最近两天,Couchbase Server 2.0.1企业版发布了。正如大家预料的那样,2.0.1版是2.0版的维护版,它并没有增加很多新特征,而主要集中于改进现有的一些性能问题,比如再平衡区域、索引的建立和压缩。

Couchbase Server 2.0.1企业版主要的改进有5点:

1. Improved rebalance operation time for key-value use cases.

2. Performance optimizations to cap view / index file size growth during rebalance.

3. New low and high watermark thresholds to increase usable memory.

4. Stability fixes to drastically improve timeout problems seen by the cluster manager due to Erlang VM settings.

5. Significant performance improvements to view / index building particularly useful during initial load.


Couchbase Server是一个面向文档的分布式的NoSQL数据库管理系统,此系统结合了CouchDB的简单性和可靠性以及Memcached的高性能,再加上Membase的伸缩性。


12-15 06:25