1. availability zone
OpenStack Availability Zone和Aggregate Hosts理解-LMLPHP

    catalog其实是分级的 ...,第二级的region就是上文提到的region。在这里我们可以设置不同的region和不同的service的endpoint。horizon只提取keystone中catalog的regionOne中的endpoint,所以,即使设置了多个region,horizon也体现不出来。


OpenStack Availability Zone和Aggregate Hosts理解-LMLPHP

#nova boot --image1fe4b52c-bda5-11e2-a40b-f23c91aec05e --flavor large --availability-zone chicago:clocktower

指定instance clocktower将在availabilityzone-chicago被创建,至于那些compute node属于哪一个az,是在nova.conf中通过参数node_availability_zone=xxx来配置的。

2. Aggregate Hosts
     Availability zones are a customer-facingcapability, host aggregates are meant to be used by administrators to separatehardware by particular properties, and are not seen by customers.


其主要功能就是实现根据某一属性来划分物理机,比如按照地理位置,使用固态硬盘的机器,内存超过32G的机器,根据这些指标来构成一个host group。

novaaggregate-create joesservers chicago

Host aggregate可以用来进一步细分availability zone。

    通过以上分析,问题就来了:availability zone和hostaggregate都能对host machine进行划分,那么二者的区别是啥?

Availability zones are handy for allowing users to specify aparticular group of servers on which they want their host to run, but beyondthat they don’t do much more than serve as a bucket. In this example, using anavailability zone, our users can specify that a VM should be started up in theChicago data center.

Host aggregates, on the other hand, serve as an intelligent wayfor schedulers to know where to place VM’s based on some sort ofcharacteristic. In this example, we might want to enable users to easily boottheir most mission-critical VMs on servers that are administered by Joe, ratherthan leaving them to fate.

综上所述:az是用户可见的,用户手动的来指定vm运行在哪些host上;Host aggregate是一种更智能的方式,是调度器可见的,影响调度策略的一个表达式。

10-31 04:10