参考详细探究Spark的shuffle实现, 写的很清楚, 当前设计的来龙去脉


Hadoop的思路是, 在mapper端每次当memory buffer中的数据快满的时候, 先将memory中的数据, 按partition进行划分, 然后各自存成小文件, 这样当buffer不断的spill的时候, 就会产生大量的小文件
所以Hadoop后面直到reduce之前做的所有的事情其实就是不断的merge, 基于文件的多路并归排序, 在map端的将相同partition的merge到一起, 在reduce端, 把从mapper端copy来的数据文件进行merge, 以用于最终的reduce
多路并归排序, 达到两个目的
merge, 把相同key的value都放到一个arraylist里面
sort, 最终的结果是按key排序的
这个方案扩展性很好, 面对大数据也没有问题, 当然问题在效率, 毕竟需要多次进行基于文件的多路并归排序, 多轮的和磁盘进行数据读写……

Spark源码分析 – Shuffle-LMLPHP


Spark的优势在于效率, 所以没有做merge sort, 这样省去多次磁盘读写
当然这样会有扩展性问题, 很难两全,
因为不能后面再merge, 所以在写的时候, 需要同时打开corenum * bucketnum个文件, 写完才能关闭
并且在reduce的时候, 由于之前没有做merge, 所以必须在内存里面维护所有key的hashmap, 实时的merge和reduce, 详细参考下面

如何将shuffle数据写入block, 关键看ShuffleMapTask中的逻辑
可用看到使用shuffleBlockManager, Spark从0.8开始将shuffleBlockManager从普通的BlockManager中分离出来, 便于优化


      // Obtain all the block writers for shuffle blocks.
val ser = SparkEnv.get.serializerManager.get(dep.serializerClass)
shuffle = blockManager.shuffleBlockManager.forShuffle(dep.shuffleId, numOutputSplits, ser) // 创建ShuffleBlocks, 参数是shuffleId和目标partitions数目
buckets = shuffle.acquireWriters(partition) // 生成ShuffleWriterGroup, shuffle目标buckets(对应于partition) // Write the map output to its associated buckets.
for (elem <- rdd.iterator(split, taskContext)) { // 从RDD中取出每个elem数据
val pair = elem.asInstanceOf[Product2[Any, Any]]
val bucketId = dep.partitioner.getPartition(pair._1) // 根据pair的key进行shuffle, 得到目标bucketid
buckets.writers(bucketId).write(pair) // 将pair数据写入bucket.writer (BlockObjectWriter)
} // Commit这些buckets到block, 其他的RDD会从通过shuffleid找到这些block, 并读取数据
// Commit the writes. Get the size of each bucket block (total block size).
var totalBytes = 0L
val compressedSizes: Array[Byte] = buckets.writers.map { writer: BlockObjectWriter =>
val size = writer.size()
totalBytes += size


ShuffleBlockManager的核心函数就是forShuffle, 这个函数返回ShuffleBlocks对象
ShuffleBlocks对象的函数acquireWriters, 返回ShuffleWriterGroup, 其中封装所有partition所对应的BlockObjectWriter

由于Spark的调度是基于task的, task其实对应于partition
如果有m个partitions, 而需要shuffle到n个partition上, 其实就是m个mapper task和n个reducer task
当然在spark中不可能所有的mapper task一起运行, task的并行度取决于core number

1. 如果每个mapper task都要产生n个files, 那么最终产生的文件数就是n*m, 文件数过多...
在Spark 0.8.1中已经优化成使用shuffle consolidation, 即多个mapper task公用一个bucket文件, 怎么公用?
取决于并行度, 因为并行的task是无法公用一个bucket文件的, 所以至少会产生corenum * bucketnum个文件, 而后面被执行的task就可以重用前面创建的bucketfile, 而不用重新创建

2. 在打开文件写的时候, 每个文件的write handler默认需要100KB内存缓存, 所以同时需要corenum * bucketnum * 100kb大小的内存消耗, 这个问题还没有得到解决

