
Box Properties

NameJavaScript NameDescriptionPossible ValuesElement TypesExampleinherited
borderSets border width, style and color.See border width, style, and colorAll{border: medium solid green}No
border-bottomSet the bottom border width style, and color.See border width, style, and colorAll{border-bottom: medium solid green}No
border-bottom-widthSet the bottom border widththin, medium, thick, or length valueAll{border-bottom-width: thin}No
border-colorSet the border colorA color value, color, #RRGGBBAll{border: #0000ff}No
border-leftSet the left border width style, and color.See border width, style, and colorAll{border-left: medium solid green}No
border-left-widthSet the left border widththin, medium, thick, or length valueAll{border-left-width: thin}No
border-rightSet the right border width style, and color.See border width, style, and colorAll{border-right: medium solid green}No
border-right-widthSet the right border widththin, medium, thick, or length valueAll{border-right-width: thin}No
border-styleSets border stylenone, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outsetAll{border: dashed}No
border-topSet the top border width style, and color.See border width, style, and colorAll{border-top: medium solid green}No
border-top-widthSet the top border widththin, medium, thick, or length valueAll{border-top-width: thin}No
border-widthSets Border width.thin, medium, thick, or length valueAll{border-width: 8}No
clearDetermines where floating elements are allowed.none, left, right, bothAll{clear: left}No
floatSpecifies how text is wrapped and where it is aligned.none, left, rightAll{float: left}No
heightHeight of elementauto or a height valueBlock elements and IMG, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, and OBJECT{height: 200}No
marginSet element margin width. A single value sets all margins, two values set top and bottom, four values set top, right, bottom, and left margins.auto, length value, or percent valueAll{margin: 4em 2em 4em 2em}No
margin-bottommarginBottomSet element bottom marginlength value, or percent valueAll{margin-bottom: 4em}No
margin-leftmarginLeftSet element left marginlength value, or percent valueAll{margin-left: 4em}No
margin-rightmarginRightSet element right marginlength value, or percent valueAll{margin-right: 4em}No
margin-topmarginTopSet element top marginlength value, or percent valueAll{margin-top: 4em}No
paddingSpace between border and content. A single value sets all sides, two values set top/bottom and left/right, three values set top, right/left, and bottom, and four values set top, right, bottom, and left. length value, or percent valueAll{padding: 4em}No
padding-bottomSpace between bottom border and content.length value, or percent valueAll{padding-bottom: 4em}No
padding-leftSpace between left border and content.length value, or percent valueAll{padding-left: 4em}No
padding-rightSpace between right border and content.length value, or percent valueAll{padding-right: 4em}No
padding-topSpace between top border and content.length value, or percent valueAll{padding-top: 4em}No
widthWidth of elementauto or a height value in length or percentageBlock elements and IMG, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, and OBJECT{width: 40em}No

Background and Color Properties

NameJavaScript NameDescriptionPossible ValuesElement TypesExampleinherited
backgroundSet background color, repeat, image, attachment, or position.See background-color, background-image, background-attachment, background-repeat, background-positionAll{background: #8080ff}No
background-attachmentDetermines if the background image is fixed or scroll.scroll, fixedAll{background-attachment: scroll}No
background-colorbackgroundColorSets the background color.Named or value colorAll{background-color: #8080ff}No
background-imageSets the background image.urlAll{background-image: url('../../../../gifs/flowers.gif')}No
background-positionSets the background image initial position.top, center, bottom, left, center, right, or percent valuesBlock and IMG, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT, and OBJECT{background-position: left top}No
background-repeatSets how the background image is repeated.repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeatAll{background-repeat: no-repeat}No
colorcolorSets element color.Named or value colorAll{color: green}Yes

Classification Properties

NameJavaScript NameDescriptionPossible ValuesElement TypesExampleinherited
displaySets the type of element.block, inline, list-item, noneAll{display: list-item}No
list-stylelistStyleSets list style type and/or position.See list-style-type and list-style-positionList-item{list-style: circle}Yes
list-style-imageSets image to be used as the list item marker.urlList-item{list-style-image: url(this.gif)}Yes
list-style-typeSets list style type.circle, disc, decimal, lower-alpha, lower-roman, none, square, upper-alpha, upper-romanList-item{list-style-type: square}Yes
list-style-positionSets where the marker is place relative to the text and its wrapping position.inside, outsideList-item{list-style: circle}Yes
whitespaceSets treatment of spaces inside the element.normal, pre, nowrapBlock{whitespace: pre}Yes

Font Properties

NameJavaScript NameDescriptionPossible ValuesElement TypesExampleinherited
fontUsed to define font propertiesSee font-family, font-size, font-style, font-variant, and font-weight.All{font: 20pt}Yes
font-familyfontFamilyUsed to define font family to usefamily nameAll{font-family: ariel roman}Yes
font-sizeUsed to define font size to usexx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, larger, smaller, length value, or percent valueAll{font-size: 18pt}Yes
font-stylefontStyleUsed to define font style to usenormal, italic, obliqueAll{font-style: italic}Yes
font-variantfontVariantUsed to determine whether to use normal or small capsnormal, small-capsAll{font-variant: small-caps}Yes
font-weightfontWeightSets font weight.normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900All{font-weight: 600}Yes

Text Properties

NameJavaScript NameDescriptionPossible ValuesElement TypesExampleinherited
letter-spacingSets the space between characters.normal or length valueAll{letter-spacing: 0.2em}Yes
line-heightlineHeightSets the height of lines.normal, a number, a percent of the element font size,All{line-height: 2}Yes
text-aligntextAlignSets the alignment of text.left, right, center, justifyBlock{text-align: center}Yes
text-decorationtextDecorationSets the special decoration attributes of text.none, overline, underline, line-through, blinkAll{text-decoration: blink}No
text-indenttextIndentSets the element's first line amount of indentation.length or percentage valueBlock{text-indent: 5%}Yes
text-transformtextTransformTransforms text to one of the set values.none, capitalize, uppercase, lowercaseAll{text-transform: uppercase}Yes
vertical-alignverticalAlignSets vertical position.baseline, sub. super, top, middle, bottom, text-top, text-bottom, or percent valueInline{vertical-align: sub}No
word-spacingSets extra space between words.normal or length valueAll{word-spacing: 0.2em}Yes
01-20 06:10