MAKEDEVStandalone apps/libraries3.23GPLv2A program used for creating the device files in /dev
SysVinitStandalone apps/libraries2.86GPLv2Programs which control basic system processes
acpidStandalone apps/libraries1.0.10GPLv2ACPI Event Daemon
basesystem 8Public DomainThe skeleton package which defines a simple Red Hat Linux system
bashStandalone apps/libraries3.1GPLv2The GNU Bourne Again shell (bash) version 3.1
beecryptOSS Shared library linkage4.1.2LGPLv2.1An open source cryptography library
bind-libsOSS Shared library linkage9.3.3ISCLibraries used by the BIND DNS packages
bind-utilsStandalone apps/libraries9.3.3ISCUtilities for querying DNS name servers
bonnie++Standalone apps/libraries1.03dGPLv2A program for benchmarking hard drives and file systems
bzip2Standalone apps/libraries1.0.3BSDA file compression utility
bzip2-libsOSS Shared library linkage1.0.3BSDLibraries for applications using bzip2
chkconfigStandalone apps/libraries1.3.30.1GPLv2A system tool for maintaining the /etc/rc*.d hierarchy
coreutilsStandalone apps/libraries5.97GPLv2The GNU core utilities: a set of tools commonly used in shell scripts
cpioStandalone apps/libraries2.6GPLv2A GNU archiving program
cppStandalone apps/libraries4.1.1GPLv2The C Preprocessor
cracklibOSS Shared library linkage2.8.9ArtisticA password-checking library
cracklib-dictsDictionaries used by cracklib2.8.9ArtisticThe standard CrackLib password-checking dictionaries
crontabsRoot crontab files, used by system utilities1.1Public DomainRoot crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs
curlStandalone apps/libraries7.20.1MITGet and send files to a FTP, HTTP, TFTP, SSH or other servers
dhclientStandalone apps/libraries3.0.5DistributableThe ISC DHCP client for configuring network interfaces
dhcpStandalone apps/libraries3.0.5DistributableDHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server and relay agent
diffutilsStandalone apps/libraries2.8.1GPLv2A GNU collection of diff utilities
dmidecodeStandalone apps/libraries2.11GPLv2Tool to analyze BIOS DMI data
e2fsprogsStandalone apps/libraries1.39GPLv2Utilities for managing the second extended (ext2) file system
e2fsprogs-libsOSS Shared library linkage1.39GPLv2Ext2/3 file-system-specific static libraries and headers
e4fsprogsStandalone apps/libraries1.41.12GPLv2Utilities for managing the fourth extended (ext4) file system
e4fsprogs-libsOSS Shared library linkage1.41.12GPLv2Ext4 file-system-specific static libraries and headers
elfutils-libelfOSS Shared library linkage0.128GPLv2Library to read and write ELF files
ethtoolStandalone apps/libraries5GPLv2Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
eventlogOSS Shared library linkage0.2.12BSDevent log library
expatOSS Shared library linkage1.95.8BSDA library for parsing XML
fastlzShared library linkage0.1.0FastLZA real-time compression library
fileStandalone apps/libraries5.04DistributableA utility for determining file types
file-libsStandalone apps/libraries5.04DistributableLibraries for applications using the LibMagic Perl interface
filesystemStandalone apps/libraries2.4.0DistributableThe basic directory layout for a Linux system
findutilsStandalone apps/libraries4.2.27GPLv2The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs)
fipscheckStandalone apps/libraries1.2.0FreeBSDA library for integrity verification of FIPS validated modules
fipscheck-libStandalone apps/libraries1.2.0FreeBSDLibrary files for fipscheck
flashromStandalone apps/libraries0.9.4GPLv2Flashrom flash utility
gawkStandalone apps/libraries3.1.5GPLv2The GNU version of the awk text processing utility
gdbStandalone apps/libraries6.8GPLv3+A GNU source-level debugger for C, C++, Java and other languages
glibOSS Shared library linkage2.12.9LGPLv2glib library
glib2OSS Shared library linkage2.12.3LGPLv2A library of useful utility functions
glibcShared library linkage2.5LGPLv2The GNU libc libraries