其实就是说spark在shuffle的时候碰到了扩展性问题, 这个问题为什么Hadoop没有碰到?
因为hadoop可用容忍多次的磁盘读写, 多次的文件merge, 所以它可以在每次从buffer spill的时候, 把内容写到一个新的文件中, 然后后面再去做文件merge

class ShuffleWriterGroup(val id: Int, val writers: Array[BlockObjectWriter])
trait ShuffleBlocks {
def acquireWriters(mapId: Int): ShuffleWriterGroup
def releaseWriters(group: ShuffleWriterGroup)
} private[spark]
class ShuffleBlockManager(blockManager: BlockManager) { def forShuffle(shuffleId: Int, numBuckets: Int, serializer: Serializer): ShuffleBlocks = {
new ShuffleBlocks {
// Get a group of writers for a map task.
override def acquireWriters(mapId: Int): ShuffleWriterGroup = {
val bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.shuffle.file.buffer.kb", "100").toInt * 1024
val writers = Array.tabulate[BlockObjectWriter](numBuckets) { bucketId => // 根据需要shuffle的partition数目创建writers
val blockId = ShuffleBlockManager.blockId(shuffleId, bucketId, mapId) // blockid = "shuffle_" + shuffleId + "_" + mapId + "_" + bucketId
blockManager.getDiskBlockWriter(blockId, serializer, bufferSize) // 从blockManager得到DiskBlockWriter
new ShuffleWriterGroup(mapId, writers)
} override def releaseWriters(group: ShuffleWriterGroup) = {
// Nothing really to release here.


关于这部分参考, Spark源码分析 – PairRDD
关键的一点是, 在reduce端的处理中 (可以看没有mapSideCombine的部分, 更清晰一些)
mapPartitions其实是使用的MapPartitionsRDD, 即对于每个item调用aggregator.combineValuesByKey
可以看到这里和Hadoop最大的不同是, Hadoop在reduce时得到的是一个key已经merge好的集合, 所以一次性reduce处理完后, 就可以直接存掉了
而Spark没有merge这块, 所以数据是一个个来的, 所以你必须在内存里面维持所有的key的hashmap, 这里就可能有扩展性问题, Spark在PR303中实现外部排序的方案来应对这样的问题

    //RDD本身的partitioner和传入的partitioner相等时, 即不需要重新shuffle, 直接map即可
if (self.partitioner == Some(partitioner)) {
self.mapPartitions(aggregator.combineValuesByKey, preservesPartitioning = true) //2. mapPartitions, map端直接调用combineValuesByKey
} else if (mapSideCombine) { //如果需要mapSideCombine
val combined = self.mapPartitions(aggregator.combineValuesByKey, preservesPartitioning = true) //先在partition内部做mapSideCombine
val partitioned = new ShuffledRDD[K, C, (K, C)](combined, partitioner).setSerializer(serializerClass) //3. ShuffledRDD, 进行shuffle
partitioned.mapPartitions(aggregator.combineCombinersByKey, preservesPartitioning = true) //Shuffle完后, 在reduce端再做一次combine, 使用combineCombinersByKey
    } else {
// Don't apply map-side combiner.和上面的区别就是不做mapSideCombine
val values = new ShuffledRDD[K, V, (K, V)](self, partitioner).setSerializer(serializerClass)
values.mapPartitions(aggregator.combineValuesByKey, preservesPartitioning = true)


  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[P] = {
val shuffledId = dependencies.head.asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[K, V]].shuffleId
SparkEnv.get.shuffleFetcher.fetch[P](shuffledId, split.index, context.taskMetrics, //使用shuffleFetcher.fetch得到shuffle过数据的iterator


从mapOutputTracker查询到(根据shuffleId, reduceId)需要读取的shuffle partition的地址


private[spark] abstract class ShuffleFetcher {
* Fetch the shuffle outputs for a given ShuffleDependency.
* @return An iterator over the elements of the fetched shuffle outputs.
def fetch[T](shuffleId: Int, reduceId: Int, metrics: TaskMetrics, // reduceId, 就是reduce端的partitionid
serializer: Serializer = SparkEnv.get.serializerManager.default): Iterator[T]
/** Stop the fetcher */
def stop() {}
private[spark] class BlockStoreShuffleFetcher extends ShuffleFetcher with Logging {

