hotplug 包和内核里的hotplug模块不是一回事,2.6内核里的pci_hotplug.ko是一个内核模块,而hotplug包是用来处理内核产生的hotplug事件。这个软件包还在引导时检测现存的硬件并在运行的内核中加载相关模块。
不但有热插拔,还有冷插拔(cold pluging)。热插拔在内核启动之后发生,而“cold pluging”发生在内核启动的过程中。
/etc/hotplug/*.rc 这些脚本用于冷插拔(检测和激活在系统启动时已经存在的硬件)。它们被hotplug 初始化脚本调用。*.rc 脚本会尝试恢复系统引导时丢失的热插拔事件,举例来说,内核没有挂载根文件系统。
/etc/hotplug/*.agent这些脚本将被 hotplug
在2.6内核里,使用了udev来取代hotplug。据udev的作者Greg K.H说,之所以废弃了hotplug原因是sysfs的出现,这个东西会产生非常多的hotplug事件,远远超过了2.4的内核(只要实现了了kobject模型的设备驱动都回产生该事件)。所以hotplug变得复杂,而且因为hotplug都是bash所写,所以开始变得没有效率。于是出现了一个名叫hotplug-ng的项目,就是为了解决这个过于复杂以及缺乏效率的问题,ng应该是next generation的意思。但这个项目目前为止还不能胜任角色,所以udev挺身而出,充当了救火队员。
udev 完全在用户态 (userspace) 工作,利用设备加入或移除时内核所发送的hotplug 事件 (event)来工作。关于设备的详细信息是由内核输出 (export) 到位于 /sys 的 sysfs 文件系统的。所有的设备命名策略、权限控制和事件处理都是在用户态下完成的。与此相反,devfs 是作为内核的一部分工作的。
传统上一般 Linux 系统使用创建静态设备的方法,因此在 /dev 目录下创建了大量的设备节点(有时会有数千个节点),而不管对应的硬件设备实际上是否存在。这通常是由 MAKEDEV 脚本完成的,这个脚本包含许多调用 mknod 程序的命令,为这个世界上可能存在的每个设备创建相应的主设备号和次设备号。而使用 udev 方式的时候,只有被内核检测到的设备才为其创建设备节点。因为每次系统启动的时候都要重新创建这些设备节点,所以它们被存储在 tmpfs 文件系统上,设备节点不需要很多磁盘空间,所占用的内存可以忽略不计。
udev 初始化脚本负责在 Linux 启动的时候创建设备节点,该脚本首先将 /sbin/udevsend 注册为热插拔事件处理程序。热插拔事件(随后将讨论)本不应该在这个阶段发生,注册 udev 只是为了以防万一。然后 udevstart 遍历 /sys 文件系统,并在 /dev 目录下创建符合描述的设备。例如,/sys/class/tty/vcs/dev 里含有"7:0"字符串,udevstart 就根据这个字符串创建主设备号为 7、次设备号为 0 的 /dev/vcs 设备。udevstart 创建的每个设备的名字和权限由/etc/udev/rules.d/ 目录下的文件指定的规则来设置。如果 udev 找不到所创建设备的权限文件,就将其权限设置为缺省的 660 ,所有者为 root:root 。上面的步骤完成后,那些已经存在并且已经内建驱动的设备就可以使用了。
对于以模块驱动的设备,当内核检测到一个新设备连接时,内核会产生一个热插拔事件,并在/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug 文件里查找处理设备连接的用户空间程序(新的内核通知接口改变,/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug为空了)。udev
初始化脚本将 udevsend
注册为该处理程序。当产生热插拔事件的时候,内核让 udev 在 /sys 文件系统里检测与新设备的有关信息,并为新设备在 /dev 里创建项目。
所有在 sysfs 中显示的设备都可以由 udev 来创建节点。如果内核中增加了其它设备的支持,udev也就自动地可以为它们工作了。
大多数 Linux 发行版通过 /etc/modules.conf 配置文件来处理模块加载,对某个设备节点的访问导致相应的内核模块被加载。对 udev 这个方法就行不通,因为在模块加载前,设备节点根本不存在。Linux 的设计是在设备被发现的时候加载模块,而不是当它被访问的时候。通过在/etc/sysconfig/modules文件里添加模块名,就可以在系统启动的时候加载这些模块,这样udev
如何写udev规则。通过udevinfo程序来找到那些可以作为规则文件里的匹配项的项目。分为两种情况:第一种情况是,当你把设备插入系统后,系统为设备产生了设备名(如/dev/sda)。那样的话,你先用udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sda,命令会产生一个该设备名对应的在sysfs下的路径,如/block/sda。然后,你再用udevinfo -a -p /sys/block/sda,这个命令会显示一堆信息,信息分成很多块。这些信息实际来自于操作系统维护的sysfs链表,不同的块对应不同的路径。你就可以用这些信息来作为udev规则文件中的匹配项。但需要注意的是,同一个规则只能使用同一块中显示的信息,不能跨块书写规则;第二种情况是,不知道系统产生的设备名,那就只有到/sys目录下去逐个目录查找了,反复用udevinfo -a -p /sys/path...这个命令看信息,如果对应的信息是这个设备的,那就恭喜你。否则就再换个目录。当然,在这种情况下,成功的可能性比较小。
D-BUS 是一个大有前途的消息总线和活动系统,正开始深入地渗透到 Linux 桌面之中。D-BUS 本质上是进程间通信(inter-process communication)(IPC)的一个实现,设计用于桌面应用程序和OS 通信。
典型的 D-BUS 设置将由几个总线构成。一个持久的系统总线(system bus),它在引导时就会启动。这个总线由操作系统和后台进程使用,安全性非常好,以使得任意的应用程序不能欺骗系统事件。还将有很多会话总线(session buses),这些总线当用户登录后启动,属于那个用户私有。
一个更为有趣但很不实用的例子是 Jamboree 和 Ringaling 的结合。Jamboree 是一个简单的音乐播放器,它具有 D-BUS 接口,以使得它可以被告知播放、到下一首歌、改变音量等等。Ringaling是一个小程序,它打开 /dev/ttyS0(一个串行端口)并观察接收到的内容。当 Ringaling 发现文本“RING”时,就通过 D-BUS 告知 Jamboree 减小音量。最终的结果是,如果您的计算机上插入了一个调制解调器,而且电话铃响,则音乐音量就会为您减小。
