alter table paysys_acnt_first_login_gatway nologging;(PS:其实这里的nologging是不起作用的) alter session enable parallel dml;
update /*+ parallel(t1,4) */ paysys_acnt_first_login_gatway t1 set province_id = (select province_id from paysys_account_login_log t2 where t1.account_id = t2.account_id and t1.gateway_id = t2.gateway_id and t1.login_date = t2.login_date); 偶最开始的做法是用的上述办法,之所以没有使用下面的关联UPDATE,是因为分析了它与上述两个的执行计划,但从计划看上边无论从Cost,Cardinality还是Bytes都优于关联UPDATE update (select /*+ bypass_ujvc */ t1.province_id old_id, t2.province_id new_id from paysys_acnt_first_login_gatway t1, paysys_account_login_log t2 where t1.account_id = t2.account_id and t1.gateway_id = t2.gateway_id and t1.login_date = t2.login_date) r set r.old_id = r.new_id;
如下是今天测试使用的,速度太夸张了247s就搞定了 declare maxrows number default 5000; row_id_table dbms_sql.Urowid_Table; p_id_table dbms_sql.Number_Table; cursor acnt_first_cur is select /*+ use_hash(t1,t2) parallel(t1,4) parallel(t2,4) */ t2.province_id, t1.rowid from paysys_acnt_first_login_gatway t1, paysys_account_login_log t2 where t1.account_id = t2.account_id and t1.gateway_id = t2.gateway_id and t1.login_date = t2.login_date order by t1.rowid; begin open acnt_first_cur; loop exit when acnt_first_cur%notfound; fetch acnt_first_cur bulk collect into p_id_table, row_id_table limit maxrows; forall i in 1 .. row_id_table.count update paysys_acnt_first_login_gatway set province_id = p_id_table(i) where rowid = row_id_table(i); commit; end loop; end;