Assume that there is a Sun Solaris10 Server with a good dvd-rom.
1.login the system as root or there is a role which equivalent root
2. Insert the DVD media to DVD-ROM
3.Create the directory to contain the DVD image
#mkdir -p /export/home/dvdsparc
4. Mount the DVD disk and change to the Tools directory
#cd /cdrom/Solaris10/Tools/
5. Execute the setup_install_server script to copy the image to the installaion path
#./setup_install_server /export/home/dvdsparc
It will be spend some time.
6. Edit the /etc/hosts file to add the clients' hostname and ip address
as following:
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost test1 test2 test3
7. Edit the /etc/ether file to add the clients' hostname and machine address
as following:
08:00:27:E1:B7:21 test1
08:2b:27:E1:B5:21 test2
00:3b:27:E5:B7:21 test3
8. Add the client machine on the Server pc
Change to the path as /export/home/dvdsparc/Solaris10/Tools
Execute following command to add the clinet
#./add_install_client -s 08:00:27:E1:B7:21 test1 sun4u
Congratulate you building the Server successfully