这个方法引用自群友的博客 https://www.xiaofengyu.com/?p=143




    public class location
public double lat;
public double lng;
} public class GpsPolygonHelper
/// <summary>
/// 坐标点是否在多边形内判断
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point"></param>
/// <param name="pts"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool isPointInPolygon(location point, List<location> pts)
{ //检查类型
if (point == null || pts == null)
return false; var N = pts.Count;
var boundOrVertex = true; //如果点位于多边形的顶点或边上,也算做点在多边形内,直接返回true
var intersectCount = ; //cross points count of x
var precision = 2e-; //浮点类型计算时候与0比较时候的容差
location p1, p2; //neighbour bound vertices
var p = point; //测试点
p1 = pts[]; //left vertex
for (var i = ; i <= N; ++i)
//check all rays
if (p.lat.Equals(p1.lat) && p.lng.Equals(p1.lng))
return boundOrVertex; //p is an vertex
} p2 = pts[i % N]; //right vertex
if (p.lat < Math.Min(p1.lat, p2.lat) || p.lat > Math.Max(p1.lat, p2.lat))
//ray is outside of our interests
p1 = p2;
continue; //next ray left point
} if (p.lat > Math.Min(p1.lat, p2.lat) && p.lat < Math.Max(p1.lat, p2.lat))
//ray is crossing over by the algorithm (common part of)
if (p.lng <= Math.Max(p1.lng, p2.lng))
//x is before of ray
if (p1.lat == p2.lat && p.lng >= Math.Min(p1.lng, p2.lng))
//overlies on a horizontal ray
return boundOrVertex;
} if (p1.lng == p2.lng)
//ray is vertical
if (p1.lng == p.lng)
//overlies on a vertical ray
return boundOrVertex;
//before ray
//cross point on the left side
var xinters =
(p.lat - p1.lat) * (p2.lng - p1.lng) / (p2.lat - p1.lat) +
p1.lng; //cross point of lng
if (Math.Abs(p.lng - xinters) < precision)
//overlies on a ray
return boundOrVertex;
} if (p.lng < xinters)
//before ray
//special case when ray is crossing through the vertex
if (p.lat == p2.lat && p.lng <= p2.lng)
//p crossing over p2
var p3 = pts[(i + ) % N]; //next vertex
if (p.lat >= Math.Min(p1.lat, p3.lat) && p.lat <= Math.Max(p1.lat, p3.lat))
//p.lat lies between p1.lat & p3.lat
intersectCount += ;
p1 = p2; //next ray left point
} if (intersectCount % == )
return false;
return true;
} }
05-08 15:24