--create-hive-table 创建表,第二次导入时,不要指定,否则导入失败
简单的字符:(--fields-terminated-by X)
转义字符:(--fields-terminated-by \t). 支持的转义字符如下:
\b (backspace)
\n (newline)
\r (carriage return)
\t (tab)
\" (double-quote)
\\' (single-quote)'
\\ (backslash)
\0 (NUL) - This will insert NUL characters between fields or lines, or will disable enclosing/escaping if used for one of the --enclosed-by, --optionally-enclosed-by, or --escaped-by arguments.
The octal representation of a UTF-8 character’s code point. This should be of the form \0ooo, where ooo is the octal value. For example, --fields-terminated-by \001 would yield the ^A character.
The hexadecimal representation of a UTF-8 character’s code point. This should be of the form \0xhhh, where hhh is the hex value. For example, --fields-terminated-by \0x10 would yield the carriage return character.
--map-column-hive 自定列类型,注意列名要大写
--hive-drop-import-delims 如果记录总包含了\n,\r,\ 等字符,可能会导致汇入不准确,使用这个选项可以删除特殊字符,使用默认定界符时这个选项才生效
--hive-partition-key and --hive-partition-value,分区相关