[root@localhost android4.4_source_code]# mmm external/pcre-8.37

  1. make:进入目录'/home/jinsheng/android4.4_src'  
  2. make: *** 没有规则可以创建“out/target/product/generic/obj/EXECUTABLES/dex2oatd_intermediates/import_includes”需要的目标“out/target/product/generic/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libartd-compiler_intermediates/export_includes”。 停止。  
  3. make:离开目录“/home/jinsheng/android4.4_src” 


[root@localhost android4.4_source_code]# m -j5        //Makes from the top of the tree.
                                                //不要轻易在 android源代码 根目录执行:make clean

[root@localhost android4.4_source_code]# mmm external/pcre-8.37




It happened to me too.

I was able to solve it by using the mmm command.

From within the framework/base folder, I did:

mmm .

and after that all "mm" commands worked.

"mm -B" vs "mm": The -B switch if forcing the build w/o the use of any existing obj files (as doing clean and then build), where the "mm" command alone will use any existing obj files and continue the build from there. If you have a successful build - you can see that running "mm" won't do a thing, where "mm -B" will do a full build of the current module.

10-30 02:48