
The following complete list of properties and methods available for window objects.

ClosedReturns boolean value to determine if a window has been closedwindow.closed
defaultStatusDefines the default message displayed in a window's status barwindow.defaultStatus(="message")
documentDefines the document to displayed in a windowwindow.document
framesReturns an array containing references to all the named child frames in the current windowwindow.frames(="frameId")
historyReturns the history list of visited URLswindow.history
innerHeightReturns the height of the window's display areawindow.innerHeight = value
innerWidthReturns the width of the window's display areawindow.innerWidth = value
lengthReturns the number of frames in the windowwindow.length
locationThe URL loaded into the windowwindow.location
locationbarWindows location bar. It has the property visible.window.locationbar.visible=false
menubarWindows menu bar. Alos has visible property.window.menubar.visible=false
nameSets or returns window's namewindow.name
openerThe name of the window that opened the current windowwindow.opener
outerHeightReturns the height of the outer area of the windowwindow.outerHeight
outerWidthReturns the width of the outer area of the windowwindow.outerWidth
pageXOffsetReturn the X-coordinate of the current window window.pageXOffset
pageYOffsetReturn the Y-coordinate of the current windowwindow.pageYOffset
parentThe name of the window containing this particular windowwindow.parent
personalbarReturns boolean value indicating the visibility of the directories barwindow.personalbar.visible=false
scrollbarsReturns boolean value indicating the visibility of the scrollbars barwindow.scrollbars.visible=false
selfRefers to current windowself.method
statusThe message displayed in the window's status barwindow.method="message"
statusbarReturns boolean value indicating visibility of the status barwindow.statusbar.visible=false
toolbarReturns boolean value indicating visibility of the tool barwindow.toolbar.visible=false
topReturns the name of topmost windowwindow.top
windowReturns the current windowwindow.[property]or[method]
alert(message)Displays text string on a dialog boxalert("Type message here")
back()Loads the previous page in the windowwindow.back()
blur()Removes the focus from the windowwindow.blur()
captureEvents()Sets the window to capture all events of a specified type window.captureEvent(eventType)
clearTimeout()Clears the timeout, set with the setTimeout methodwindow.clearTimeout(timeoutID)
close()Closes the windowwindow.close()
confirm(message)Displays a confirmation dialog box with the text message confirm("type message here")
Enables/disables external event capturingwindow.disableExternalCapture( )/
window.enableExternalCapture( )
focus()Gives focus to the windowwindow.focus()
forward()Loads the next page in the windowwindow.forward()
handleEvent(event)Invokes the event handler for the specified eventwindow.handleEvent(eventID)
moveBy(horizontal, vertical)Moves the window by the specified amount in the horizontal and vertical directionwindow.moveBy(HorValue, VerValue)
moveTo(x, y)This method moves the window's left edge and top edge to the specified x and y co-ordinatesmoveTo(Xposition,Yposition)
open()Opens a windowwindow.open(url, name, attributes)
print()Displays the print dialog boxwindow.print()
prompt(message,defaultValue)Displays prompt dialog boxwindow.prompt("type message here",value)
releaseEvents(event)Release any captured events of the specified typewindow.releaseEvents(eventType)
resizeBy(horizantal, vertical)Resizes the window by the specified amountwindow.resizeBy(HorVoue,VerValue)
resizeTo(width,height)Resizes the window to the specified width and height window.resizeTo(widthValue,heightValue)
scroll(x, y)Scrolls the window to the supplied co-ordinates window.scroll(xVlue,yValue)
scrollBy(x, y)Scrolls the window's content area by the specified number of pixelswindow.scrollBy(HorVlue,VerValue)
scrollTo(x, y)Scrolls the window's content area by the specified number of cordinateswindow.scrollTo(xVlue,yValue)
setInterval(expression, time)Evaluates the expression every time millisecondswindow.setIntervals(expression,milliseconds)
stop()Stops the windows from loadingwindow.stop()

01-20 06:12