fb_sig key and value pair.
 * 2. Remove the "fb_sig_" prefix from all of the keys.
 * 3. Sort the array alphabetically by key.
 * 4. Concatenate all key/value pairs together in the format "k=v".
 * 5. Append your secret key.
 * 6. Take the md5 hash of the whole string.
 * @param fbQueryStringParams
 * @return String
public String test(Map<String,List<java.lang.String>> fbQueryStringParams) {

    String appSecret = TinyFBClient.APP_SECRET;
    String fbSig = fbQueryStringParams.get("fb_sig").get(0);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    TreeMap<String,String> sortedMap = new TreeMap<String,String>();

    // Get a Set view of the Map of query string parameters.
    Set<Map.Entry<String,List<java.lang.String>>> mapEntries = fbQueryStringParams.entrySet();

    // Iterate through the Set view, inserting into a SortedMap all Map.Entry's
    // that do not have a Key value of "fb_sig".
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String,List<java.lang.String>>> i = mapEntries.iterator();
    while(i.hasNext()) {

        Map.Entry<String,List<java.lang.String>> mapEntry = i.next();

        if(!mapEntry.getKey().equals("fb_sig")) { // 1. Remove the fb_sig key and value pair.

            sortedMap.put(mapEntry.getKey(),mapEntry.getValue().get(0)); // 3. Sort the array alphabetically by key.



    // Get a Set view of the Map of alphabetically sorted Map.Entry objects.
    Set<Map.Entry<String,String>> sortedMapEntries = sortedMap.entrySet();

    // Iterate through the Set view, appending the concatenated key's and value's
    // to a StringBuilder object.
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> ii = sortedMapEntries.iterator();
    while(ii.hasNext()) {

        Map.Entry<String,String> mapEntry = ii.next();

        // 4. Concatenate all key/value pairs together in the format "k=v".
        sb.append(mapEntry.getKey().replaceAll("fb_sig_","")); // 2. Remove the "fb_sig_" prefix from all of the keys.


    sb.append(appSecret); // 5. Append your secret key.

    String md5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(sb.toString()); // 6. Take the md5 hash of the whole string.

    // Build and return an output String for display.
    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
    output.append("fbSig = "+fbSig);
    output.append("md5 = "+md5);
    return output.toString();






09-05 08:50