Reborn is an ability that causes a minion to be resummoned with 1 Health the first time it's destroyed. It was introduced in the Saviors of Uldum expansion.
Reborn is represented by a cracked blue glow around the minion.
- Reborn minions keep the max health of the original minion. ??
- A minion that is resummoned by Reborn will not keep any enchantments it had.
- The Reborn keyword functions similarly to Divine Shield and Stealth. It is both an ability of a minion and an effect on the minion.
- When the minion is first destroyed, it loses the visual effect but retains the keyword. The keyword is then functionally meaningless.
- If a minion that has been Reborn is returned to the hand and played again, it will regain its Reborn effect.
- If a Reborn minion is Silenced, it loses its Reborn effect.
- Each Reborn minion is considered its own unique copy of that minion. Any copy resurrected will return with full Health and the Reborn effect active.
- The Reborn effect is considered summoning and will interact with on-summon triggers like Khadgar and Knife Juggler.
// Token: 0x04006269 RID: 25193
REBORN = 1085,
// Token: 0x0400626A RID: 25194
public class Card : MonoBehaviour
public void ActivateStateSpells(bool forceActivate = false)
if (this.m_entity.HasTag(GAME_TAG.REBORN))
public class Card : MonoBehaviour
private bool HandlePlayActorDeath(Actor oldActor)
if (!this.m_cardDef.m_SuppressDeathrattleDeath && this.m_entity.HasTag(GAME_TAG.REBORN))
this.ActivateActorSpell(oldActor, SpellType.REBORN_DEATH);