Solaris Cluster 3.2 卸载




1.     Solaris Cluster卸载说明... 1-2

2.     Solaris Cluster 3.2卸载方法说明... 2-2

3.     Solaris Cluster 3.2卸载方法具体步骤... 3-2


1.                    Solaris Cluster卸载说明

Solaris Cluster SUN公司HA软件的继承,在ORACLE公司目前已经发展到cluster 4,该软件是广泛应用于SPARCX86服务器的Solaris OS系统HA高可用性的软件,此HA软件将操作系统拓展称为HAOS,因此与操作系统有了极其紧密的集成。



2.                    Solaris Cluster 3.2卸载方法说明

3.2卸载前提条件是能够删除最后一个定额设备,如果定额设备删除不掉,系统是不允许删除cluster软件。定额设备是cluster投票机制引入的一个概念,在多节点的cluster群集系统中,为了消除分脑(split brain)问题,投票机制可以保证有一个节点在群集中充当领导节点,不至于所有节点都想启动应用而争夺资源,使得所有节点都无法启动应用。投票机制为每个节点都拥有自己的一票,根据奇数原则,必然使得有一个节点拥有多余其他节点的票数,这样定额设备作为一票启动了这个作用。


3.                    Solaris Cluster 3.2卸载方法具体步骤

Cluster的所有节点必须启动到非cluster模式,才能够卸载cluster软件,如果定额设备不全部被删除,拥有定额设备的节点是无法删除的。如果在active群集中直接删除的话,系统将会报错,执行scinstall –r报错如下如下:

scinstall:  You cannot uninstall Sun Cluster from active cluster members.

scinstall:  If you have not already done so, follow the procedures for

scinstall:  unconfiguring a cluster node.  This includes removal of any

scinstall:  device group references to this node.

scinstall:  Also, do not forget to make the required updates to /etc/vfstab.

scinstall:  All global device mounts, other than node@,

scinstall:  must be removed.

scinstall:  Then, reboot this node in non-cluster mode and try again.

scinstall:  scinstall did NOT complete successfully!


a.       删除最后一个定额设备(本例以两个节点为例)

root@node2# scswitch -S -h node1

root@node2# rsh node1 shutdown -y -g0 -i0 

root@node2 # scconf -c -q node=node1,maintstate

root@node2 # scstat -q

-- Quorum Summary --

  Quorum votes possible:      1

  Quorum votes needed:       1

  Quorum votes present:       1

-- Quorum Votes by Node --

                    Node Name           Present Possible Status

                    ---------           ------- -------- ------

  Node votes:       node1               0        0       Offline

  Node votes:       node2               1        1       Online

-- Quorum Votes by Device --

                    Device Name         Present Possible Status

                    -----------         ------- -------- ------

  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d1s2  0        0       Offline

root@node2 # scconf -r -f -q globaldev=d6s2

root@node2 # /usr/cluster/bin/scconf -c -q node=host1,reset

经过以上处理之前,使用scconf –r –f –q globaldev=dxs2来删除除最后一个定额设备的其他设备,因为在群集系统中,定额设备可能不止一个,但是必须以票数奇数为原则。

最后一个定额设备处于offline状态后,将两个节点分别用boot –x进入非cluster模式。

b.       第一个节点cluster软件的删除

root@node1 # scinstall –r

Verifying that no unexpected global mounts remain in /etc/vfstab ... done

Verifying that no device services still reference this node ... done

Archiving the following to /var/cluster/uninstall/uninstall.1287/archive:

    /etc/cluster ...

    /etc/path_to_inst ...

    /etc/vfstab ...

    /etc/nsswitch.conf ...

Updating vfstab ... done

The /etc/vfstab file was updated successfully.

The original entry for /global/.devices/node@1 has been commented out.

And, a new entry has been added for /globaldevices.

Mounting /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s6 on /globaldevices ... done

Cleaning up /globaldevices ... done

Attempting to contact the cluster ...

    Trying "node2" ... timed out

Unable to contact the cluster.

Additional housekeeping may be required to unconfigure

node1 from the active cluster.