glibc-commonShared library linkage2.5LGPLv2Common binaries and locale data for glibc
gmpOSS Shared library linkage4.3.1LGPLv3A GNU arbitrary precision library
gnupgStandalone apps/libraries1.4.5GPLv2A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage
gperftoolsOSS Shared library linkage2BSDPerformance Tools for C++
grepStandalone apps/libraries2.5.1GPLv2The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities
grubStandalone apps/libraries6.0.97GPLGRUB - the Grand Unified Boot Loader
gzipStandalone apps/libraries1.3.5GPLv2The GNU data compression program
inetutilsStandalone apps/libraries1.5GPLv3Internet utilities
infoStandalone apps/libraries4.8GPLv2A stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU Texinfo documentation
initscriptsStandalone apps/libraries + startup and shutdown scripts8.45.15GPLv2The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts
iprouteStandalone apps/libraries2.6.18GPLv2Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools
iptablesStandalone apps/libraries1.3.5GPLv2Tools for managing Linux kernel packet filtering capabilities
iptables-ipv6Standalone apps/libraries1.3.5GPLv2IPv6 support for IP tables
iputilsStandalone apps/libraries20020927GPLv2Network monitoring tools including ping
irqbalanceStandalone apps/libraries1.13GPLv2IRQ balancing daemon
krb5-libsShared library linkage1.8.1MITThe shared libraries used by Kerberos 5
krb5-workstationStandalone apps/libraries1.8.1MITKerberos 5 programs for use on workstations
lessStandalone apps/libraries394GPLv2A text file browser similar to more, but better
leveldbShared library linkage1.15.0BSDLevelDB library
libaclOSS Shared library linkage2.2.39LGPLv2.1Dynamic library for access control list support
libattrOSS Shared library linkage2.4.32LGPLv2.1Dynamic library for extended attribute support
libcurl4Shared library linkage7.20.1MITThe cURL library
libeventOSS Shared library linkage2.0.19GPLv2Abstract asynchronous event notification library
libgccShared library linkage4.1.1LGPLv2GCC version 4.1 shared support library
libgssapiOSS Shared library linkage0.1BSD-likeGeneric Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
libjpegOSS Shared library linkage6bIJGA library for manipulating JPEG image format files
libmcryptOSS Shared library linkage2.5.8LGPLv2Encryption algorithms library
libpcapShared library linkage0.9.4BSDA system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libpngShared library linkage1.2.44OSI Certified (Zlib)A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files
libsmbclient 3.0.33GPLv2The SMB client library
libstdc++Shared library linkage4.1.1GPLGNU Standard C++ Library
libsysfsOSS Shared library linkage2.0.0LGPLv2Shared library for interfacing with the Linux sysfs virtual file system
libteclaShared library linkage1.6.1MIT/X11The Tecla command-line editing library
libtermcapConfiguration Files2.0.8Public DomainA basic system library for accessing the termcap database
libunwindOSS Shared library linkage1.1BSDUnwind Library
libuserOSS Shared library linkage0.54.7LGPLv2A user and group account administration library
libvolume_idOSS Shared library linkage127GPLv2Dynamic libraries to get volume IDs
libxml2Shared library linkage2.6.30MITLibrary providing XML and HTML support
libxml2-pythonStandalone apps/libraries2.6.30PSFPython bindings for the libxml2 library
libxsltShared library linkage1.1.22MITLibrary providing the Gnome XSLT engine
lm_sensorsStandalone apps/libraries2.10.7GPLv2Hardware monitoring tools
lockdevStandalone apps/libraries1.0.1LGPLv2.1A library for locking devices
logrotateStandalone apps/libraries3.7.4GPLv2Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
lunasaShared library linkage, Standalone apps/libraries1CommercialClient software for SafeNet Luna SA hardware security module (HSM)
m2cryptoStandalone apps/libraries0.16BSDSupport for using OpenSSL in python scripts