列出所有PCI 设备。有两个参数是比较常用,-b 和-v,lspci也会把usb接口列出来。
lshal 列出系统硬件设备。
Hot Plug Greg Kroah-Hartman
Hot-pluggable devices have been created to solve a number of user needs. On laptopcomputers, PCMCIA devices were designed to allow the user to swap cardswhile the computer was still running. This allowed people to changenetwork adaptors, memory cards and even disk drives without shuttingdown the machine.
The success of this led to the creation of the USB and IEEE1394 (FireWire)buses. These designs allow for peripherals to be attached and removed at any point. They also were created to try to move systems away from theISA bus to a full Plug-and-Play-type system.
From the operating system's point of view, there are many problems with hotplugging devices. In the past, the operating system only had to searchfor the various devices connected to it on power-up, and once seen, thedevice would never go away. From the view of the device driver, it never expects to have the hardware that it is trying to control disappear.But with hot-pluggable devices, all of this changes.
Now the operating system has to have a mechanism that constantly detects if a new device appears. This usually is done by a bus-specific manager.This manager handles the scanning for new devices and recognizes thisdisappearance. It must be able to create system resources for the newdevice and pass control off to a specific driver. The device driver for a hot-pluggable device has to be able to recover gracefully when thehardware is removed and be able to bind itself to new hardware at anymoment. Not only does the kernel need to know when devices are removedor added, but the user also should be notified when this happens. Otherkinds of kernel events, such as the creation of network devices or theinsertion of a laptop into a docking station, also would be useful forthe user to know about.
This article describes the new framework in the Linux kernel for supportingUSB and other hot-pluggable devices. It covers how the pastimplementation of PCMCIA loaded its drivers and the problems of thatsystem. It presents the current method of loading USB and PCI drivers,and how this same framework can handle other kinds of user configuration issues easily.
The Past
Linux has had support for PCMCIA since 1995. In order for the PCMCIA core tobe able to load drivers when a new device was inserted, it had auser-space program called cardmgr. The cardmgr program would receivenotification from the kernel's PCMCIA core when a device had beeninserted or removed and use that information to load or unload theproper driver for that card. It used a configuration file located at/etc/pcmcia/config to determine which driver should be used for whichcard. This configuration file needed to be kept up to date with whichdriver supported which card, or ranges of cards, and has grown to beover 1,500 lines long. Whenever a driver author added support for a newdevice, they had to modify two different files to enable the device towork properly.
