- manu@manu:/usr/pgdata/base/16384$ ll....
- -rw------- 1 manu manu 8192 6月 10 13:05 11882
- -rw------- 1 manu manu 24576 6月 3 21:31 11882_fsm
- ...
- BlockNumber
- smgrnblocks(SMgrRelation reln, ForkNumber forknum)
- {
- return (*(smgrsw[reln->smgr_which].smgr_nblocks)) (reln, forknum);
- }
- typedef unit32 BlockNumber ;
- 0 0~ 31
- 1 32~ 63
- 2 64~ 95
- ...
- 255 8163~8192
- /*
- * Depth of the on-disk tree. We need to be able to address 2^32-1 blocks,
- * and 1626 is the smallest number that satisfies X^3 >= 2^32-1. Likewise,
- * 216 is the smallest number that satisfies X^4 >= 2^32-1. In practice,
- * this means that 4096 bytes is the smallest BLCKSZ that we can get away
- * with a 3-level tree, and 512 is the smallest we support.
- */
- #define FSM_TREE_DEPTH ((SlotsPerFSMPage >= 1626) ? 3 : 4)
- manu@manu:~$ echo 1626*1626*1626|bc
- 4298942376
- manu@manu:~$ echo 4*1024*1024*1024 |bc
- 4294967296
- manu@manu:~$ echo 1625*1625*1625 |bc
- 4291015625
- manu@manu:~$
- #define NodesPerPage (BLCKSZ - MAXALIGN(SizeOfPageHeaderData) -
- offsetof(FSMPageData, fp_nodes))
- #define NonLeafNodesPerPage (BLCKSZ / 2 - 1)
- #define LeafNodesPerPage (NodesPerPage - NonLeafNodesPerPage)
- 4
- 4 2
- 3 4 0 2
- typedef struct
- {
- int level; /* level */
- int logpageno; /* page number within the level */
- } FSMAddress;
- /* Address of the root page. */
- static const FSMAddress FSM_ROOT_ADDRESS = {FSM_ROOT_LEVEL, 0};
除了逻辑号,还有物理块号,这些管理信息是以block的形式存放在FSM文件中。比如最顶层的root(2,0),对应fsm文件的第0个块号,就是上图中椭圆中的数。请注意,relation文件比较小的时候,比如只有一个block,那么其实只可能有三个fsm文件的block。因为(0,0)本身就可以管理4000个block,而(1,0)暂时管理(0,0)一个下属,而(2,0)管理(1,0)一个下属,其他的fsm block暂时不存在。虽然只有1个relation的block,但是需要个FSM block去管理。当然了(0~3999)个relaiton的block,也只需要这三个FSM block 块管理就够了。这也就解释了为什么FSM文件最少也是24KB,因为三层管理结构,哪怕只有1个block需要管理,也需要3个FSM blcok。
- BlockNumber
- GetPageWithFreeSpace(Relation rel, Size spaceNeeded)
- {
- uint8 min_cat = fsm_space_needed_to_cat(spaceNeeded);
- return fsm_search(rel, min_cat);
- }
- static BlockNumber
- fsm_search(Relation rel, uint8 min_cat)
- {
- int restarts = 0;
- FSMAddress addr = FSM_ROOT_ADDRESS;
- for (;;)
- {
- int slot;
- Buffer buf;
- uint8 max_avail = 0;
- /* Read the FSM page. */
- buf = fsm_readbuf(rel, addr, false); //第一次读取的是FSM 文件 ROOT block,逻辑块号为(2,0),
- /* Search within the page */
- if (BufferIsValid(buf))
- {
- LockBuffer(buf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
- slot = fsm_search_avail(buf, min_cat,
- (addr.level == FSM_BOTTOM_LEVEL), //自己的哪个下属满足要求。
- false);
- if (slot == -1)
- max_avail = fsm_get_max_avail(BufferGetPage(buf));
- UnlockReleaseBuffer(buf);
- }
- else
- slot = -1;
- if (slot != -1)
- {
- /*
- * Descend the tree, or return the found block if we're at the
- * bottom.
- */
- if (addr.level == FSM_BOTTOM_LEVEL)
- return fsm_get_heap_blk(addr, slot); //到达了最底层,直接可以计算出relation的哪个块满足要求
- addr = fsm_get_child(addr, slot); //未到底层,需要再次获取自己的那个下属满足要求
- }
- else if (addr.level == FSM_ROOT_LEVEL) //最高层表示,自己没有一个下属满足要求,可以直接return失败了
- {
- /*
- * At the root, failure means there's no page with enough free
- * space in the FSM. Give up.
- */
- return InvalidBlockNumber;
- }
- else //最高层表示有自己的下属可以满足,可是往下找的过程中却找不到满足要求的,
- //这表示高层掌握的信息和下属的实际情况不符合,需要重新整理信息。
- {
- uint16 parentslot;
- FSMAddress parent;
- /*
- * At lower level, failure can happen if the value in the upper-
- * level node didn't reflect the value on the lower page. Update
- * the upper node, to avoid falling into the same trap again, and
- * start over.
- *
- * There's a race condition here, if another backend updates this
- * page right after we release it, and gets the lock on the parent
- * page before us. We'll then update the parent page with the now
- * stale information we had. It's OK, because it should happen
- * rarely, and will be fixed by the next vacuum.
- */
- parent = fsm_get_parent(addr, &parentslot);
- fsm_set_and_search(rel, parent, parentslot, max_avail, 0);
- /*
- * If the upper pages are badly out of date, we might need to loop
- * quite a few times, updating them as we go. Any inconsistencies
- * should eventually be corrected and the loop should end. Looping
- * indefinitely is nevertheless scary, so provide an emergency
- * valve.
- */
- if (restarts++ > 10000)
- return InvalidBlockNumber;
- /* Start search all over from the root */
- }
- }
- }
1 PostgreSQL数据库内核分析
2 PostgreSQL 9.1.9源码