收益率曲线(Yield Curve)是显示一组货币和信贷风险均相同,但期限不同的债券或其他金融工具收益率的图表。纵轴代表收益率,横轴则是距离到期的时间。在此用python建模分析零息票收益率曲线,输出图表并制图。
# 没有年息票的一年期以内的零息票年收益率YTM=(log(面值/价格))/期限 r1 = np.log(100/97.5)/0.25 r2 = np.log(100/94.9)/0.5 r3 = np.log(100/90)/1 print('第0.25年年息票收益率:',round(r1,5)) print('第0.5年年息票收益率:',round(r2,5)) print('第1年年息票收益率:',round(r3,5))
#每半年付息一次的有年息票的零息票年收益率YTM:零息票年收益率=[log((年息票/2+面值)/(债券价格-年息票/2*(前期价格/面值)))]/期限 #价格=(年息票/2)*e^(-r2*0.5)+(年息票/2)*e^(-r3*1)+(年息票/2+面值)*e^(-r4*1.5) # r4=[log(104/(94-(94.9+90)/100)]/1.5 #超过一年期的零息票年收益率YTM=(面值/价格)开期限n的次方根减1 rate2 = math.pow(100 / 84.99, float(1) / float(3))-1 print(rate2) # 96=4*(1+0.5*r2)^-1+4*(1+r3)^-1+104*(1+r4)^-1.5 r4 = np.log(104/88.604)/1.5 print('第1.5年年息票收益率:',round(r4,5)) r5 = np.log(106/(101.6-(1.849*6+88.604/104*6)))/2#np.log(106/85.394)/2 print('第2年年息票收益率:',round(r5,5))
#线性插值 #第0.75年年息票收益率: r6 = (r2+r3)/2 print('第0.75年年息票收益率:',round(r6,5)) #第1.25年年息票收益率: r7 = (r3+r4)/2 print('第1.25年年息票收益率:',round(r7,5)) #第1.75年年息票收益率: r8 = (r4+r5)/2 print('第1.75年年息票收益率:',round(r8,5)) #第2.25年年息票收益率: # r9 = 2(r5)/3 +(r'第2.75年年息票收益率')/3 # print('第2.25年年息票收益率:',round(r9,5))
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import os import operator import sys#实现从程序外部向程序传递参数。 import xlrd
InputPath=sys.argv[1]#输入路径 OutputPath=sys.argv[2]#输出路径 filePath = InputPath#处理的文件为在输入路径中读取的文件
df = pd.read_excel(filePath) bondsCount = df.shape[0] dicE4Calc = {}#定义一个空的价格比计算表。价格/面值 dicResult = {}#定义一个空的结果表 Period = 1 / df['CouponFrequency'].max()#步长为0.5
def getPreSum(pCoupon, targetTerm, startTerm):#前期价格合计 sum = 0 p = startTerm while (p < targetTerm):#要小于目标的期限 sum += dicE4Calc[str(p)] * pCoupon p += Period#期限以0.5递增 return sum#返回的是新计算出来的价格
def LinearInterpolation(pCoupon, targetTerm, interval):#线性插值法利用中位数求利率 sum = 0 p = interval while p < targetTerm: if str(p) not in dicResult:#结果表中没有的数据,left为前面一期,right为后面一期 r_Left = str(p - interval) r_Right = str(p + interval) if r_Left in dicResult and r_Right in dicResult:#结果表中有前后的数据就用插值法计算 r = (dicResult[r_Left] + dicResult[r_Right]) / 2 elif r_Left in dicResult and r_Right not in dicResult:#有前面的数据没有后面的数据 r_Left2 = str(p - interval - interval)#left为前2期 r = dicResult[r_Left2] + (dicResult[r_Left] - dicResult[r_Left2]) / (interval) * (p - float(r_Left2)) dicResult[str(p)] = r dicE4Calc[str(p)] = pow(math.e, -r * p)#e的(-r*p)次方 p += interval
df['Coupon']=df['Coupon'].fillna(0)#若Coupon为空值则填充为0 for i in range(bondsCount):#读取表格中对应的列 FaceValue = df.loc[i, 'FaceValue'] Price = df.loc[i, 'Price'] Term = df.loc[i, 'Term_Y'] Coupon = df.loc[i, 'Coupon'] CouponFrequency = df.loc[i, 'CouponFrequency'] YTM = 0 e4Calc = 0
if Coupon == 0: e4Calc = Price / FaceValue YTM = math.log(FaceValue / Price) / Term else:#有息票的计算 PeriodCoupon = Coupon * Period#年息票的0.5 if Term % Period == 0:#从0.5年开始 LinearInterpolation(PeriodCoupon, Term, Period) e4Calc = (Price - getPreSum(PeriodCoupon, Term, Period)) / (FaceValue + PeriodCoupon) else:#不是从0.5开始,需要在起始日期以0.5年递增 LinearInterpolation(PeriodCoupon, Term, Term % Period) e4Calc = (Price - getPreSum(PeriodCoupon, Term, Term % Period)) / (FaceValue + PeriodCoupon) YTM = math.log(1 / e4Calc) / Term dicE4Calc[str(Term)] = e4Calc dicResult[str(Term)] = round(YTM, 9)
