[root@dbs crs]# ./root.sh
WARNING: directory '/oracle/product' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/oracle' is not owned by root
Checking to see if Oracle CRS stack is already configured
/etc/oracle does not exist. Creating it now.
Setting the permissions on OCR backup directory
Setting up NS directories
Oracle Cluster Registry configuration upgraded successfully
WARNING: directory '/oracle/product' is not owned by root
WARNING: directory '/oracle' is not owned by root
assigning default hostname dbp for node 1.
assigning default hostname dbs for node 2.
Successfully accumulated necessary OCR keys.
Using ports: CSS=49895 CRS=49896 EVMC=49898 and EVMR=49897.
node :
node 1: dbp dbp-priv dbp
node 2: dbs dbs-priv dbs
Creating OCR keys for user 'root', privgrp 'root'..
Operation successful.
Now formatting voting device: /dev/raw/raw2
Format of 1 voting devices complete.
Startup will be queued to init within 90 seconds.
Adding daemons to inittab
Expecting the CRS daemons to be up within 600 seconds.
Failure at final check of Oracle CRS stack.