mailxStandalone apps/libraries8.1.1BSDThe /bin/mail program for sending quick email messages
mdadm 2.6.9GPLLinux utility used to manage and monitor software RAID devices
mingettyStandalone apps/libraries1.07GPLv2A compact getty program for virtual consoles only
minicomStandalone apps/libraries2.1GPLv2A text-based modem control and terminal emulation program
mkinitrd an initial image for preloading block device modules (such as SCSI and RAID)
mktempStandalone apps/libraries1.5BSDA small utility for safely making .TMP files
module-init-toolsStandalone apps/libraries3.3GPLv2Kernel module management utilities
mtdutils 1.0.0GPLMemory Technology Device Utilities
nash shell
ncursesShared library linkage5.5DistributableA terminal handling library
net-snmpStandalone apps/libraries5.4.4BSDTools and servers for the SNMP protocol
net-toolsStandalone apps/libraries1.6GPLv2Basic networking tools
nfastShared library linkage, Standalone apps/libraries1CommercialClient software for Thales hardware security module (HSM)
nfs-utilsStandalone apps/libraries1.0.9GPLv2Network File System (NFS) utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
nfs-utils-libOSS Shared library linkage1.0.8GPLv2Network File System (NFS) Support Library
ntpStandalone apps/libraries4.2.8DistributableThe Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon and utilities
ntp-dpStandalone apps/libraries4.2.8DistributableSynchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP)
ntpdateStandalone apps/libraries4.2.8DistributableUtility to set the date and time via Network Time Protocol (NTP)
openldapShared library linkage2.4.23OpenLDAPThe configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP
openldap-clientsStandalone apps/libraries2.4.23OpenLDAPClient programs for OpenLDAP
opensshStandalone apps/libraries5.2p1BSDAn open source implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2
openssh-clientsStandalone apps/libraries5.2p1BSDAn open source SSH client application
openssh-serverStandalone apps/libraries5.2p1BSDAn open source SSH server daemon
opensslShared library linkage0.9.8pOpenSSLA general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
pamShared library linkage1.0.2BSDA security tool which provides authentication for applications
pam_krb5Standalone apps/libraries2.2.14MITA pluggable authentication module (PAM) for Kerberos 5
pam_ldapOSS Shared library linkage1.8.4LGPLv3A pluggable authentication module (PAM) for use with LDAP servers
panos-releaseBase Linux OS version info for our systems2GPLv2PAN-OS Linux release file
passwdStandalone apps/libraries0.73GPLv2The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM
pcreShared library linkage6.6BSDPerl-compatible regular expression library
pexpectOSS libraries in interpreted scripts2.3MITPexpect is a Pure Python Expect-like module
phpStandalone apps/libraries5.3.17PHP v3.01The PHP server-side scripting language
php-cliStandalone apps/libraries5.3.17PHP v3.01Command-line interface for PHP server-side scripting language
php-extStandalone apps/libraries5.3.17PHP v3.01Shared PHP-Ext open source widget library for PHP 4 and PHP 5 server-side scripting language
poptOSS Shared library linkage1.12MITA C library for parsing command line parameters
portmapStandalone apps/libraries4BSDA program which manages remote procedure call (RPC) connections
procpsStandalone apps/libraries3.2.7GPLv2System and process monitoring utilities
psmiscStandalone apps/libraries22.2BSDUtilities for managing processes on your system
pythonStandalone apps/libraries2.4.3PSFAn interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python-bloomOSS libraries in interpreted scripts0.1.12BSD-likePython implementation of bloom filter
python-elementtreeOSS libraries in interpreted scripts1.2.6PSFFast XML parser and writer
python-imagingOSS libraries in interpreted scripts1.1.5DistributablePython's own image processing library
