- /*! Janson(http://www.gandancing.com) 2011-2012
- *
- *\file
- *\brief
- *\details
- *
- *\author Janson
- *\version
- *\date 04Jan12
- *
- *\warning
- *
- *\history \arg 30Jan12, Janson, Create the file
- * modify from VxWorks source
- * Legal Declaration: it is for studying VxWorks only.
- */
- #include "includes.h"
- /* The memParLib.h file is hear:
- https://code.google.com/p/vxworks-like-kernel/source/browse/trunk/inc/private/memPartLib.h
- */
- /* optional check for bad blocks */
- #define MEM_BLOCK_CHECK 0x10
- /* response to errors when allocating memory */
- /* response to errors when freeing memory */
- #define NEXT_HDR(pHdr) ((BLOCK_HDR *) ((char *) (pHdr) + (2 * (pHdr)->nWords)))
- #define PREV_HDR(pHdr) ((pHdr)->prevHdr)
- #define HDR_TO_BLOCK(pHdr) ((char *) ((int) pHdr + sizeof (BLOCK_HDR)))
- #define BLOCK_TO_HDR(pBlock) ((BLOCK_HDR *) ((int) pBlock - \
- sizeof(BLOCK_HDR)))
- #define HDR_TO_NODE(pHdr) (& ((FREE_BLOCK *) pHdr)->node)
- #define NODE_TO_HDR(pNode) ((BLOCK_HDR *) ((int) pNode - \
- static BOOL memPartLibInstalled = FALSE;
- static OBJ_CLASS memPartClass;
- CLASS_ID memPartClassId = &memPartClass;
- static PARTITION memSysPartition;
- PART_ID memSysPartId = &memSysPartition;
- U32 memDefaultAlign = _ALLOC_ALIGN_SIZE;
- static SEMAPHORE semMemSysPartition;
- static void memPartSemInit(PART_ID partId);
- FUNCTION memPartSemInitRtn = (FUNCTION) memPartSemInit;
- unsigned memPartDefaultOption = MEM_BLOCK_ERROR_SUSPEND_FLAG | MEM_BLOCK_CHECK;
- static BOOL memPartBlockIsValid(PART_ID partId, FAST BLOCK_HDR* pHdr, BOOL isFree);
- static BLOCK_HDR* memAlignedBlockSplit(PART_ID partId
- , FAST unsigned nWords
- , unsigned minWords
- , unsigned align);
- static STATUS memPartAddToPool(PART_ID partId, char* pPool, unsigned poolSize);
- STATUS memPartLibInit(char* pPool, unsigned poolSize)
- {
- if((!memPartLibInstalled) &&
- (OK == classInit(memPartClassId, sizeof(PARTITION), OFFSET(PARTITION, objCore)
- , (FUNCTION)memPartCreate, (FUNCTION)memPartInit, (FUNCTION)memPartDestroy)))
- {
- memPartInit(&memSysPartition, pPool, poolSize);
- memPartLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- return ((memPartLibInstalled)? OK : ERROR);
- }
- PART_ID memPartCreate(char* pPool, unsigned poolSize)
- {
- PART_ID pPart = (PART_ID)objAlloc(memPartClassId);
- if(NULL != pPart)
- {
- memPartInit(pPart, pPool, poolSize);
- }
- return pPart;
- }
- void memPartInit(PART_ID partId, char* pPool, unsigned poolSize)
- {
- memset((void*)partId, 0, sizeof(*partId));
- partId->options = memPartDefaultOption;
- partId->minBlockWords = sizeof (FREE_BLOCK) >> 1; /* word not byte */
- (* memPartSemInitRtn) (partId);
- dllInit(&partId->freeList);
- objCoreInit(&partId->objCore, memPartClassId);
- memPartAddToPool(partId, pPool, poolSize);
- }
- STATUS memPartDestroy(PART_ID partId)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- void memAddToPool(FAST char *pPool, FAST unsigned poolSize)
- {
- (void)memPartAddToPool(&memSysPartition, pPool, poolSize);
- }
- static STATUS memPartAddToPool(PART_ID partId, char* pPool, unsigned poolSize)
- {
- BLOCK_HDR* pHdrStart;
- BLOCK_HDR* pHdrMid;
- BLOCK_HDR* pHdrEnd;
- char* tmp;
- int reducePool;
