- blob分析+特征
- 模板匹配(定位)+差分:halcon——缺陷检测常用方法总结(模板匹配(定位)+差分) - 唯有自己强大 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
- 光度立体:halcon——缺陷检测常用方法总结(光度立体) - 唯有自己强大 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
- 特征训练
- 测量拟合:halcon——缺陷检测常用方法总结(测量拟合) - 唯有自己强大 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
- 频域+空间域结合:halcon——缺陷检测常用方法总结(频域空间域结合) - 唯有自己强大 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
- 深度学习
- 创建模型create_texture_inspection_model或读取模型read_texture_inspection_model
- 添加训练样本add_texture_inspection_model_image
- 查看样本get_texture_inspection_model_image
- 训练模型train_texture_inspection_model
- 进行检测apply_texture_inspection_model
- 模型保存与释放write_texture_inspection_model
TrainingImageIndices := [1,2] TextureModelFilename := 'texture_model_carpet' dev_open_window_fit_size (0, 0, Width, Height, -1, -1, WindowHandle1) dev_display (Image) *创建模型 create_texture_inspection_model ('basic', TextureInspectionModel) for Index := 0 to |TrainingImageIndices| - 1 by 1 read_image (Image, 'carpet/carpet_' + TrainingImageIndices[Index]$'02') dev_display (Image) Message := '添加图片 ' + (Index + 1) + ' of ' + |TrainingImageIndices| + '训练准备' dev_disp_text (Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) *加载训练样本(两张) add_texture_inspection_model_image (Image, TextureInspectionModel, Indices) endfor
*参数设定'patch_normalization':'weber'对亮度鲁棒,‘none’需要亮度作为评判(默认) set_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'patch_normalization', 'weber') Levels := [2,3,4] * 'levels':设置具体的金字塔层参与训练,纹理越粗糙,则较低的金字塔层级越可省略。默认auto。 set_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'levels', Levels) * 开始训练 train_texture_inspection_model (TextureInspectionModel) *查看样本参数'novelty_threshold',阈值,自动计算得到,若结果不理想,可以手动微调。 get_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'novelty_threshold', NoveltyThreshold) * 查看各个金字塔等级的新颖性得分图像和新颖性区域,可以把'gen_result_handle'设置为'true', *之后get_texture_inspection_result_object读取'novelty_score_image'和'novelty_region'。 set_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'gen_result_handle', 'true')
*设置窗口,用于显示各个金字塔层图像 WindowWidth := 320 WindowHeight := 280 dev_open_window (0, 0, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 'black', WindowHandle1) set_display_font (WindowHandle1, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') dev_open_window (0, WindowWidth + 8, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 'black', WindowHandle2) set_display_font (WindowHandle2, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') dev_open_window (0, 2 * WindowWidth + 16, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 'black', WindowHandle3) set_display_font (WindowHandle3, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') dev_open_window (WindowHeight + 50, WindowWidth / 2 + 8, 2 * WindowWidth, 2 * WindowHeight, 'black', WindowHandle4) set_display_font (WindowHandle4, 16, 'mono', 'true', 'false') WindowHandles := [WindowHandle1,WindowHandle2,WindowHandle3] ** 检测第一张训练图像上的纹理缺陷以微调参数。 for Index := 1 to 3 by 1 ImageIndex := 5 read_image (TestImage, 'carpet/carpet_' + ImageIndex$'02') *测试当前图像 apply_texture_inspection_model (TestImage, NoveltyRegion, TextureInspectionModel, TextureInspectionResultID) * 检查调试信息。 *查看各个金字塔等级的新颖性得分图像(NovScoreImage)和新颖性区域(NovRegionL) * 新颖性评分图像可用于单独微调新颖性阈值。 get_texture_inspection_result_object (NovScoreImage, TextureInspectionResultID, 'novelty_score_image') get_texture_inspection_result_object (NovRegion, TextureInspectionResultID, 'novelty_region') * 显示每层(金字塔)的结果 count_obj (NovScoreImage, Number) for Level := 1 to Number by 1 CurrentWindow := WindowHandles[Level - 1] dev_set_window (CurrentWindow) dev_clear_window () select_obj (NovScoreImage, NovScoreImageL, Level) select_obj (NovRegion, NovRegionL, Level) get_image_size (NovScoreImageL, Width, Height) dev_set_part (0, 0, Height - 1, Width - 1) dev_display (NovScoreImageL) Legend := 'Novelty region (level ' + Levels[Level - 1] + ')' dev_set_color ('red') dev_set_line_width (2) * dev_display (NovRegionL) dev_disp_text (['Novelty score image (level ' + Levels[Level - 1] + ')','Novelty threshold: ' + NoveltyThreshold[Level - 1]$'.1f'], 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) dev_disp_text (Legend, 'window', WindowHeight - 30, 12, 'white', ['box_color','shadow'], ['black','false']) endfor *显示结果 dev_set_window (WindowHandle4) dev_display (TestImage) dev_set_line_width (2) dev_set_color ('red') dev_display (NoveltyRegion) area_center (NoveltyRegion, Area, Row, Column) if (Index < 3) dev_disp_text ('Result', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) else dev_disp_text ('Final result', 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) endif
* 新奇阈值的微调。 if (Index == 1) Message[0] := '图像中有很多小错误.' Message[1] := '可以通过改变 novelty thresholds的值来调整灵敏度(sensitivity—)' Message[2] := '例如减少灵敏度参数的值' dev_disp_text (Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) * 设置阈值计算的灵敏度。 负值导致更高的阈值,因此检测到的缺陷更少。 * 'sensitivity':灵敏度,影响'novelty_threshold'的计算结果。负值会导致更高的阈值,从而更少的发现缺陷。默认0。 set_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'sensitivity', -10) get_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'novelty_threshold', NoveltyThreshold) endif if (Index == 2) Message := '也可以通过直接操纵新颖性边界来单独调整单个级别的敏感度' dev_disp_text (Message, 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) * 新奇阈值的微调。 * * 从纹理中获取(自动确定的)新奇阈值 * 检查模型并将适当修改的值设置为新的新颖性阈值。 * *如果我们明确设置新颖性边界,则忽略敏感性。 * 我们在这里将其重新设置为 0 以避免混淆 set_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'sensitivity', 0) * Offset := [25,10,30] get_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'novelty_threshold', NoveltyThreshold) set_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'novelty_threshold', Offset + NoveltyThreshold) get_texture_inspection_model_param (TextureInspectionModel, 'novelty_threshold', NoveltyThreshold) endif endfor for Level := 1 to |WindowHandles| by 1 dev_set_window (WindowHandles[Level - 1]) dev_clear_window () endfor dev_set_window (WindowHandle4) dev_clear_window ()
*检测所有测试图像上的纹理缺陷。 NumImages := 7 for Index := 1 to NumImages by 1 read_image (TestImage, 'carpet/carpet_' + Index$'02') * *检测当前图像 apply_texture_inspection_model (TestImage, NoveltyRegion, TextureInspectionModel, TextureInspectionResultID) *得到新颖性图像和区域 get_texture_inspection_result_object (NovScoreImage, TextureInspectionResultID, 'novelty_score_image') get_texture_inspection_result_object (NovRegion, TextureInspectionResultID, 'novelty_region') * 显示单个金字塔层数的结果 count_obj (NovScoreImage, Number) for Level := 1 to Number by 1 CurrentWindow := WindowHandles[Level - 1] dev_set_window (CurrentWindow) dev_clear_window () select_obj (NovScoreImage, NovScoreImageL, Level) select_obj (NovRegion, NovRegionL, Level) get_image_size (NovScoreImageL, Width, Height) dev_set_part (0, 0, Height - 1, Width - 1) dev_display (NovScoreImageL) Legend := 'Novelty region (level ' + Levels[Level - 1] + ')' dev_set_color ('red') dev_set_line_width (2) * dev_display (NovRegionL) dev_disp_text (['Novelty score image (level ' + Levels[Level - 1] + ')','Novelty threshold: ' + NoveltyThreshold[Level - 1]$'.1f'], 'window', 12, 12, 'black', [], []) dev_disp_text (Legend, 'window', WindowHeight - 50, 12, ['red','white'], ['box_color','shadow'], ['black','false']) endfor * 显示结果 dev_set_window (WindowHandle4) dev_display (TestImage) dev_set_line_width (2) dev_set_color ('red') dev_display (NoveltyRegion) area_center (NoveltyRegion, Area, Row, Column) if (Area > 100) dev_disp_text ('Not OK', 'window', 12, 12, 'white', 'box_color', 'red') else dev_disp_text ('OK', 'window', 12, 12, 'white', 'box_color', 'forest green') endif if (Index < NumImages) dev_disp_text ('Press Run (F5) to continue', 'window', 'bottom', 'right', 'black', [], []) stop () endif endfor
- Patch:相邻像素的集合。
- Novelty Score:在测试过程中,将测试图像的纹理特征与纹理检查模型进行比较,并计算它们的'novelty score'。 该值越大,单个纹理特征越不适合纹理检查模型的可能性越大。
- Novelty Threshold:Novelty Score高于该阈值,则纹理有缺陷。
“ novelty_region”是通过组合不同金字塔等级的新颖性区域而生成的,即不同层级金字塔组成的交集区域。如果只有单层金字塔,那么该层的新颖性区域直接就是novelty_region。
参考博文:Halcon 纹理缺陷检测 apply_texture_inspection_model - 夕西行 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)