#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <mutex> #include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <future>
#include <tuple> #include <random>
using namespace std; struct Node {
char id;
int value;
Node(char i, int v) : id(i), value(v) {}
Node() : id(0), value('z') {}
}; int main() {
tuple<int, string, char> t(32, "Penny wise", 'a');
tuple<int, string, char> t = {32, "Penny wise", 'a'}; // 编译不过,构造函数是explicit的 cout << get<0>(t) << endl;
cout << get<1>(t) << endl;
cout << get<2>(t) << endl; get<1>(t) = "Pound foolish";
cout << get<1>(t) << endl; string& s = get<1>(t);
s = "Patience is virtue";
cout << get<1>(t) << endl;
//get<3>(t); // 编译不过,t只有3个字段
// get<1>(t) 类似于vector中的t[1] int i = 1;
//get<i>(t); // 编译不过,i必须是编译时常数 tuple<int, string, char> t2; // 默认构造
t2 = tuple<int, string, char>(12, "Curiosity kills the cat", 'd');
t2 = make_tuple(12, "Curiosity kills the cat", 'd'); if (t > t2) { // 词典比较
cout << "t is larger than t2" << endl;
} t = t2; // 逐成员拷贝 // Tuple可以储存引用!! 诸如vector这样的STL容器不能。 Pair也可以
string st = "In for a penny";
tuple<string&> t3(st);
//auto t3 = make_tuple(ref(st)); // 同上
get<0>(t3) = "In for a pound"; // st has "In for a pound"
cout << st << endl;
t2 = make_tuple(12, "Curiosity kills the cat", 'd');
int x;
string y;
char z;
std::make_tuple(std::ref(x), std::ref(y), std::ref(z)) = t2; // 将t2赋值给to x, y, z
std::tie(x,y,z) = t2; // 同上
std::tie(x, std::ignore, z) = t2; // 好处是tie可以有选择,get<1>(t2) is ignored // 其他特性
auto t4 = std::tuple_cat( t2, t3 ); // t4是t2和t3级联之后的结果tuple<int, string, char, string>
cout << get<3>(t4) << endl; // "In for a pound" // 类型特征 type traits
cout << std::tuple_size<decltype(t4)>::value << endl; // Output: 4
std::tuple_element<1, decltype(t4)>::type dd; // dd是string类型 } // tuple vs struct tuple<string, int> getNameAge() {
return make_tuple("Bob", 34);
} int main() {
struct Person { string name; int age; } p;
tuple<string, int> t; cout << p.name << " " << p.age << endl; //用struct有利于代码review
cout << get<0>(t) << " " << get<1>(t) << endl; //tuple方便 // 作为单次使用的结构来传输一组数据
string name;
int age;
tie(name, age) = getNameAge(); // 比较tuples
tuple<int, int, int> time1, time2; // hours, minutes, seconds
if (time1 > time2)
cout << " time1 is a later time"; // 多索引的map
map<tuple<int,int,int>, string> timemap;
timemap.insert(make_pair(make_tuple(12, 2, 3), "Game start"));
cout << timemap[make_tuple(2,3,4)];
unordered_map<tuple<int,int,int>, string> timemap; // 数据换顺序Little trick
int a, b, c;
tie(b, c, a) = make_tuple(a, b, c); } //不要滥用tuple,一旦发现tuple一再使用,考虑定义struct
05-26 20:03