1. English IELTS 7.0
- IELTS word 3271, 10 words diff
- 2 Grammar framework
- IELTS writing
- Friends follow speaking, recite <<New Concept English>>
- IELTS quiz
- Reading ???
- Try to learn everything in English
2. Offer from M/H/T/B/A/G
- Linux Kernel
- 《C++ 程序设计教程 - 设计思想与实现》
- Follow a GitHub project
3. EC owner,battery/power/charger
4. Python App
5. Read 12 books
6. Travel 2 foreign countries
Recommend Google search
book: 石黑一雄《别离开我》 刘震云-《一句顶一万句》 巴拉克-奥巴马-《我父亲的梦想》 《无畏的希望》 《This is American》
source: all video/article in English, TED/YouTube/ <<Friends>>/ movie/ English song
、向blog、论坛社区的top们学习 ,leetcode
Daily Tasks
- 100 English words
- 1 more Data structure and algorithms notes on leetcode
- linked list
- IELTS writing
- Document for Chrome OS factory software development training