- if(!(IS_CLASS(partId, memPartClassId))) /* only memPartClass can call this function */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tmp = (char*) MEM_ROUND_UP(pPool);
- reducePool = tmp - pPool;
- /* adjust the lenght */
- if(poolSize >= reducePool)
- {
- poolSize -= reducePool;
- }
- else
- {
- poolSize = 0;
- }
- pPool = tmp;
- poolSize = MEM_ROUND_DOWN(poolSize);
- /* at least one valid free block and three header blocks */
- if((sizeof(BLOCK_HDR)*3 + (partId->minBlockWords*2)) > poolSize)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* initialize three blocks */
- pHdrStart = (BLOCK_HDR*)pPool;
- pHdrStart->prevHdr = NULL;
- pHdrStart->free = FALSE; /* never in use */
- pHdrStart->nWords = sizeof(BLOCK_HDR) >> 1;
- pHdrMid = NEXT_HDR(pHdrStart);
- pHdrMid->prevHdr = pHdrStart;
- pHdrMid->free = TRUE; /* the main block */
- pHdrMid->nWords = (poolSize - 2*sizeof(BLOCK_HDR)) >> 1;
- pHdrEnd = NEXT_HDR(pHdrMid);
- pHdrEnd->prevHdr = pHdrMid;
- pHdrEnd->free = FALSE;
- pHdrEnd->nWords = sizeof (BLOCK_HDR) >> 1;
- /* TODO take sem hear */
- semTake(partId->semPartId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- dllInsert(&partId->freeList, (DL_NODE*)NULL, HDR_TO_NODE(pHdrMid));
- partId->totalWords += (poolSize >> 1);
- /* TODO give sem hear */
- semGive(partId->semPartId);
- return (OK);
- }
- void* memPartAllignedAlloc(FAST PART_ID partId, unsigned nBytes, unsigned align)
- {
- FAST unsigned nWords;
- FAST unsigned nWordsExtra;
- FAST DL_NODE* pNode;
- BLOCK_HDR* pNewHdr;
- BLOCK_HDR* origpHdr;
- if(!(IS_CLASS(partId, memPartClassId))) /* only memPartClass can call this function */
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- nWords = (MEM_ROUND_UP(nBytes)+sizeof(BLOCK_HDR)) >>1;
- if((nWords<<1) < nBytes)
- {
- /* TODO suspend the task */
- return (NULL);
- }
- if(nWords < partId->minBlockWords)
- {
- nWords = partId->minBlockWords;
- }
- /* TODO task the semaphore hear */
- semTake(partId->semPartId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- pNode = DLL_FIRST(&partId->freeList);
- nWordsExtra = nWords + align/2; /* why? */
- for(;;)
- {
- while(NULL != pNode)
- {
- if((NODE_TO_HDR(pNode)->nWords > nWordsExtra) ||
- ((NODE_TO_HDR(pNode)->nWords == nWords) &&
- (ALIGNED(HDR_TO_BLOCK(NODE_TO_HDR(pNode)), align))))
- {
- break;
- }
- pNode = DLL_NEXT(pNode);
- }
- if(NULL == pNode)
- {
- /*TODO give the semaphore */
- semGive(partId->semPartId);
- return NULL;
- }
- pHdr = NODE_TO_HDR(pNode);
- origpHdr = pHdr;
- pNewHdr = memAlignedBlockSplit(partId, pHdr, nWords, partId->minBlockWords, align);
- if(NULL != pNewHdr)
- {
- pHdr = pNewHdr;
- break;
- }
- pNode = DLL_NEXT(pNode);
- }
- pHdr->free = FALSE;
- partId->allBlocksAlloc++;
- partId->allWordsAlloc += pHdr->nWords;
- partId->curBlocksAlloc++;
- partId->curWordsAlloc += pHdr->nWords;
- /*TODO give the semaphore hear */
- semGive(partId->semPartId);
- return (HDR_TO_BLOCK(pHdr));
- }
- void* memPartAlloc(FAST PART_ID partId, unsigned bytes)
- {
- return memPartAllignedAlloc(partId, bytes, memDefaultAlign);
- }
- STATUS memPartFree(PART_ID partId, char* pBlock)
- {
- FAST unsigned nWords;
- if(!IS_CLASS(partId, memPartClassId))
