- New tab context menu, can be used to close or refresh current tab or to close all but the current tab.
- *nix, OS X: Display sort indicators in filelist header control
- Remember size of dialog showing all files opened for editing
- Add refresh item to filelist context menus
- Scroll treeview horizontally if needed to keep item in view on changing directories
- Fix crash of fzsftp if server closes connection
- Successfully downloaded update file is no longer deleted if user cancels the finish page of the update check wizard
- Do not retry connecting if not trusting certificate on FTP over TLS connections
- Better reporting of handshake failures on FTP over TLS connections
- *nix:Check for xdg-open. This program from the xdg-utils is an indirectruntime dependency. It is used by wxWidgets to open URLs in the defaultbrowser
- Refactored most of the tabbing code
- Use proper address type on SOCKS proxies
- Add missing default button in bookmarks dialog