IOS XR本來是為CRS-1設計的,現在已經可以用在GSR上,日後亦將會擴其它平臺,這應得益於買下BCN Systems。
這裡講一下如何昇級GSR的的IOS為IOS XR。
- IOS XR的命令配置與IOS有不改變,比如接口基本配置部分:
具體文檔見:Cisco IOSCisco IOS XRinterface POS2/1 ip address no ip directed-broadcast crc 32 clock source internal pos ais-shut pos scramble-atm end
interface POS0/2/0/1 mtu 4474 ipv4 address pos crc 32 ! ! controller SONET0/2/0/1 ais-shut path ais-shut ! clock source internal ! - 昇級首先要確定你的GSR是否支持昇級,這是符合昇級的最小配置:ProductNotes
GSR4/80-AC / GSR4/80-DC
GSR6/120-AC / GSR6/120-DC
GSR10/200-AC / GSR10/200-DC
GSR16/320-AC / GSR16/320-DC
Route Processors:
1 GB RP Memory
1 GB RP Memory
RP Memory:
RP ATA Disks:
Firmware vdd 1.23 or above
Firmware vdd 1.23 or above
Line Cards:
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512MB Route Memory
Minimum 512MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
Minimum 512 MB Route Memory
1 GB Route Memory
Linecard Memory:
- 昇級准備步驟:
- 備份原有配置及IOS等,這個不用多說了;
- 加載c12kprp-boot-mz.120-30.S3或更高版本的boot IOS,並用之引導GSR;
- 檢查硬件配置是否符合昇級要求,包括內存容量、rommon版本、及DISK空間等,昇級所有板卡的rommon (最低版本要求是1.15)
. show diags | i SLOT| Memory
. dir disk0:
. show diags | inc SLOT | ROM Monitor
. upgrade rom-monitor slot rp_slot force - 重啟GSR,進入rommon(修改config-register 為0x0)
- Diskboot to Cisco IOS XR Software,還是看下面這個表格算了: Command or ActionPurpose
Step 1
configure termninal
Example:Router(boot)# configure terminal
Enters configuration mode.
Step 2
config-register 0x0
Example:Router(boot) (config)# conf-register 0x0
Changes the configuration register boot field settings.
Setting the value to 0x0 requires a manual reboot of the operating system using the boot command.
Step 3
Example:Router(boot) (config)# ^Z
Exits configuration mode.
Step 4
Example:Router(boot)# reload
Reboots the router to the ROMMON prompt.
Step 5
unset BOOT
Example:rommon 1 > unset BOOT
Clears the router monitor BOOT variable.
Step 6
Example:rommon 2 > BOOTLDR=bootflash: c12kprp-boot-mz.120-29.2.S
Sets the BOOTLDR monitor variable.
Step 7
Example:rommon 3 > TURBOBOOT=on,disk0
Sets the TURBOBOOT monitor variable.
These values are described in the "Diskboot Process" section.
Step 8
Example:rommon 4 > sync
Writes the monitor environment to NVRAM.
Step 9
Example:rommon 5 > reset
Performs a system reset.
This resets the rommon prompt label to 1.
Step 10
boot tftp bootfile ip-address
boot ftp://username:password@ftpAddress//bootfile bootflash:
Example:rommon 1 > boot tftp c12k-mini.3.1.0.vm
rommon 1> boot ftp:user:[email protected]//c12k-mini.3.1.0.v m
Boots the external process specified by the parameters of the boot command.
Specifies the username, password, FTP address, file path, and Cisco IOS XR image.
Step 11
Respond to Administration User Dialog for username and password.
Example:Enter root-ssytem username: admin
Enter secret: admin
Generates the admin user on the unconfigured router.
Step 12
Respond to the save configuration dialog.
Example:[0] Return back to the setup without saving this config.
[1] Save this configuration and exit.
Enter your selection [1]: 1
Saves the admin user configuration.
- 昇級完成後,例排記得upgrade fabric-downloader all
- 最後,貼一個昇級實例:
RP/0/0/CPU0:router# reload
Updating Commit Database. Please wait...[OK]
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Initializing DDR SDRAM...found 2048 MB
Initializing ECC on bank 0
Initializing ECC on bank 1
Initializing ECC on bank 2
Initializing ECC on bank 3
Turning off data cache, using DDR for first time
Initializing NVRAM...
