Because os is english, and chinese lauguage isnt permited to install.  I merely write this passage in english.prepare:I know data's perporty  1:every column's length  2:column's num  3:seperator is what  4:data's figure(num) code below.Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()           Dim txtLine As String * 1000      Dim ansitxtLine As String * 1000      Dim insStr As String           Dim outLn As String      Dim spera As String                            'MsgBox "Start"      'read old data      oldcnt = Sheet1.Cells(5, 4)      fldcnt = Sheet1.Cells(7, 4)      outfile = Sheet1.Cells(6, 4)      spera = Sheet1.Cells(8, 4)      If spera = "chr(44)" Then            spera = ","      End If           'MsgBox "oldcnt=" & oldcnt & Chr(10) & _             "fldcnt=" & fldcnt & Chr(10) & _             "outFile=" & outfile           Open outfile For Output As #1      For i = 1 To oldcnt             'read line        txtLine = Sheet2.Cells(i, 1)        ansitxtLine = StrConv(txtLine, vbFromUnicode)               'read substr        For j = 1 To fldcnt            strsta = Sheet3.Cells(7 + j, 12)            strlen = Sheet3.Cells(7 + j, 16)                       insStr = StrConv(MidB$(ansitxtLine, strsta, strlen), vbUnicode)                       If j 1 Then                'outLn = outLn + ","                outLn = outLn + spera            End If            outLn = outLn + insStr            'MsgBox "insStr=" & insStr            insStr = ""                   Next               Print #1, outLn        outLn = ""        'read substr      Next      Close     End Sub
10-31 13:36