我们知道Linq to sharepoint 实际最终还是转化成了CALM来对Sharepoint进行访问,那么我们怎样才能知道我们编写的Query语句最终转化成的CALM语句是什么样子呢。 我们可以使用如下方法来达到我们的目的。


Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP


Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq;
namespace NorthwindLinqToSP
public class CAMLDebug : IDisposable
private DataContext _context;
public StringWriter Writer
private set;
public CAMLDebug(DataContext context)
            _context = context;
            Writer = new StringWriter();
            _context.Log = Writer;
public override string ToString()
return Writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();
public void Dispose()
            _context.Log = null;

Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

2.然后在我们的Linq to sharepoint 代码中使用此类  

Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

var dc = new NorthWindEntityDataContext(SPContext.Current.Web.Url);
            MyCustomers = dc.GetList<ACustomerItem>("ACustomer");
            MyOrders = dc.GetList<AOrdersItem>("AOrders");
using (CAMLDebug debug = new CAMLDebug(dc))
string queries = debug.ToString();
var query = from c in MyCustomers
where (from o in MyOrders
select o.BCSFindCustomerID).Contains(c.BCSFindCustomerID)
select c;
this.lblMsg2.Text = "Items :" + query.Count().ToString();
this.gvDetails.DataSource = query;

Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP


Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP


Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

var dc = new NorthWindEntityDataContext(SPContext.Current.Web.Url);
            MyCustomers = dc.GetList<ACustomerItem>("ACustomer");
            MyOrders = dc.GetList<AOrdersItem>("AOrders");
TextWriter textWriter = new StreamWriter(@"c:\caml.txt", false);
dc.Log = textWriter;
var query = from c in MyCustomers
where !(from o in MyOrders
select o.BCSFindCustomerID).Contains(c.BCSFindCustomerID)
select new
                            CopanyName = c.BCSFindCompanyName,
                            ContanctName = c.BCSFindContactName,
                            Address = new
                                Country = c.BCSFindCountry,
                                City = c.BCSFindCity,
                                PostalCode = c.BCSFindPostalCode
this.lblMsg2.Text = "Items :" + query.Count().ToString();
this.gvDetails.DataSource = query;

Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP


Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

接下来的任务就是在你的SPQuery 中进行引用了(以下是一个引用样例,仅作参考)

Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.Query = @"<Where>
                        <FieldRef Name='ContentTypeId' />
                        <Value Type='ContentTypeId'>0x0100</Value>
                        <FieldRef Name='ProductContentTypeId' />
                        <Value Type='Lookup'>0x0100</Value>
                <OrderBy Override='TRUE' />";
query.ViewFields = @"<FieldRef Name='Title' />
                    <FieldRef Name='ProductProductName' />";
query.ProjectedFields = @"<Field Name='ProductProductName' Type='Lookup'
                                 List='AProduct' ShowField='ProductName' />
                          <Field Name='ProductContentTypeId' Type='Lookup'
                                 List='AProduct' ShowField='ContentTypeId' />";
query.Joins = @"<Join Type='INNER' ListAlias='AProduct'>
                    <FieldRef Name='Product' RefType='ID' />
                    <FieldRef List='Product' Name='ID' />
query.RowLimit = 2657495668;
var list = web.Lists["AOrders"];
var items = list.GetItems(query);
foreach (SPListItem item in items)
this.ListBoxOutPut.Items.Add(item["Title"]+ item["ProductProductName"]));

Linq to Sharepoint--如何获取Linq Query 生成的CALM-LMLPHP

05-11 15:39