二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)是神经元质膜的重要组成部分,在大脑含量尤其高,可以促进大脑发育以及改善多种神经精神疾病病征,但其作用机制仍不清楚。近期,于翔研究团队曹华腾博士等人通过基因表达操纵(转基因小鼠、病毒注射和胚胎电转等),药物处理,荧光染料微注射,RNA测序,脑片电生理及行为学等技术手段,发现大脑内游离DHA通过RXRA依赖的信号通路调节树突棘及功能性突触的发育,解析了DHA促进大脑发育和功能的新机制,给相关疾病的治疗提供了新的思路。


Retinoid X Receptor Regulates DHA-Dependent Spinogenesis and Functional Synapse Formation In Vivo


Coordinated intracellular and extracellular signaling is critical to synapse development and functional neural circuit wiring. Here, we report that unesterified docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) regulates functional synapse formation in vivo via retinoid X receptor a (Rxra) signaling. Using Rxra conditional knockout (cKO) mice and virus-mediated transient gene expression, we show that endogenous Rxra plays important roles in regu- lating spinogenesis and excitatory synaptic transmission in cortical pyramidal neurons. We further show that the effects of RXRA are mediated through its DNA-binding domain in a cell-autonomous and reversible manner. Moreover, unesterified DHA increases spine formation and excitatory synaptic transmission in vivo in an Rxra-dependent fashion. Rxra cKO mice generally behave normally but show deficits in behavior tasks associated with social memory. Together, these results demonstrate that unesterified DHA signals through RXRA to regulate spinogenesis and functional synapse formation, providing insight into the mechanism through which DHA promotes brain development and cognitive function.


曹华腾(Huateng Cao),本科毕业于南昌大学,硕士毕业于温州医科大学眼视光,博士在中科院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心(神经所)于翔研究组,主要从事突触发育相关研究,发现游离DHA与核受体RXRA调控功能性突触发育,相关成果于2020年发表于Cell Reports。目前为神经所张哲研究组博士后,从事睡眠及稳态调控研究。

云端论脑 | DHA促进大脑神经发育的机制 - 知乎-LMLPHP

云端论脑——神经科学青年学者云端论坛(Young Neuroscientist Zoom),由中国科学院神经所毕业生、加州大学博后郭延猛(UCSF)、马韶蓉(UCSC)、周立(UCSF)于2020年四月发起,期待与全球青年神经科学家拓宽视野,促进交叉研究开展。


主题: 云端论脑-曹华腾博士

时间: 2020年8月30日 10:00(北京时间)





云端论脑 | DHA促进大脑神经发育的机制 - 知乎-LMLPHP


云端论脑 | DHA促进大脑神经发育的机制 - 知乎-LMLPHP


08-29 16:33