tar -zxvf vrrpd-1.0.tar.gz
cd vrrpd-1.0
[root@work_monitor vrrpd-1.0]# vi INSTALL
1. uncompress the source
2. cd in the directory
3. type 'make'
4. if everything is ok, there is now a file 'vrrpd' in the directory
5. copy vrrpd in your path (e.g /usr/sbin) and vrrpd.8 in your man path
(e.g. /usr/man/man8)
it requires to be run as root.
Usage: vrrpd -i ifname -v vrid [-f piddir] [-s] [-a auth] [-p prio] [-nh] ipaddr
-h : display this short inlined help
-n : Dont handle the virtual mac address
-i ifname: the interface name to run on
-v vrid : the id of the virtual server [1-255]
-s : Switch the preemption mode (Enabled by default)
-a auth : (not yet implemented) set the authentification type
auth=(none|pass/hexkey|ah/hexkey) hexkey=0x[0-9a-fA-F]+
-p prio : Set the priority of this host in the virtual server (dfl: 100)
-f piddir: specify the directory where the pid file is stored (dfl: /var/run)
-d delay : Set the advertisement interval (in sec) (dfl: 1)
ipaddr : the ip address(es) of the virtual server
Linux Server S1 Details
eth0 is connected to LAN switch. IP Address Binded to eth0 is
eth1 is connected to Internet Router.
Linux Server S2 Details
eth0 is connected to LAN switch. IP Address Binded to eth0 is
eth1 is connected to Internet Router.
I started vrrpd daemon on S1 & S2 using the following command-
On Server S1: vrrpd -i eth0 -v 1 -p 255 ( MASTER)
On Server S2: vrrpd -i eth0 -v 1 -p 200 (Backup)
This way became the Virtual IP of Virtual Router with VRID = 1.
see:$:ip add show