As the USB core code became mature, the group realized that it also needed something like the PCMCIA system to be able to load and unload driversdynamically when devices were inserted and removed. The group also noted that since USB and PCMCIA both needed this system, and that otherkernel hot-plug subsystems also would use such a system, a generichot-plug core would be useful. David Brownell posted an initial patch to the kernel (marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-usb-devel&m=96334011602320), enabling it to call out to a user-space program called /sbin/hotplug.This patch eventually was accepted, and other subsystems were modifiedto take advantage of it.
Let the Computer Do It Itself
All USB and PCI devices contain an identifier that describes either whatkind of functions they support (like a USB audio or USB mass storagedevice), or if they do not support a class specification, they contain a unique vendor and product identifier. PCMCIA devices also contain these same kind of identifiers.
These identifiers are known by the PCI and USB kernel drivers, as they needto know which kind of devices they work properly for. The USB and PCIkernel drivers register with the kernel a list of the different types of devices that they support. This list is used to determine which driverwill control which devices.
The kernel knows when and what kind of devices are inserted or removed from the system through the device bus core code (USB, FireWire, PCI, etc.). It can send this information to the user.
Taking these three pieces together (devices tell the computer what they are,drivers know what devices they support and the kernel knows what isgoing on) provides us with a solution to let the computer automaticallyload the proper driver whenever a new device is inserted.
The kernel hot-plug core provides a method for the kernel to notify userspace that something has happened. The CONFIG_HOTPLUG configuration item needs to be selected for this code to be enabled. The notificationhappens when the kernel calls the executable listed in the globalvariable hotplug_path. When the kernel starts, hotplug_path is set to/sbin/hotplug, but the user can modify the value at/proc/sys/kernel/hotplug to change this. The kernel functioncall_usermodehelper() executes /sbin/hotplug.
As of kernel 2.4.14, the /sbin/hotplug method is being used by the PCI,USB, IEEE1394 and Network core subsystems. As time goes on, moresubsystems will be converted to use it. Patches are available for thePnP-BIOS (notification when a laptop is inserted and removed from adocking station), Hot-Plug CPU, SCSI and IDE kernel subsystems. Theseare expected to be merged into the main kernel over time.
When /sbin/hotplug is called, different environment variables are set, depending on what action has just occurred.
PCI devices call /sbin/hotplug with the following arguments:
argv [0] = hotplug_pathargv [1] = "pci"argv [2] = 0and the system environment is set to the following:
HOME=/PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/binPCI_CLASS=class_codePCI_ID=vendor:devicePCI_SUBSYS_ID=subsystem_vendor:subsystem_devicePCI_SLOT_NAME=slot_nameACTION=actionThe action setting is ``add'' or ``remove'' depending on whether the device is being inserted or removed from the system. The class_code, vendor,subsystem_vendor, subsystem_device and slot_name environment settingsrepresent the numerical values for the PCI device's information.
USB devices call /sbin/hotplug with the following arguments:
argv [0] = hotplug_pathargv [1] = "usb"argv [2] = 0and the system environment is set to the following:
HOME=/PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/binACTION=actionPRODUCT=idVendor/idProduct/bcdDeviceTYPE=device_class/device_subclass/device_protocolThe action setting is ``add'' or ``remove'' depending on whether the device is being inserted or removed from the system, and idVendor, idProduct,bcdDevice, device_class, device_subclass and device_protocol are filledin with the information from the USB device's descriptors.
If the USB device's deviceClass is 0 then the environment variable INTERFACE is set to:
INTERFACE=class/subclass/protocolThis is because USB has a much more complex model for device configuration than PCI does.
If the USB subsystem is compiled with the usbdevfs filesystem enabled, the following environment variables also are set:
DEVFS=/proc/bus/usbDEVICE=/proc/bus/usb/bus_number/device_numberwhere bus_number and device_number are set to the bus number and device number that this specific USB device is assigned.
The network core code calls /sbin/hotplug whenever a network device isregistered or unregistered with the network subsystem, and /sbin/hotplug is called with the following arguments when called from the networkcore:
argv [0] = hotplug_pathargv [1] = "net"argv [2] = 0and the system environment is set to the following:
HOME=/PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/binINTERFACE=interfaceACTION=actionThe action setting is ``register'' or ``unregister'' depending on whathappened in the network core, and interface is the name of the interface that just had the action applied to itself.
