#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
//#include <memry.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <wait.h>

removeFile(const char *filename)
 char str_result[512]={0};
 char str_stemp[512]={0};
 char str_cmd[512]={0};
 FILE *fpread;
 fprinf(str_cmd, "rm -f %s", filename);

int copyFile(const char *srcFile, const char *dstFile)
 int fdin, fdout;
 void *src, *dst;
 struct stat st;
 if(!srcFile || !dstFile || (0==strlen(srcFile)) || (0==strlen(dstFile)))
  return -1;
 if((fdin=open(srcFile, O_RDONLY))  return -1;
 if(0!=fstat(fdin, &st))
  return -1;
  return -1;
 if(st.st_size  return -1;
  //char str_cmd[512]={0};
  //fprintf(str_cmd, "rm -f %s", dstFile);
  system("rm -f zlh");
 if((fdout=open(dstFile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH))  return -1;
 lseek(fdout, st.st_size, SEEK_SET);
 write(fdout, "", 1);
 src=mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fdin, 0);
  return -1;
 dst=mmap(0, st.st_size, PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fdout, 0);
  return -1;

 memcpy(dst, src, st.st_size);
 msync(src, st.st_size, MS_SYNC);
 msync(dst, st.st_size, MS_SYNC);
 if(-1==munmap(src, st.st_size))
  return -1;
 if(-1==munmap(dst, st.st_size))
  return -1;
 return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
 const char *srcFile="/home/zlh/starter/abc.bak";
 const char *dstFile="/home/zlh/starter/abc";
 //setenv("LD_PRELOAD", "libachk.so", 1);
 int p1[2], p2[2];
 int cmd, i = 1;
 fcntl(p1[0],   F_SETFL,   O_NONBLOCK);
 //fcntl(p2[0],   F_SETFL,   O_NONBLOCK);
 int iresult=copyFile(srcFile, dstFile);
  return -1;
 pid_t pid=fork();
  close(p1[0]);//p1 读端
  close(p2[1]);//p2 写端
  /* read from p2 to wait for child complete */
  read(p2[0], &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
   int ires=execl("/home/zlh/starter/abc", "abc", NULL);
   if(ires   {
    /* write to p1 to tell child continue */
       cmd = i;
       write(p1[1], &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
  /* -1 to tell child quit */
  cmd = -1;
  write(p1[1], &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
  printf("Parent done, quit...\n");
  printf("child  ...000\n");
  /* write to p2 to tell parent continue */
  write(p2[1], &cmd, sizeof(cmd));

  while(read(p1[0], &cmd, sizeof(cmd)) == sizeof(cmd)&& cmd >= 0)
   printf("child...222...%c\n", 'A'+(i%26));
   /* write to p2 to tell parent continue */
   write(p2[1], &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
   printf("child...333...parent exit...\n");
  printf("\n\nChild receive finish command from parent, quit...\n");
 return 0;

11-08 10:51