sorted_dicResult = sorted(dicResult.items(),key =operator.itemgetter(0))#把求出的收益率按期限排序,把字典转为列表 # print(dicResult) print(sorted_dicResult) Term = [i[0] for i in sorted_dicResult ]#遍历列表中的期限 Yield = [i[1] for i in sorted_dicResult ]#遍历列表中的 data={"Term":Term,"Yield":Yield} columns=['Term','Yield'] df=pd.DataFrame(data=data,columns=columns) df['TermBase']='Y' df = df.set_index("TermBase") df.to_excel(OutputPath,sheet_name='OutPut') print(df)
x = Term y = Yield plt.plot(x,y) plt.xlabel('CouponFrequency')#期限 plt.ylabel('YTM')#收益率 plt.title('Zero coupon yield curve')#命名 plt.show()
#复利计算 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math import os import operator import sys import xlrd from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl import load_workbook from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter from openpyxl.compat import range InputPath=sys.argv[1] OutputPath=sys.argv[2] print(InputPath) print(OutputPath) filePath = InputPath df = pd.read_excel(filePath) bondsCount = df.shape[0] dicE4Calc = {} dicResult = {} Period = 0.5 def getPreSum(pCoupon, targetTerm, startTerm): sum = 0 p = startTerm while (p < targetTerm): sum += dicE4Calc[str(p)] * pCoupon p += Period return sum def LinearInterpolation(pCoupon, targetTerm, interval): sum = 0 p = interval while p < targetTerm: if str(p) not in dicResult: r_Left = str(p - interval) r_Right = str(p + interval) if r_Left in dicResult and r_Right in dicResult: r = (dicResult[r_Left] + dicResult[r_Right]) / 2 elif r_Left in dicResult and r_Right not in dicResult: r_Left2 = str(p - interval - interval) r = dicResult[r_Left2] + (dicResult[r_Left] - dicResult[r_Left2]) / (interval) * (p - float(r_Left2)) dicResult[str(p)] = r dicE4Calc[str(p)] = pow(math.e, -r * p) p += interval Period = 1 / df['CouponFrequency'].max() df['Coupon']=df['Coupon'].fillna(0) for i in range(bondsCount): FaceValue = df.loc[i, 'FaceValue'] Price = df.loc[i, 'Price'] Term = df.loc[i, 'Term_Y'] Coupon = df.loc[i, 'Coupon'] CouponFrequency = df.loc[i, 'CouponFrequency'] YTM = 0 e4Calc = 0 if Coupon == 0: e4Calc = Price / FaceValue YTM = pow(FaceValue / Price,1/ Term) -1 else: PeriodCoupon = Coupon * Period if Term % Period == 0: LinearInterpolation(PeriodCoupon, Term, Period) e4Calc = (Price - getPreSum(PeriodCoupon, Term, Period)) / (FaceValue + PeriodCoupon) else: LinearInterpolation(PeriodCoupon, Term, Term % Period) e4Calc = (Price - getPreSum(PeriodCoupon, Term, Term % Period)) / (FaceValue + PeriodCoupon) YTM = pow(1 / e4Calc,1/ Term) - 1 dicE4Calc[str(Term)] = e4Calc dicResult[str(Term)] = round(YTM, 9) # print(dicE4Calc) # print(dicResult) sorted_dicResult = sorted(dicResult.items(),key =operator.itemgetter(0)) # print(dicResult) print(sorted_dicResult) Term = [i[0] for i in sorted_dicResult ] Yield = [i[1] for i in sorted_dicResult ] data={"Term":Term,"Yield":Yield} columns=['Term','Yield'] df=pd.DataFrame(data=data,columns=columns) df['TermBase']='Y' df = df.set_index("TermBase") df.to_excel(OutputPath,sheet_name='OutPut') print(df) x = Term y = Yield plt.plot(x,y) plt.xlabel('CouponFrequency') plt.ylabel('YTM') plt.title('Zero coupon yield curve') plt.show()