TOR does not make your online activity 100% secure; it creates anonymity.
#what is TOR,it's origin.
Onion Routine Project was born in a Naval Research it is orginated from military.
#With Tor,Does and Do not
FBI have exposed the vulnerabilities, TOR can not guarantee 100% security with NSA and FBI.
Disable Java Script,Flash,Java on the Firefox or Chrome.
No P2P, you will expose yourself.
No Cookies & Local Data.
No Real E-mail
Do not use google, use DuckDuckGo or StartPage.
Do legal stuff.
Do not try to securing your online activity in social networks.
Do not try to access official sites.
#potential risk
Autonomous system Eavesdropping.
Exit node eavesdropping
Traffic analysis attack
TOR exit node block
Bad apple attack
Protocols that expose IP addresses, such as P2P , distributed Hash tables.
Snipper attacks.
Heat bleed
Mouse fingerprinting
Circuit fingerprinting attack
volume information.
#Tor email offer Anonymouse Email.
cryptocat: 加密的IM软件
The Deep Web
Hidden Services
#open Hidden Wiki
search Hidden Wiki in DuckDuckGo
Introduction Points: these are the most common websites user can access.
News. you can sidestep the governmental bans , censorship and prohibitions.
#onion website are
http://[random letters].onion
LUKS and TrueCrypt are two software tools which allow encryption in Linux system.