1. 概述
2. 安装
1. 第一步先是在ubuntu14.04上安装gcc /g++版本。
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++-4.9
通过命令g++ -v可以看到安装的g++版本号
g++ -v
gcc version 4.9.2 (Ubuntu 4.9.2-0ubuntu1~14.04)
2. 下面的命令保证可以在编译Cmake时,找到
sudo apt-get install build-essential
./bootstrap --prefix=/usr --parallel=16
CMake 3.2.3, Copyright 2000-2015 Kitware,Inc.
Error when bootstrapping CMake:
Cannot find appropriate C compiler on thissystem.
Please specify one using environmentvariable CC.
See cmake_bootstrap.log for compilersattempted.
Log of errors:/home/ubuntu/cmake-3.2.3/Bootstrap.cmk/cmake_bootstrap.log
3. wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v3.2/cmake-3.2.3.tar.gz
tar xvfzcmake-3.2.3.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.2.3
./bootstrap --prefix=/usr --parallel=16 &&make -j && sudo make install
4. sudo apt-get installlibgoogle-glog-dev libboost-system-dev \
5. sudo apt-get install gitsubversion.
6. git clone https://github.com/floitsch/double-conversion.git
cd double-conversion; cmake . ; make -j && sudomake install
7. git clone https://github.com/schuhschuh/gflags.git
make -j && sudo make install
8. git clone https://github.com/facebook/folly.git
9. svn checkouthttp://google-glog.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ glog
./configure --with-gflags=/usr/local
10. git clone https://github.com/facebook/wdt.git
cmake /home/ubuntu/wdt/ -DBUILD_TESTING=on
make -j
make test
sudo make install
3. 验证测试
在接收端执行下面的命令:sudo wdt -directory /home/ubuntu/test/
ubuntu@10-8-7-191:~/test$sudo wdt -directory /home/ubuntu/test/
I080212:26:45.662655 31270 wdtCmdLine.cpp:130] Running WDT 1.15.1507290 p 15
I0802 12:26:45.662818 31270 WdtBase.cpp:304] Generated atransfer id 1616988683
I080212:26:45.662849 31270 WdtBase.cpp:272] using wdt protocol version 15
I080212:26:45.663175 31270 Receiver.cpp:151] Registered 8 sockets
I080212:26:45.663211 31270 Receiver.cpp:163] Transfer id 1616988683
I080212:26:45.663229 31270 wdtCmdLine.cpp:161] Starting receiver with connection url
I080212:26:45.663298 31270 wdtCmdLine.cpp:82] Setting up abort 0 seconds.
I080212:26:45.663318 31270 Receiver.cpp:404] Starting (receiving) server on ports [22356 22357 22358 22359 22360 22361 22362 22363 ] Target dir :/home/ubuntu/test/
I080212:26:45.663354 31270 FileCreator.cpp:215] dir already exists /
I080212:26:45.663379 31270 FileCreator.cpp:215] dir already exists /home/
I080212:26:45.663391 31270 FileCreator.cpp:215] dir already exists /home/ubuntu/
I080212:26:45.663419 31270 FileCreator.cpp:215] dir already exists/home/ubuntu/test/
I080212:26:45.663478 31270 WdtBase.cpp:292] Throttling not enabled
I080212:26:45.664497 31279 Receiver.cpp:361] Progress reporter updating every 20 ms
I080212:26:55.560704 31272 Receiver.cpp:504] New transfer started 1
[================================================>]99% 162.8 5.6 Mbytes/s I080212:26:56.284689 31274 Receiver.cpp:463] Received done for all threads. Transfersession 1 finished
I080212:26:56.285032 31274 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[3, port: 22359] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285162 31278 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[7, port: 22363] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285157 31275 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[4, port: 22360] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285118 31277 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[6, port: 22362] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285444 31272 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[1, port: 22357] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285712 31276 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[5, port: 22361] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285836 31271 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[0, port: 22356] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
I080212:26:56.285913 31273 Receiver.cpp:1268] Thread[2, port: 22358] got ack for DONE. Transfer finished
W080212:26:56.286119 31273 Receiver.cpp:1386] Last thread finished. Duration of thetransfer 0.725431
[=================================================]100% 159.5 Mbytes/s
W080212:26:56.286365 31270 Receiver.cpp:268] WDT receiver's transfer has beenfinished
I080212:26:56.286382 31270 Receiver.cpp:269] Transfer status = OK. Number of blockstransferred = 632. Data Mbytes = 115.742. Header kBytes = 13.8848 (0.0117151%overhead). Total bytes = 121378462. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0%overhead).