python-sqliteShared library linkage1.1.7Public DomainPython bindings for SQLite
python-urlgrabberOSS libraries in interpreted scripts3.1.0LGPLv2.1A high-level cross-protocol URL-grabber
rcsStandalone apps/libraries5.7GPLv2Revision control system (RCS) file version management tools
readlineOSS Shared library linkage5.1GPLv2A library for editing typed command lines
redhat-logos 4.9.8 Red Hat-related icons and pictures
reportlabOSS libraries in interpreted scripts2.2BSDPython PDF generation library
rootfilesStandalone apps/libraries8.1DistributableThe basic required files for the root user's directory
rpmStandalone apps/libraries4.4.2GPLv2The Route Processing Module (RPM) package management system
rpm-libsStandalone apps/libraries4.4.2GPLv2Libraries for manipulating Route Processing Module (RPM) packages
rpm-pythonOSS libraries in interpreted scripts4.4.2GPLv2Python bindings for apps which will manipulate Route Processing Module (RPM) packages
samba-commonStandalone apps3.0.33GPLv2Files used by both Samba servers and clients
scrubStandalone apps/libraries2.1GPLv2Disk scrubbing program
sedStandalone apps/libraries4.1.5GPLv2A GNU stream text editor
setup 2.5.58Public DomainA set of system configuration and setup files
shadow-utilsStandalone apps/libraries4.0.17BSDUtilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
smartmontoolsStandalone apps/libraries5.39GPLv2S.M.A.R.T. utility toolkit
snappyShared library linkage1.0.1Apache 2.0High-speed compression and decompression library
sqliteShared library linkage3.6.12Public DomainLibrary that implements an embeddable SQLite in-process database engine
sshpassStandalone apps/libraries1.05BSDNon-interactive SSH password provider
sysfsutilsStandalone apps/libraries2.0.0GPLv2Shared library for interfacing with the Linux sysfs virtual file system
sysklogdStandalone apps/libraries1.4.1GPLv2System logging and kernel message trapping daemons
syslinuxStandalone apps/libraries3.11GPLSimple kernel loader which boots from a FAT file system
syslog-ngStandalone apps/libraries3.2.5GPLv2 LGPLv2Syslog replacement daemon
tarStandalone apps/libraries1.15.1GPLv2A GNU file archiving program
tcpdumpStandalone apps/libraries3.9.4BSDA network traffic monitoring tool
termcapConfiguration Files5.5Public DomainThe terminal feature database used by certain applications
tftpStandalone apps/libraries0.48BSDThe client for Trivial FTP (TFTP)
tftp-serverStandalone apps/libraries0.48BSDThe server for Trivial FTP (TFTP)
tracerouteStandalone apps/libraries2.0.1GPLv2Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
tzdataConfiguration files2011lPublic domainTime-zone data
udevStandalone apps/libraries127GPLv2Device manager for device nodes and user space events (improved functionality overdevfs )
util-linuxStandalone apps/libraries2.13GPLv2A collection of basic system utilities
vconfig 1.9GPLLinux 802.1q VLAN configuration utility
vim-minimalStandalone apps/libraries7.0.109CharitywareA minimal version of VIsual editor iMproved (VIM)
virt-whatStandalone apps/libraries1.3GPLv2Detect if we are running in a virtual machine
vixie-cronStandalone apps/libraries4.1ISCThe Vixie cron daemon for executing scheduled commands
wgetStandalone apps/libraries1.12GPLv3A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
wmiStandalone apps1.3.13GPLv2WMI client
xdelta 1.1.3GPLA binary file delta generator and an RCS replacement library
xdelta3Standalone apps/libraries3.0tGPLv2A binary file delta generator
xe-guest-utilitiesStandalone apps/libraries6.1.0GPL/LGPLVirtual Machine Monitoring Scripts
xe-guest-utilities-xenstoreStandalone apps/libraries6.1.0GPL/LGPLVirtual Machine XenStore utilities
xinetdStandalone apps/libraries2.3.14DistributableA secure replacement for inetd
zlibShared library linkage1.2.3BSDThe zlib compression and decompression library
05-11 17:05