1):  su - oracle
2):设置oracle数据库的环境变量:export oracle_sid=sid
3):连接sqlplus: sqlplus /nolog
4):切换为sys用户 conn / as sysdba
5):启动数据库 startup
以下是这几天的Concepts Guide笔记

1222-1. Close a Database

When you close a database, Oracle writes all database data and recovery data in the

SGA to the datafiles and redo log files, respectively. Next, Oracle closes all online

datafiles and online redo log files. (Any offline datafiles of any offline tablespaces

have been closed already. If you subsequently reopen the database, any tablespace

that was offline and its datafiles remain offline and closed, respectively.) At this

point, the database is closed and inaccessible for normal operations. The control

files remain open after a database is closed but still mounted.


Undo Space Acquisition and Management

_ If you use the undotablespace method, you are using automatic undo

management mode. This is recommended.

_ If you use the rollbacksegment method of managing undo space, then you are

using manual undo management mode.



1224-1.The Listener

service names enable instances toregister automatically with other

listeners on the same machine. A service name canidentify multiple instances, and

an instance can belong to multiple services. Clientsconnecting to a service do not

have to specify which instance they require.

service names能够通过本机上的监听使一个例程自动注册。一个sn能够识别多了例程,一个例程能够属于多了services.客户端在连接服务时它们不需要明确指定哪个例程。)

The initialization parameter SERVICE_NAMES identifies which database services an

instance belongs to. On startup, each instance registerswith the listeners of other

instances belonging to the same services. During databaseoperations, the instances

of each service pass information about CPU use andcurrent connection counts to all

of the listeners in the same services. This enablesdynamic load balancing and

connection failover.


1225-1.System Global Area (SGA) Overview

The SGAcontains the following data structures:

_ Database buffer cache (数据库缓存)

_ Redo log buffer (重做缓冲)

_ Shared pool (共享池)

_ Java pool Java池)

_ Large pool (optional) (大型池)

_ Data dictionary cache (数据字典缓存)

_ Other miscellaneous information

Dynamic SGA allows Oracle to set, at run time, limits on how much virtual memory

Oracle uses for the SGA. Oracle can start instances underconfigured and allow the

instance to use more memory by growing the SGA components, up to amaximum

of SGA_MAX_SIZE. If SGA_MAX_SIZE specified in the initialization parameter file is

less than the sum of all components specified or defaulted at initialization time,

then the setting in the initialization parameter file is ignored.


01-06 10:43