The Hot-Plug CPU patch (available at sourceforge.net/projects/lhcs) calls /sbin/hotplug after a CPU is removed or added to the system, and /sbin/hotplug is called with the following arguments:
argv [0] = hotplug_pathargv [1] = "cpu"argv [2] = 0and the system environment is set to the following:
HOME=/PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/binCPU=cpu_numberACTION=actionThe action setting is ``add'' or ``remove'' depending on what happened tothe CPU, and cpu_number is the number of the CPU that just had theaction applied to itself.
The /sbin/hotplug script can be a very simple script if you only want it to control a small number of devices. For example, if you have a USB mouse and wish to load and unload the kernel driver whenever the mouse isinserted or removed, the following script, located at /sbin/hotplug,would be sufficient:
#!/bin/shif [ "$1" = "usb" ]; then if [ "$INTERFACE" = "3/1/2" ]; then if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ]; then modprobe usbmouse else rmmod usbmouse fi fifiOr if you want to run ColdSync ([/url]) automatically when you connect your USB HandSpring Visor to thecomputer, the following script located at /sbin/hotplug would work well:
#!/bin/shUSER=gregkhif [ "$1" = "usb" ]; then if [ "$PRODUCT" = "82d/100/0" ]; then if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ]; then modprobe visor su $USER - -c "/usr/bin/coldsync" else rmmod visor fi fifiIf you want to make sure that your networkdevices always come up connected to the proper Ethernet card, thefollowing /sbin/hotplug script, contributed by Sukadev Bhattiprolu, cando this: #!/bin/shif [ "$1" = "network" ]; then if [ "$ACTION" = "register" ]; then nameif -r $INTERFACE -c /etc/mactab fifiListing 1 shows a more complex example that can handle automatically loadingand unloading modules for three different USB devices.
Listing 1. Script to Load and Unload Modules Automatically for Three Different USB Devices
Need for Automation
The previous small example shows the limitations of being forced to enterin all of the different device IDs manually, product IDs and such inorder to keep a /sbin/hotplug script up to date with all of thedifferent devices that the kernel knows about. Instead, it would bebetter for the kernel itself to specify the different types of devicesthat it supports in such a way that any user-space tools could readthem. Thus was born a macro called MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() that is used by all USB and PCI drivers. This macro describes which devices eachspecific driver can support. At compilation time, the build processextracts this information out of the driver and builds a table. Thetable is called modules.pcimap and modules.usbmap for all PCI and USBdevices, respectively, and exists in the directory /lib/modules/kernel_version/.
For example, the following code snippet from drivers/net/eepro100.c:
static struct pci_device_id eepro100_pci_tbl[]__devinitdata = { {PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82557, PCI_ANY_ID,PCI_ANY_ID, }, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82562ET, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, }, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL _82559ER, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL _ID1029,PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL,PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL _ID1030, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, { PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL _82801BA_7,PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID,}, { 0,} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, eepro100_pci_tbl);causes these lines to be added to the modules.pcimap file:
eepro100 0x00008086 0x00001229 0xffffffff 0xffffffff0x00000000 0x000000000x00000000eepro100 0x00008086 0x00001031 0xffffffff 0xffffffff0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000eepro100 0x00008086 0x00001209 0xffffffff0xffffffff0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000eepro100 0x00008086 0x00001029 0xffffffff 0xffffffff0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000eepro1000x00008086 0x00001030 0xffffffff 0xffffffff0x00000000 0x000000000x00000000eepro100 0x00008086 0x00002449 0xffffffff 0xffffffff0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000As the example shows, a PCI device can be specified by any of the same parameters that are passed to the /sbin/hotplug program.
A USB device can specify that it can accept only specific devices such as this example from drivers/usb/mdc800.c:
static struct usb_device_id mdc800_table [] = { {USB_DEVICE(MDC800_VENDOR_ID, MDC800_PRODUCT_ID) }, { } /* Terminatingentry */};MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, mdc800_table);which causes the following line to be added to the modules.usbmap file:
mdc800 0x0003 0x055f 0xa800 0x0000 0x0000 0x00 0x000x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00000000Or it can specify that it accepts any device that matches a specific USBclass code, as in this example from drivers/usb/printer.c: static struct usb_device_id usblp_ids [] = { {USB_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_CLASS_PRINTER, 1, 1) }, {USB_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_CLASS_PRINTER, 1, 2) }, {USB_INTERFACE_INFO(USB_CLASS_PRINTER, 1, 3) }, { } /* Terminatingentry */};MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, usblp_ids);which causes the following lines to be added to the modules.usbmap file: printer 0x0380 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x00 0x000x00 0x07 0x01 0x010x00000000printer 0x0380 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x00 0x000x00 0x070x01 0x02 0x00000000printer 0x0380 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x000x000x00 0x07 0x01 0x03 0x00000000Again these USB examples showthat the information in the modules.usbmap file matches the informationprovided to /sbin/hotplug by the kernel, enabling /sbin/hotplug todetermine which driver to load without relying on a hand-generatedtable, as PCMCIA does.