Testing a portion of DDR SDRAM ...done
The following example shows the results of resetting the system:
rommon 5 > reset
System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(20030502:093701) [spalleti-conn_isp_0225 1.7dev(0.1)] DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.
DRAM DIMM Slot 1: 1024M found, Slot 2: 1024M found
MPC7450 platform with 2097152 Kbytes of main memory
rommon 1 >
The following example shows the results of booting the router from rommon prompt:
rommon 1 > boot tftp c12k-mini.3.1.0.vm
Loading c12k-mini.3.1.0.vm from (via Ethernet0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 52153112 bytes]
System page at phys:00022000 user:00022000 kern:00022000
Starting next program at v0025313c
mbus-prp: slot 0: mbus rom agent is down-rev (V3.5), suggest upgrade to current (V3.6). Use admin CLI upgrade mbus.
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cisco Systems, Inc.
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San Jose, California 95134-1706
Copyright (c) 2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.
RP/0/0/CPU0:Aug 30 10:18:36.219: psarb[242]: %PSARB-5-GO_BID: Card is going to bid state.
RP/0/0/CPU0:Aug 30 10:18:37.479: psarb[242]: %PSARB-5-GO_ACTIVE: Card is becoming active.
RP/0/0/CPU0:Aug 30 10:18:37.488: redcon[249]: %REDCON-6-GO_ACTIVE: this card going active
RP/0/0/CPU0:Aug 30 10:18:37.508: redcon[249]: %REDCON-6-FAILOVER_ENABLED: Failover has been enabled by config
TURBOBOOT var Set Exiting Sysldr
This node is now dSC (master of chassis)
RESET_ALL_LC_CARDS : RP going active; resetting all linecards in chassis
Primary Clock is CSC_1
Fabric Clock is Redundant
Bandwidth Mode : Full Bandwidth
TURBOBOOT: TURBOBOOT process started
TURBOBOOT: Cleaning disk0:
TURBOBOOT: Cleaning disk0: complete
ios con0_0_CPU0 is now available
Press RETURN to get started.
TURBOBOOT: Copying the packages to disk0:
Install: The idle timeout on this line will be suspended for synchronous install operations
Install 1: Install operation 'copy-package mem: to disk0:' assigned request id: 1
Install 1: Checking available free space in disk0:
Install 1:
Install 1: Copying installed files from mem: to disk0:
Install 1: Copying component 'c12000-boot-lc' size > 8 MB.
Install 1: 6% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'infra-distrib' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 24% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'perl-56' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 26% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'sysdb' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 49% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'boot-mbi-prp' size > 6 MB.
Install 1: 51% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'installmgr' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 55% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'ifmgr' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 56% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'infra-distrib' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 73% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'perl-56' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 76% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'sysdb' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 85% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'c12000-ucode-rp' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 96% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'clns-isis' size > 2 MB.
Install 1: 97% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'ipv4-bgp' size > 2 MB.
Install 1: 97% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'ipv4-ospf' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: 97% complete
Install 1: Copying component 'ipv6-ospfv3' size > 1 MB.
Install 1: Warning: Packages have been copied to disk0:. Removing this device could be disruptive to the system.
Install 1: New boot image is disk0:c12k-rp-os-mbi-0.48.0/mbiprp-rp.vm
Install 1:
Install 1: The newly copied package(s) will be activated upon
Install 1: reload for the following card types:
Install 1:
Install 1: RP
Install 1: DRP
Install 1: OC3-POS-4
Install 1: OC12-POS
Install 1: GE-3
Install 1: OC12-POS-4
Install 1: OC48-POS
Install 1: E3-OC48-POS
Install 1: E3-OC12-POS-4
Install 1: E3-OC3-POS-16
Install 1: E3-OC3-POS-8
Install 1: E3-OC3-POS-4
Install 1: E3-GE-4
Install 1: E5-CEC
Install 1: Reload then run this boot image to activate copied packages.
Install 1: Package copy operation is complete.
Install 1: Idle timeout on this line will now be resumed for synchronous install operations
TURBOBOOT: Resetting TURBOBOOT rommon variable to 0x0
TURBOBOOT: Setting config-register to autoboot the router.
TURBOBOOT: TURBOBOOT completed successfully: the router will now reload from disk
At this point, the router reloads to Cisco IOS XR.