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if(NULL == pBlock)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- pHdr = BLOCK_TO_HDR(pBlock);
- semTake(partId->semPartId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if((partId->options & MEM_BLOCK_CHECK)
- && !memPartBlockIsValid(partId, pHdr, FALSE))
- {
- semGive(partId->semPartId);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- nWords = pHdr->nWords;
- if(PREV_HDR(pHdr)->free)
- {/* the prev hdr is free and than coalesce with it */
- pHdr->free = FALSE;
- pHdr = PREV_HDR(pHdr);
- pHdr->nWords += nWords;
- }
- else
- {
- pHdr->free = TRUE;
- dllInsert(&partId->freeList, (DL_NODE*)NULL, HDR_TO_NODE(pHdr));
- }
- /* check to coalesce with the next */
- pNextHdr = NEXT_HDR(pHdr);
- if(pNextHdr->free)
- {
- pHdr->nWords += pNextHdr->nWords;
- dllRemove(&partId->freeList, HDR_TO_NODE(pNextHdr));
- }
- /* cannot use pNextHdr->prevHdr=pHdr hear */
- NEXT_HDR(pHdr)->prevHdr = pHdr;
- partId->curBlocksAlloc--;
- partId->curWordsAlloc -= nWords;
- /* TODO give sem hear */
- semGive(partId->semPartId);
- return (OK);
- }
- static BOOL memPartBlockIsValid(PART_ID partId, FAST BLOCK_HDR* pHdr, BOOL isFree)
- {
- BOOL valid;
- semGive(partId->semPartId);
- valid = MEM_ALIGNED(pHdr)
- && MEM_ALIGNED(pHdr->nWords*2)
- && (pHdr->nWords < partId->totalWords)
- && (pHdr->free == isFree)
- && (pHdr == PREV_HDR(NEXT_HDR(pHdr)))
- && (pHdr == NEXT_HDR(PREV_HDR(pHdr)));
- semTake(partId->semPartId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- return valid;
- }
- static BLOCK_HDR* memAlignedBlockSplit(PART_ID partId
- , FAST unsigned nWords
- , unsigned minWords
- , unsigned align)
- {
- FAST char *endOfBlock;
- FAST char *pNewBlock;
- int blockSize;
- endOfBlock = (char*)pHdr + (pHdr->nWords*2);
- pNewBlock = (char*)((unsigned)endOfBlock - ((nWords - sizeof(BLOCK_HDR)/2)*2));
- pNewBlock = (char*)((unsigned)pNewBlock & (~(align-1)));
- pNewHdr = BLOCK_TO_HDR(pNewBlock);
- blockSize = ((char*)pNewHdr - (char*)pHdr)/2;
- if(blockSize < minWords)
- {
- if(pNewHdr == pHdr)
- {
- dllRemove(&partId->freeList, HDR_TO_NODE(pHdr));
- }
- else
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* recaculate pHdr */
- pNewHdr->prevHdr = pHdr;
- pHdr->nWords = blockSize;
- }
- if(((U32)endOfBlock - (U32)pNewHdr - (nWords*2)) < (minWords*2))
- {
- pNewHdr->nWords = (endOfBlock - pNewBlock + sizeof(BLOCK_HDR))/2;
- pNewHdr->free = TRUE;
- NEXT_HDR(pNewHdr)->prevHdr = pNewHdr;
- }
- else
- {/* space left is enough to be a fragment on the free list then */
- pNewHdr->nWords = nWords;
- pNewHdr->free = TRUE;
- pNextHdr = NEXT_HDR(pNewHdr);
- /* words 包括BlockHdr */
- pNextHdr->nWords = ((U32)endOfBlock - (U32)pNextHdr) / 2;
- pNextHdr->prevHdr = pNewHdr;
- pNextHdr->free = TRUE;
- dllAdd(&partId->freeList, HDR_TO_NODE(pNextHdr));
- NEXT_HDR(pNextHdr)->prevHdr = pNewHdr;
- }
- return (pNewHdr);
- }
- static void memPartSemInit(PART_ID partId)
- {
- semBInit(&semMemSysPartition, SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_FULL);
- partId->semPartId = &semMemSysPartition;
- }
- void* malloc(unsigned bytes)
- {
- return memPartAlloc(memSysPartId, bytes);
- }
- void free(void* p)
- {
- memPartFree(memSysPartId, (char*)p);
- }