1.假设证书为 my.crt,将证书拷贝至/usr/local/share/ca-certificates
2.执行命令 update-ca-certificates 即可
这种方法只适用于对curl 和get 等命令,但是对chrome,firefox等浏览器并不生效
二、采用certutil证书导入工具为当前用户导入证书 ,证书所在目录~/.pki/nssdb
sudo apt install libnss3-tools //安装导入证书工具
- #!/bin/bash
- ### Script installs root.cert.pem to certificate trust store of applications using NSS
- ### (e.g. Firefox, Thunderbird, Chromium)
- ### Mozilla uses cert8, Chromium and Chrome use cert9
- ###
- ### Requirement: apt install libnss3-tools
- ###
- ###
- ### CA file to install (
- ###
- certfile="root.crt"
- certname="My Root CA"
- ###
- ### For cert8 (legacy - DBM)
- ###
- for certDB in $(find ~/ -name "cert8.db")
- do
- certdir=$(dirname ${certDB});
- certutil -A -n "${certname}" -t "TCu,Cu,Tu" -i ${certfile} -d dbm:${certdir}
- done
- ###
- ### For cert9 (SQL)
- ###
- for certDB in $(find ~/ -name "cert9.db")
- do
- certdir=$(dirname ${certDB});
- certutil -A -n "${certname}" -t "TCu,Cu,Tu" -i ${certfile} -d sql:${certdir}
- done
打开chrome浏览器 设置---高级---隐私设置和安全性---管理证书---授权中心---导入