一 环境描述





二 数库参数配置信息

Name                      Num_free    Num_active  Pct_act Max_Used    Reuse_cnt   Instance_Name                 

----                      ----------- ------------------ ----------- ----------- -------------                 

additionalnetwork memory     2865964    14188272  83.20     14190192           0 NULL                          

auditqueue size                  100           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

diski/o structures              4096           0   0.00          239           0 NULL                          

heapmemory per user             6144           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

maxcis remote connection         200           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

maxmemory                          0     7852000 100.00      7852000           0 NULL                          

maxnumber network listen           4           1  20.00            1           0 NULL                          

maxonline engines                  0           3 100.00            3           0 NULL                           

memoryper worker process        1706         342  16.70          342           0 NULL                          

numberof alarm

s                   28          12  30.00           12           0 NULL                          

numberof aux scan descri       10240           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

numberof devices                  35          85  70.83           85           0 NULL                          

numberof dtx participant         500           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

numberof java sockets           1004          13   1.28           13           0 NULL                          

numberof large i/o buffe           6           0   0.00            2           0 NULL                          

numberof locks                798573        1427   0.18         3306           0 NULL                          

numberof mailboxes                25           5  16.67            5           0 NULL                           

numberof messages                 64           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

numberof open databases           15           9  37.50            9           0 NULL                          

numberof open indexes          99957          43   0.04         7461           0 NULL                          

numberof open objects          99945          55   0.06         6863           0 NULL                          

numberof open partitions        9936          64   0.64         7988           0 NULL                          

numberof remote connecti          20           0   0.00            1           0 NULL                          

numberof remote logins            20           0   0.00            1           0 NULL                          

numberof remote sites             10           0   0.00            1           0 NULL                          

numberof sort buffers            500           0   0.00           48           0 NULL                           

numberof user connection         988          12   1.20           12           0 NULL                          

numberof worker processe           5           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

partitiongroups                 1024           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

permissioncache entries           15           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

procedurecache size          1044756        3820   0.36         4346           0 NULL                          

sizeof global fixed heap         299           1   0.33            1           0 NULL                          

sizeof process object he        8192           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

sizeof shared class heap        3072           0   0.00            0           0 NULL                          

sizeof unilib cache           314654       95728  23.33        95728           0 NULL                          

txn to pss ratio                16000           0   0.00            0           0 NULL






max onlineengines                  0           3 100.00            3           0 NULL



1>   Sp_configure “max online engines”,4

2>   go

1>   Sp_configure “number of engines at startup”,4

2>   go

1>   Sp_configure “number of engines at startup”,4

2>   go

1>   use master

2>   go

3>   shutdown with now

4>   go


/sbin/sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=3416386150 (根据系统实际物理内存调整,比如系统的内存是128G,则为128*1024*1024*1024

shmmax是最大共享存段,假如服器上且使用raw device可以参数调整到物理存的90%,如果使用file system device 应调小,因file system buffer需要开销内!修改后重新启动

max memory :

max memory = 7852000


1>   sp_configure “max memory”,7600M

2>   go

1>     sp_configure “allocate max shared mem”,1

2>     go                                                    //* (启动候自分配max memory指定的最大)

3>     sp_cacheconfig “default data cache”,”1300m”

4>     go                                                   //* (max memory的一半)

1>   sp_cacheconfig “default datacache”,”cache_partition=2″ 

2>go                                                   //*(SMP境中有一个问题就是螺旋竞争察到         存螺旋锁争夺10%就需要分)

1>   sp_sysmon                                              

2>   go                                            

1>   sp_poolconfig “default data cache”,”128m”,”16k”    //*(增加一16K I/O存池,排序等大IO操作,需要在        察后才能使用性能最佳化.)

2>   go 

1>   sp_configure “procedure cache size”,102400

2>   go                                                  //* (程高速,通常是Max mem20%,里是200M)

1>sp_cacheconfig‘tempdb_cache’,'200m’,'mixed’             //* (建一200M命名高速tempdb_cachetemdpb使用)


1>   sp_bindcache ‘tempdb_cache’,tempdb                    //*(tempdb_cache定到tempdb)

2>   go



象: number of open objects = 100000


最大用户连number of user connections = 1000


1>   sp_configure “number of user connections =5000

2>   go


1>sp_configure “number of locks”,100000



闲状态行:sp_countmetadata“open indexes”

正常时运行:sp_monitorconfig “open indexes”


sp_configure “number of open indexes”,2000

sp_configure “number of open objects”,2000

sp_configure “number of open partitions”,1500


sp_configure “optimization goal”,”allow_oltp”




10-03 04:45