
操作系统提供了很多机制来实现进程间的通信 ,multiprocessing模块就提供了Queue和Pipe两种方法来实现。


from multiprocessing import Queue

q = Queue


data = q.get(data)



  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  3. # Author :Alvin.xie
  4. # @Time :2017-12-15 9:34
  5. # @file :1.py

  6. from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
  7. import os, time, random
  8. # 写数据进程执行的代码:
  9. def write(q):
  10.     print('Process to write: %s' % os.getpid())
  11.     for value in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
  12.         print('Put %s to queue...' % value)
  13.         q.put(value)
  14.         time.sleep(random.random())
  15. # 读数据进程执行的代码:
  16. def read(q):
  17.     print('Process to read: %s' % os.getpid())
  18.     while True:
  19.         value = q.get(True)
  20.         print('Get %s from queue.' % value)

  21. # 父进程创建Queue,并传给各个子进程
  22. if __name__=='__main__':
  23.     q = Queue()
  24.     pw = Process(target=write, args=(q,))
  25.     pr = Process(target=read, args=(q,))
  26.     # 启动子进程pw,写入:
  27.     pw.start()
  28.     # 启动子进程pr,读取:
  29.     pr.start()
  30.     # 等待pw结束:
  31.     pw.join()
  32.     # pr进程里是死循环,无法等待其结束,只能强行终止:
  33.     pr.terminate()
Process to read: 7760
Process to write: 7964
Put A to queue...
Get A from queue.
Put B to queue...
Get B from queue.
Put C to queue...
Get C from queue.

1,  Pipe方法返回(conn1, conn2)代表一个管道的两个端。Pipe方法有duplex参数,如果duplex参数为True(默认值),那么这个管道是全双工模式,也就是说conn1和conn2均可收发。duplex为False,conn1只负责接受消息,conn2只负责发送消息。
2,  send和receive方法分别是发送和接受消息的方法。close方法表示关闭管道,当消息接受结束以后,关闭管道。



  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  3. # Author :Alvin.xie
  4. # @Time :2017-12-15 10:04
  5. # @file :2.py

  6. from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
  7. import time

  8. def proc1(pipe):
  9.     for i in xrange(1, 10):
  10.         pipe.send(i)
  11.         print("send {0} to pipe".format(i))
  12.         time.sleep(2)

  13. def proc2(pipe):
  14.     n = 9
  15.     while n>0:
  16.         result = pipe.recv()
  17.         print ("recv {0} from pipe".format(result))
  18.         n -= 1

  19. def main():
  20.     pipe = Pipe(duplex=False)
  21.     print (type(pipe))
  22.     p1 = Process(target=proc1, args=(pipe[1],))
  23.     p2 = Process(target=proc2, args=(pipe[0],))
  24.     p1.start()
  25.     p2.start()
  26.     p1.join()
  27.     p2.join()
  28.     pipe[0].close()
  29.     pipe[1].close()

  30. if __name__ == '__main__':
  31.     main()

send 1 to pipe
recv 1 from pipe
send 2 to pipe
recv 2 from pipe
recv 3 from pipe
send 3 to pipe
send 4 to pipe
recv 4 from pipe
send 5 to pipe
recv 5 from pipe
send 6 to pipe
recv 6 from pipe
send 7 to pipe
recv 7 from pipe
send 8 to pipe
recv 8 from pipe
send 9 to pipe
recv 9 from pipe

10-18 06:21