- To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your
- kernel configuration file:
- device ehci
- device uhci
- device ohci
- device xhci
- device usb
- device urndis
- Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the
- following line in loader.conf(5):
- if_urndis_load="YES"
具体如何编译内核请参考FreeBSD Hanbook!
在完成驱动加载后,以root身份运行bsdconfig配置网络接口(Network Managment)。
- bsdconfig
依次进入Network Managment ->Network Interfaces ->Networking Devices (ue0) -> DHCP 完成配置后保存退出。
这是Freebsd 10.1 下面的操作,其他版本的参照执行。
测试一下吧: ping www.baidu.com