Preprocessor Abuse
The macro MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE automatically creates two variables. For theexample: MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, usblp_ids); the variables__module_usb_device_size and __module_usb_device_table are created andplaced into the read-only data section and the initialized data sectionof the module, respectively. The variable __module_usb_device_sizecontains the value of the size of the struct usb_id structure, and__module_usb_device_table points to the usblp_ids structure. Theusblp_ids variable is an array of usb_id structures with a terminatingNULL structure at the end of the list.
When the depmod program is run, as part of the kernel installation process,it goes through every module looking for the symbol__module_usb_device_size to be present in the compiled module. If itfinds it, it copies the data pointed to by the __module_usb_device_table symbol into a structure, extracts all of the information and writes itout to the modules.usbmap file, which is located in the module rootdirectory. It does the same thing while looking for the__module_pci_device_size in creating the modules.pcimap file.
With the kernel module information exported to the files modules.usbmap andmodules.pcimap, our version of /sbin/hotplug can look like Listing 2[available atftp.ssc.com/pub/lj/listings/issue96/5604.tgz]. This example only tests for a match of the USB product ID and vendorIDs. The Linux-Hotplug Project has created a set of scripts that coversall of the different subsystems that can call /sbin/hotplug. Thisenables drivers to be loaded automatically when new devices are inserted into the systems. It also starts up network services when networkdevices are seen. These scripts are released under the GPL and areavailable at linux-hotplug.sourceforge.net. Almost all major Linux distributions are currently shipping this package, so it is probably already on your machine.
The Future
The current /sbin/hotplug subsystem needs to be incorporated into otherkernel systems, as they develop hot-plug capability. SCSI, IDE and other systems all have hot-plug patches available for kernel support but need to have script support, kernel macro support and modutils depmodsupport added in order to provide the user with a consistent experience.
As the kernel boots, and discovers new devices, it tries to spawn/sbin/hotplug, but since user space has not been initialized yet, itcannot run. This means that any USB or PCI devices that are needed atboot time need to be compiled into the kernel or exist in an initrd RAMdisk image as a module. Sometime during the 2.5 development process, the initrd RAM disk image will be converted to contain an entire smalluser-space tree. This will allow /sbin/hotplug to be run during the boot process and load modules dynamically. Some links describing this diskimage idea are: lwn.net/2001/0712/kernel.php3,marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=acpi4linux&m=99705696732868, marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=99436439232254 and marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=99436253707952.
Because of the small space requirements of this RAM disk image, the dietHotplug program has been written. It is an implementation of the Linux-Hotplugbash scripts in C and does not require modules.*map files when theprogram runs. The executable size of the entire dietHotplug program isone-fifth of the size of the original modules.*map files themselves. The small size is due to the use of dietLibc (found atwww.fefe.de/dietlibc) and other space-saving techniques. dietHotplug will undergo more development as the 2.5 kernel requirements are more fully known. dietHotplug can be downloaded from the Linux-Hotplug site.
I would like to thank David Brownell who wrote the original /sbin/hotplug kernel patch and most of the Linux Hotplug scripts. Without hispersistence, Linux would not have this user-friendly feature. I alsowould like to acknowledge the entire Linux USB development team, whohave provided a solid kernel subsystem in a relatively short amount oftime.
KeithOwens wrote the supporting code in the depmod utility and has enduredconstant changes to the format of the MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE() USBstructure.
Theother developers on the linux-hotplug-devel mailing list who have helped with their patches and feedback on the hot-plug scripts also deserverecognition, along with the wonderful Linux distribution-specificsupport that Debian, Red Hat and Mandrake have provided.
This article was based upon a paper and presentation that I gave at the 2001 Ottawa Linux Symposium.
email: greg@kroah.com