
List<Camera.Size> videoSize = camera.getParameters().getSupportedVideoSizes();
Iterator<Camera.Size> itos = videoSize.iterator();
while (itos.hasNext()) {
Camera.Size curSize = itos.next();
int curSupporSize = curSize.width * curSize.height;
int fixPictrueSize = setFixPictureWidth * setFixPictureHeight;
if (curSupporSize > fixPictrueSize) {
setFixPictureWidth = curSize.width;
setFixPictureHeight = curSize.height;

出现了两次错误,一次是录制视频时调用camera.getParameters()时报parameters is empty,这是由于在camera.unlock()之后调用了该函数,将其在unlock之前获取就ok了。
还有一个错误就是setVideoSize called in a invalid state 1,进入setVideoSize函数中可以发现抛出异常的条件说明

* Sets the width and height of the video to be captured. Must be called
* after setVideoSource(). Call this after setOutFormat() but before
* prepare().
* @param width the width of the video to be captured
* @param height the height of the video to be captured
* @throws IllegalStateException if it is called after
* prepare() or before setOutputFormat()
public native void setVideoSize(int width, int height)
throws IllegalStateException;

IllegalStateException if it is called after prepare() or before setOutputFormat()表示如果setVideoSize在prepare() 之后或者setOutputFormat()之前调用的话就会出现该异常,即是说要求setVideoSize函数在prepare()之前以及setOutputFormat()之后调用。

05-26 12:23