刚刚看到一篇文章, "敏捷不是为所有人准备的",作者Johnanna, 下面简单翻译一段,
You don’t have to change the culture on Day One. But you do have to change eventually. And starting with the team is a good start. If the team can’t get to continuous integration and small-enough stories to move to two-week iterations, maybe agile is not for them. And when I say two-week iterations, I mean releaseable at the end of two weeks.
切换到敏捷不必从开始就改变团队的文化, 但最终将改变. 和团队一起改变就是好的开始. 如果团队不能做到持续集成并将足够小的story置于两周的迭代周期内,那么敏捷可能不适合他们.这里提到的两周迭代, 我的意思是在两周结束时,story是可发布的.
作者还认为: 敏捷不仅仅是是项目的敏捷, 而是整个组织的敏捷,它是一种文化.
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