里面的“List and Shut Down Running Applications”就是演示了Installshield如何停止操作系统进程
Code/**********************************************************************************/* GetRunningApp();/* ShutDownApp();/* /* These script created functions will look for any running application based on/* the file name, then display an error message within the Setup. You can optionally/* halt the install or just continue on./* /* You can use the ShutDownApp() function for shutting down that process or others/* as well. This is useful for processes that run in the background but have no Windows/* associated with them. May not work with Services./* /* This script calls functions in PSAPI.DLL that are not supported on Windows 95 or 98./* /* ***Instructions***/* Place these script peices into the Setup.rul file./* /* Modify the script to include the applications you would like to get or shutdown./* /* Submitted by William F. Snodgrass/* Contact info: [email protected]/* /* Created by Theron Welch, 3/3/99/* Minor modifications by Stefan Krueger, 11/03/99/* /* Copyright (c) 1999-2000 GeoGraphix, Inc. **********************************************************************************///////////////////// installation declarations ///////////////////// ----- DLL function prototypes -----// your DLL function prototypes // Custom function for shutting down MyApp processprototype ShutDownApp();// Custom function for shutting down any running applicationprototype GetRunningApp( BYREF STRING );///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dll function calls needed// Kernel functionsprototype LONG Kernel32.OpenProcess( LONG, BOOL, LONG ); // 1ST Param = 2035711 for PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS (It pays to know hex!!), 2nd = Doesn't matter, 3rd = Process IDprototype BOOL Kernel32.TerminateProcess( LONG, INT ); // 1st Param = Process ID, 2nd = Doesn't matter - "0"// Process info functionsprototype LONG Psapi.EnumProcesses( POINTER, LONG, BYREF LONG ); // 1st Param = By ref, Process ID, 2nd = number of bytes in param 1 = "4", 3rd = cb needed - might as well be "4"prototype LONG Psapi.GetModuleFileNameExA( LONG, LONG, POINTER, LONG );// 1st Param = ProcessID, 2nd= Module ID, 3rd = pointer to a string, 4th = length of stringprototype LONG Psapi.EnumProcessModules( LONG, BYREF LONG, LONG, BYREF LONG ); // 1st Param = Process Handle, 2nd = Module Handle, 3rd = bytes passed ("4"), 4th = bytes needed ("4")///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// your global variablesSTRING svAppprogram if ( 1 == GetRunningApp ( svApp ) ) then MessageBox ( "The installation has detected that " + svApp + " is running. " + "Please close " + svApp + " then restart the installation process.", SEVERE ); abort; endif; if ( 0 == ShutDownProjectManager() ) goto end_install; // This statement is within the Program block and jumps to the "end_install:" switch if the function fails. -WFS endprogram/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function: GetRunningApp//// Purpose: This function returns "1" if an app is running. Otherwise "0".// If "1" is returned, the "appName" parameter will contain the name of the // application running.//// Theron Welch 3/3/99/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function GetRunningApp( appName ) HWND hWnd; LONG ProcessIDs[ 512 ]; // An array that's hopefully big enough to hold all process IDs LONG cbNeeded; LONG cb; LONG numItems; LONG ProcessHandle; LONG ModuleHandle; LONG Count; LONG Ret; LONG Ret2; POINTER pArray; // This pointer will point at the array of process IDs STRING ModuleName[ 128 ]; STRING FileName[ 64 ]; POINTER pModuleName;begin UseDLL ( WINSYSDIR ^ "Psapi.dll" ); // Load the helper dll - PsApi.dll cbNeeded = 96; cb = 8; pArray = &ProcessIDs; // Point at the array while ( cb <= cbNeeded ) cb = cb * 2; EnumProcesses ( pArray, cb, cbNeeded ); // Get the currently running process IDs endwhile; numItems = cbNeeded / 4; // Calculate number of process IDs - 4 is the size in bytes of a Process ID (DWORD) for Count = 1 to numItems // For each process id ProcessHandle = OpenProcess ( 2035711, 1, ProcessIDs[ Count ] ); // Get a handle to the process if ( 0 != ProcessHandle ) then Ret = EnumProcessModules ( ProcessHandle, ModuleHandle, 4, cb ); // Get the module handle - first one is EXE, the one I care about! if ( 0 != Ret ) then pModuleName = &ModuleName; // Point at the array Ret = GetModuleFileNameExA ( ProcessHandle, ModuleHandle, pModuleName, 128 ); // Get the exe name if ( 0 != Ret ) then ParsePath ( FileName, ModuleName, FILENAME_ONLY ); // Convert the full path to a filename //////////////////////////////Outlook///////////////////////////////////////// // Copy the next 5 lines and customize for each app Ret = StrCompare ( FileName, "Outlook" ); if ( 0 == Ret ) then // If there's a match FileName = "Microsoft Outlook"; // Change to a name that makes sense appName = FileName; // Copy the filename to the passed in parameter (by ref) return 1; // Return "Found" endif; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////Navwnt///////////////////////////////////////// Ret = StrCompare ( FileName, "Navwnt" ); if ( 0 == Ret ) then // If there's a match FileName = "Norton Anti-Virus"; // Change to a name that makes sense appName = FileName; // Copy the filename to the passed in parameter (by ref) return 1; // Return "Found" endif; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endif; endif; endif; endfor; return 0; // "Well, uh, apparently, no application is running"end;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function: ShutDownApp//// Purpose: This function attempts to shut down the app you decide on. It returns// "1" if successful or if app is not running.// Otherwise "0" if it could not be shut down. Install should terminate// if "0" is returned.//// Theron Welch 3/3/99/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////function ShutDownApp() HWND hWnd; LONG ProcessIDs[ 512 ]; // An array that's hopefully big enough to hold all process IDs LONG cbNeeded; LONG cb; LONG numItems; LONG ProcessHandle; LONG ModuleHandle; LONG Count; LONG Ret; LONG Ret2; POINTER pArray; // This pointer will point at the array of process IDs STRING ModuleName[ 128 ]; STRING FileName[ 64 ]; POINTER pModuleName;begin UseDLL ( WINSYSDIR ^ "Psapi.dll" ); // Load the helper dll - PsApi.dll cbNeeded = 96; cb = 8; pArray = &ProcessIDs; // Point at the array while ( cb <= cbNeeded ) cb = cb * 2; EnumProcesses ( pArray, cb, cbNeeded ); // Get the currently running process IDs endwhile; numItems = cbNeeded / 4; // Calculate number of process IDs - 4 is the size in bytes of a Process ID (DWORD) for Count = 1 to numItems // For each process id ProcessHandle = OpenProcess ( 2035711, 1, ProcessIDs[ Count ] ); // Get a handle to the process if ( 0 != ProcessHandle ) then Ret = EnumProcessModules ( ProcessHandle, ModuleHandle, 4, cb ); // Get the module handle - first one is EXE, the one I care about! if ( 0 != Ret ) then pModuleName = &ModuleName; // Point at the array Ret = GetModuleFileNameExA ( ProcessHandle, ModuleHandle, pModuleName, 128 ); // Get the exe name if ( 0 != Ret ) then ParsePath ( FileName, ModuleName, FILENAME ); // Convert the full path to a filename // MessageBox( FileName, INFORMATION ); Ret = StrCompare ( FileName, "MYAPP~1.EXE" ); // Compare filenames (used for short file names. -WFS) Ret2 = StrCompare ( FileName, "MYAPP.exe" ); // Compare filenames if ( 0 == Ret || 0 == Ret2 ) then // If it's the filename I'm looking for Ret = TerminateProcess( ProcessHandle, 0 ); // Terminate the process if ( 0 == Ret ) then goto Error; endif; goto Quit; endif; endif; endif; endif; endfor; Quit: UnUseDLL ( "Psapi.dll" ); // Unload the helper dll - PsApi.dll return 1; // Happy Error: UnUseDLL ( "Psapi.dll" ); // Unload the helper dll - PsApi.dll return 0; // Sadend;