在发送端执行下面的命令wdt -directory /usr/bin -destination -transfer_id1616988683,在传输完成后,最下面是统计信息。
wdt-directory /usr/bin -destination -transfer_id 1616988683
I080212:26:55.557087 5427 wdtCmdLine.cpp:130]Running WDT 1.15.1507290 p 15
I080212:26:55.557574 5427 WdtBase.cpp:272]using wdt protocol version 15
I080212:26:55.557641 5427 wdtCmdLine.cpp:200]Starting sender with detailswdt://,22357,22358,22359,22360,22361,22362,22363&protocol=15&dir=/usr/bin&id=1616988683
I080212:26:55.557668 5427 wdtCmdLine.cpp:82]Setting up abort 0 seconds.
I080212:26:55.557696 5427 Sender.cpp:357]Client (sending) to, Using ports [ 22356 22357 22358 22359 22360 2236122362 22363 ]
I080212:26:55.557796 5427 WdtBase.cpp:292]Throttling not enabled
I080212:26:55.557886 5428DirectorySourceQueue.cpp:139] Exploring root dir /usr/bin/ include_pattern: exclude_pattern : prune_dir_pattern :
I080212:26:55.560621 5429 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.00210126 seconds. port 22356
I080212:26:55.560621 5430 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.00209491 seconds. port 22357
I080212:26:55.561148 5431 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.000271586 seconds. port 22358
I080212:26:55.561575 5432 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.000139581 seconds. port 22359
I080212:26:55.561785 5433 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.000302113 seconds. port 22360
I080212:26:55.570382 5437 Sender.cpp:1277]Progress reporter tracking every 20 ms
I080212:26:55.570552 5436 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.00024346 seconds. port 22363
I080212:26:55.571169 5435 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.00111626 seconds. port 22362
I080212:26:55.573040 5428DirectorySourceQueue.cpp:294] Number of files explored: 632, errors: false
I080212:26:55.574348 5434 Sender.cpp:489]Connection took 1 attempt(s) and 0.00426591 seconds. port 22361
[================================================>]99% 160.6 171.7 Mbytes/s I080212:26:56.285174 5432 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22359 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 51. DataMbytes = 15.3743. Header kBytes = 1.82031 (0.0115624% overhead). Total bytes =16123023. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =21.2451 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.285308 5433 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22360 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 37. DataMbytes = 9.76006. Header kBytes = 1.39941 (0.0140021% overhead). Total bytes =10235597. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =13.4855 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.285414 5436 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22363 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 131. DataMbytes = 16.1024. Header kBytes = 4.19922 (0.025467% overhead). Total bytes =16888874. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =22.5229 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.285537 5435 Sender.cpp:1106] Port22362 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 52. DataMbytes = 12.5765. Header kBytes = 1.80859 (0.0140436% overhead). Total bytes =13189316. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =17.5835 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.285713 5429 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22356 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 61. DataMbytes = 16.361. Header kBytes = 2.10254 (0.0125498% overhead). Total bytes =17157861. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =22.5007 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.285908 5434 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22361 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 78. DataMbytes = 14.3567. Header kBytes = 2.74512 (0.0186727% overhead). Total bytes =15056863. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =20.0654 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.285987 5430 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22357 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 78. DataMbytes = 17.14. Header kBytes = 2.52637 (0.0143941% overhead). Total bytes =17975215. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =23.5733 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.286065 5431 Sender.cpp:1106]Port 22358 done. Transfer status = OK. Number of blocks transferred = 144. DataMbytes = 14.071. Header kBytes = 4.63965 (0.0322004% overhead). Total bytes =14759246. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead). Total throughput =19.4189 Mbytes/sec
I080212:26:56.286252 5431 Sender.cpp:1075]Last thread finished 0.728525
[=================================================]100% 158.9 Mbytes/s
I0802 12:26:56.286648 5427 Sender.cpp:330] Total sender time = 0.728582 seconds (0.0155556dirTime). Transfer summary : Transfer status = OK. Number of files transferred= 632. Data Mbytes = 115.742. Header kBytes = 21.2412 (0.0179221% overhead).Total bytes = 121385995. Wasted bytes due to failure = 0 (0% overhead).
Total sender throughput = 158.885Mbytes/sec (162.351 Mbytes/sec pure transf rate)
3.1 使用wcp.sh
./wcp.sh-n /data/bigfile ubuntu@
Copyingbigfile (/data/bigfile) to (using ubuntu@ in /data)
Startingdestination side server
Startingat Sun Aug 2 13:56:28 CST 2015 (1438494988043)
[ ] 0% 0.0 0.0 Mbytes/s wdt://10-8-7-191?ports=22356,22357,22358,22359,22360,22361,22362,22363&protocol=15&id=7825
[=================================================]100% 86.8 Mbytes/s
real 1m55.222s
user 0m2.858s
sys 0m10.572s
SunAug 2 13:58:23 CST 2015
Alldone client side! cleanup...
Overalltransfer @ 86 Mbytes/sec (115228 ms for 10485760000 uncompressed)
26f56024ac39cdc54b228820107f040d /data/bigfile
scp/data/bigfile ubuntu@
bigfile 100% 10GB 87.7MB/s 01:54