

  1. with tr_cust_register_info_tmp as
  2. (select rownum as rn, s.* from
  3. (select * from tr_cust_register_info_h ss
  4. where 1=1
  5. and 1=1 --追加过滤条件区域
  6. order by ss.imp_date desc) s --根据日期降序
  7. )
  8. select
  9.  substr(min(case when bank_code is null then null else lpad(rn,10) || bank_code end),11) bank_code,
  10.  substr(min(case when id_code is null then null else lpad(rn,10) || id_code end),11) id_code
  11.  from tr_cust_register_info_tmp

11-21 16:35