Removing the "cluster" switch from "hosts" in /etc/nsswitch.conf ... done

Removing the "cluster" switch from "netmasks" in /etc/nsswitch.conf ... done

** Removing Sun Cluster data services packages **

        Removing SUNWscor....done

** Removing Sun Cluster framework packages **

        Removing SUNWscspmr..done

        Removing SUNWscspmu..done

        Removing SUNWscspm...done

        Removing SUNWscva....done

        Removing SUNWscmasau.done

        Removing SUNWscmasar.done

        Removing SUNWmdmu....done

        Removing SUNWmdmr....done

        Removing SUNWscvm....done

        Removing SUNWscsam...done

        Removing SUNWscsal...done

        Removing SUNWscman...done

        Removing SUNWscgds...done

        Removing SUNWscdev...done

        Removing SUNWscnmu...done

        Removing SUNWscnmr...done

        Removing SUNWscscku..done

        Removing SUNWscsckr..done

        Removing SUNWscu.....done

        Removing SUNWscr.....done

Removing the following:

    /etc/cluster ...

    /dev/global ...

    /dev/md/shared ...

    /dev/did ...

    /devices/pseudo/did@0:* ...

The /etc/inet/ntp.conf file has not been updated.

You may want to remove it or update it after uninstall has completed.

The /var/cluster directory has not been removed.

Among other things, this directory contains

uninstall logs and the uninstall archive.

You may remove this directory once you are satisfied

that the logs and archive are no longer needed.

Log file - /var/cluster/uninstall/uninstall.1287/log

c.       第二节点的删除

root@node2 # scinstall -r

Verifying that no unexpected global mounts remain in /etc/vfstab ... done

Verifying that no device services still reference this node ... done

Archiving the following to /var/cluster/uninstall/uninstall.1309/archive:

    /etc/cluster ...

    /etc/path_to_inst ...

    /etc/vfstab ...

    /etc/nsswitch.conf ...

Updating vfstab ... done

The /etc/vfstab file was updated successfully.

The original entry for /global/.devices/node@2 has been commented out.

And, a new entry has been added for /globaldevices.

Mounting /dev/dsk/c2t0d0s6 on /globaldevices ... done

Cleaning up /globaldevices ... done

Attempting to contact the cluster ...

    Trying "node1" ... timed out

Unable to contact the cluster.

Additional housekeeping may be required to unconfigure

node2 from the active cluster.

Removing the "cluster" switch from "hosts" in /etc/nsswitch.conf ... done

Removing the "cluster" switch from "netmasks" in /etc/nsswitch.conf ... done

** Removing Sun Cluster data services packages **

        Removing SUNWscor....done

** Removing Sun Cluster framework packages **

        Removing SUNWscspmr..done

        Removing SUNWscspmu..Mar 22 17:54:16 node2 java[9817]: pkcs11_softtoken: Keystore version failure.done

        Removing SUNWscspm...done

        Removing SUNWscva....done

        Removing SUNWscmasau.done

        Removing SUNWscmasar.done

        Removing SUNWmdmu....done

        Removing SUNWmdmr....done

        Removing SUNWscvm....done

        Removing SUNWscsam...done

        Removing SUNWscsal...done

        Removing SUNWscman...done

        Removing SUNWscgds...done

        Removing SUNWscdev...done

        Removing SUNWscnmu...done

        Removing SUNWscnmr...done

        Removing SUNWscscku..done

        Removing SUNWscsckr..done

        Removing SUNWscu.....done

        Removing SUNWscr.....done

Removing the following:

    /etc/cluster ...

    /dev/global ...

    /dev/md/shared ...

    /dev/did ...

    /devices/pseudo/did@0:* ...

The /etc/inet/ntp.conf file has not been updated.

You may want to remove it or update it after uninstall has completed.

The /var/cluster directory has not been removed.

Among other things, this directory contains

uninstall logs and the uninstall archive.

You may remove this directory once you are satisfied

that the logs and archive are no longer needed.

Log file - /var/cluster/uninstall/uninstall.1309/log

08-30 23:20