  override def fetch[T](shuffleId: Int, reduceId: Int, metrics: TaskMetrics, serializer: Serializer)
: Iterator[T] =
val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager
    val statuses = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId) // 从mapOutputTracker获取shuffleid的Array[MapStatus] 
    val splitsByAddress = new HashMap[BlockManagerId, ArrayBuffer[(Int, Long)]]  // 由于有多个map在同一个node上, 有相同的BlockManagerId, 需要合并
for (((address, size), index) <- statuses.zipWithIndex) { // 这里index指,在map端的partitionid
splitsByAddress.getOrElseUpdate(address, ArrayBuffer()) += ((index, size)) // {BlockManagerId,((mappartitionid, size),…)}
val blocksByAddress: Seq[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(String, Long)])] = splitsByAddress.toSeq.map { // (BlockManagerId, (blockfile地址, size))
case (address, splits) =>
(address, splits.map(s => ("shuffle_%d_%d_%d".format(shuffleId, s._1, reduceId), s._2))) // 可以看到blockfile地址,由shuffleId, mappartitionid, reduceId决定
    val blockFetcherItr = blockManager.getMultiple(blocksByAddress, serializer) // Iterator of (block ID, value)
val itr = blockFetcherItr.flatMap(unpackBlock) // unpackBlock会拆开(block ID, value)取出value, 以生成最终获取到数据的iterater CompletionIterator[T, Iterator[T]](itr, { // 和普通Iterator的区别是,迭代完时, 会调用后面的completion逻辑
val shuffleMetrics = new ShuffleReadMetrics
shuffleMetrics.shuffleFinishTime = System.currentTimeMillis
shuffleMetrics.remoteFetchTime = blockFetcherItr.remoteFetchTime
shuffleMetrics.fetchWaitTime = blockFetcherItr.fetchWaitTime
shuffleMetrics.remoteBytesRead = blockFetcherItr.remoteBytesRead
shuffleMetrics.totalBlocksFetched = blockFetcherItr.totalBlocks
shuffleMetrics.localBlocksFetched = blockFetcherItr.numLocalBlocks
shuffleMetrics.remoteBlocksFetched = blockFetcherItr.numRemoteBlocks
metrics.shuffleReadMetrics = Some(shuffleMetrics)
  private def convertMapStatuses(
shuffleId: Int,
reduceId: Int,
statuses: Array[MapStatus]): Array[(BlockManagerId, Long)] = {
assert (statuses != null)
statuses.map {
status =>
if (status == null) {
throw new FetchFailedException(null, shuffleId, -1, reduceId,
new Exception("Missing an output location for shuffle " + shuffleId))
} else {
(status.location, decompressSize(status.compressedSizes(reduceId))) // 关键转化就是, 将decompressSize只取该reduce partition的部分

Shuffle信息注册 - MapOutputTracker

前面有个问题没有说清楚, 当shuffle完成后, reducer端的task怎么知道应该从哪里获取当前partition所需要的所有shuffled blocks
在Hadoop中是通过JobTracker, Mapper会通过Hb告诉JobTracker执行的状况, Reducer不断的去询问JobTracker, 并知道需要copy哪些HDFS文件


首先每个节点都可能需要查询shuffle信息, 所以需要MapOutputTrackerActor用于通信
参考SparkContext中的逻辑, 只有在master上才创建Actor对象, 其他slaver上只是创建Actor Ref

private[spark] class MapOutputTrackerActor(tracker: MapOutputTracker) extends Actor with Logging {
def receive = {
case GetMapOutputStatuses(shuffleId: Int, requester: String) => // 提高用于查询shuffle信息的接口
logInfo("Asked to send map output locations for shuffle " + shuffleId + " to " + requester)
sender ! tracker.getSerializedLocations(shuffleId) case StopMapOutputTracker =>
logInfo("MapOutputTrackerActor stopped!")
sender ! true

注意, 只有master上的MapOutputTracker会有所有的最新shuffle信息
但是对于slave, 出于效率考虑, 也会buffer从master得到的shuffle信息, 所以getServerStatuses中会先在local的mapStatuses取数据, 如果没有, 再取remote的master上获取

