# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2018/8/20 14:35
# @Author : cxa
# @File : chttp.py
# @Software: PyCharm
# !/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from functools import partial, wraps
from random import random
import asyncio, os
from cchardet import detect try:
import aiohttp
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError('您没有安装aiohttp,请执行安装命令 pip install aiohttp ') result, all_tasks, connector, sessiondict = [], [], [], {} class AhttpRequest():
def __init__(self, method, url, timeout=None, session=False, headers=None, cookies=None, unsafe=None,
mark='1111111111', **kwargs):
self.method, self.session, self.url, self.mark, self.timeout = method, session, url, mark, timeout
callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None)
self.callback = callback
self.kwargs = kwargs
if not session:
self.sessiondict = (cookies, headers, aiohttp.CookieJar(unsafe=True) if unsafe else None) def run(self, pool=5, exception_handle=None):
result = run([self], pool=pool, exception_handle=exception_handle)
return result[0] class WithSession():
def __init__(self, mark, session=True):
self.get = partial(AhttpRequest, 'GET', session=session, mark=mark)
self.options = partial(AhttpRequest, 'OPTIONS', session=session, mark=mark)
self.head = partial(AhttpRequest, 'HEAD', session=session, mark=mark)
self.post = partial(AhttpRequest, 'POST', session=session, mark=mark)
self.put = partial(AhttpRequest, 'PUT', session=session, mark=mark)
self.patch = partial(AhttpRequest, 'PATCH', session=session, mark=mark)
self.delete = partial(AhttpRequest, 'DELETE', session=session, mark=mark) get = partial(AhttpRequest, 'GET')
options = partial(AhttpRequest, 'OPTIONS')
head = partial(AhttpRequest, 'HEAD')
post = partial(AhttpRequest, 'POST')
put = partial(AhttpRequest, 'PUT')
patch = partial(AhttpRequest, 'PATCH')
delete = partial(AhttpRequest, 'DELETE') class ClientSession(aiohttp.ClientSession):
def close(self):
if not self.closed:
if self._connector_owner:
connector.append(self._connector) return 'ClientSession.close() is a coroutine' def Session(cookies=None, headers=None, unsafe=None):
mark = str(round(random() * 10 ** 10))
sessiondict[mark] = (cookies, headers, aiohttp.CookieJar(unsafe=True) if unsafe else None)
return WithSession(mark=mark) def run(tasks, pool=2, exception_handle=None):
del result[:]
del connector[:]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
future = asyncio.ensure_future(go(tasks, pool, exception_handle, loop=loop))
# loop.close()
return result class AhttpResponse():
def __init__(self, content, clientResponse):
self.content = content
self.clientResponse = clientResponse def raw(self):
return self.clientResponse @property
def url(self):
return self.clientResponse.url @property
def cookies(self):
return self.clientResponse.cookies @property
def headers(self):
return self.clientResponse.headers @property
def status(self):
return self.clientResponse.status @property
def method(self):
return self.clientResponse.method def text(self, encoding=None):
encoding = encoding or detect(self.content)['encoding']
return self.content.decode(encoding=encoding) def __repr__(self):
return "<AhttpResponse [status {}]>".format(self.clientResponse.status) __str__ = __repr__ async def go(tasks, pool, exception_handle, loop):
del all_tasks[:]
conn = aiohttp.TCPConnector(use_dns_cache=True, loop=loop, verify_ssl=False)
sem = asyncio.Semaphore(pool)
classify = {}
[classify[i.mark].append(i) if classify.get(i.mark, 0) else classify.setdefault(i.mark, [i]) for i in tasks]
for i in classify.pop('1111111111'):
all_tasks.append(control_sem(sem, i, exception_handle, session=False))
for i in classify:
async with ClientSession(cookies=sessiondict[i][0], headers=sessiondict[i][1], cookie_jar=sessiondict[i][2],
connector_owner=False, connector=conn) as locals()['session{}'.format(i)]:
for j in classify[i]:
all_tasks.append(control_sem(sem, j, exception_handle, session=locals()['session{}'.format(i)])) await asyncio.wait(all_tasks)
# 关闭所有连接
for i in connector:
return True async def fetch(session, i, exception_handle):
if session:
async with session.request(i.method, i.url, timeout=i.timeout, **(i.kwargs)) as resp:
content = await resp.read()
myAhttp = AhttpResponse(content, resp)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(cookies=i.sessiondict[0], headers=i.sessiondict[1],
cookie_jar=i.sessiondict[2]) as session2:
async with session2.request(i.method, i.url, timeout=i.timeout, **(i.kwargs)) as resp:
content = await resp.read()
myAhttp = AhttpResponse(content, resp) if i.callback:
except Exception as e:
myAhttp = None
exception_handle and exception_handle(i, e) finally:
result.append(myAhttp) async def control_sem(sem, i, exception_handle, session):
# 限制信号量
async with sem:
await fetch(session, i, exception_handle) # __all__ = (
# 'Session', 'get', 'options', 'head', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete'
# ) if __name__ == '__main__':
urls = ["http://www.runoob.com/python/att-time-mktime.html",
05-11 17:20