private[spark] class MapOutputTracker extends Logging {
var trackerActor: ActorRef = _ // MapOutputTrackerActor
private var mapStatuses = new TimeStampedHashMap[Int, Array[MapStatus]] // 用于buffer所有的shuffle信息
  def registerShuffle(shuffleId: Int, numMaps: Int) {  // 注册shuffle id, 初始化Array[MapStatus]
if (mapStatuses.putIfAbsent(shuffleId, new Array[MapStatus](numMaps)).isDefined) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Shuffle ID " + shuffleId + " registered twice")
} def registerMapOutput(shuffleId: Int, mapId: Int, status: MapStatus) { // 当task完成时, 注册MapOutput信息
var array = mapStatuses(shuffleId)
array.synchronized {
array(mapId) = status
  // Remembers which map output locations are currently being fetched on a worker
private val fetching = new HashSet[Int]
  // Called on possibly remote nodes to get the server URIs and output sizes for a given shuffle
def getServerStatuses(shuffleId: Int, reduceId: Int): Array[(BlockManagerId, Long)] = {
val statuses = mapStatuses.get(shuffleId).orNull
if (statuses == null) { // local的mapStatuses中没有
logInfo("Don't have map outputs for shuffle " + shuffleId + ", fetching them")
var fetchedStatuses: Array[MapStatus] = null
fetching.synchronized {
if (fetching.contains(shuffleId)) { // 已经在fetching中, 所以只需要wait
// Someone else is fetching it; wait for them to be done
while (fetching.contains(shuffleId)) {
try {
} catch {
case e: InterruptedException =>
} // Either while we waited the fetch happened successfully, or
// someone fetched it in between the get and the fetching.synchronized.
fetchedStatuses = mapStatuses.get(shuffleId).orNull
if (fetchedStatuses == null) {
// We have to do the fetch, get others to wait for us.
fetching += shuffleId // 如果还没有就加到fetching, 继续fetching
} if (fetchedStatuses == null) {
// We won the race to fetch the output locs; do so
val hostPort = Utils.localHostPort()
// This try-finally prevents hangs due to timeouts:
try {
val fetchedBytes =
askTracker(GetMapOutputStatuses(shuffleId, hostPort)).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]] // 从remote master上fetching
fetchedStatuses = deserializeStatuses(fetchedBytes)
logInfo("Got the output locations")
mapStatuses.put(shuffleId, fetchedStatuses) // 把结果buffer到local
} finally {
fetching.synchronized {
fetching -= shuffleId
if (fetchedStatuses != null) {
fetchedStatuses.synchronized {
return MapOutputTracker.convertMapStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId, fetchedStatuses)
throw new FetchFailedException(null, shuffleId, -1, reduceId,
new Exception("Missing all output locations for shuffle " + shuffleId))
} else { // 在local找到, 直接返回
statuses.synchronized {
return MapOutputTracker.convertMapStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId, statuses)


Spark中是以shuffleid来标识每个shuffle, 不同于Hadoop, 一个job中可能有多个shuffle过程, 所以无法通过jobid
1. 在new stage的时候, 需要注册shuffleid, 由于new stage一定是由于遇到shuffleDep

  private def newStage(
rdd: RDD[_],
shuffleDep: Option[ShuffleDependency[_,_]],
jobId: Int,
callSite: Option[String] = None)
: Stage =
if (shuffleDep != None) {
      // Kind of ugly: need to register RDDs with the cache and map output tracker here
// since we can't do it in the RDD constructor because # of partitions is unknown
mapOutputTracker.registerShuffle(shuffleDep.get.shuffleId, rdd.partitions.size) // 注册shuffleid和map端RDD的partitions数目

2. 在handle TaskCompletion事件的时候, 当一个ShuffleMapTask完成的时候, 即mapOutput产生的时候, 就可以注册MapStatus(BlockManagerId, compressedSizes)
通过BlockManagerId+partitionid+reduceid就可以知道blockid, 从而读到数据

 private def handleTaskCompletion(event: CompletionEvent) {
event.reason match {
case Success =>
task match {
case rt: ResultTask[_, _] =>
case smt: ShuffleMapTask =>
            val status = event.result.asInstanceOf[MapStatus] // 在ShuffleTask的run的返回值本身就是MapStatus, 所以这里做下类型转换
val execId = status.location.executorId // class MapStatus(var location: BlockManagerId, var compressedSizes: Array[Byte])
if (failedEpoch.contains(execId) && smt.epoch <= failedEpoch(execId)) {
logInfo("Ignoring possibly bogus ShuffleMapTask completion from " + execId)
} else {
stage.addOutputLoc(smt.partition, status) // 把MapStatus buffer到stage中outputLocs上去
if (stage.shuffleDep != None) {
// We supply true to increment the epoch number here in case this is a
// recomputation of the map outputs. In that case, some nodes may have cached
// locations with holes (from when we detected the error) and will need the
// epoch incremented to refetch them.
// TODO: Only increment the epoch number if this is not the first time
// we registered these map outputs.
mapOutputTracker.registerMapOutputs( // 注册到mapOutputTracker中的mapStatuses上
stage.outputLocs.map(list => if (list.isEmpty) null else list.head).toArray,
changeEpoch = true)
05-11 13:41