- sudo apt install ros-rolling-v4l2-camera ros-rolling-vision-opencv ros-rolling-image-transport-plugins ros-rolling-image-transport ros-rolling-image-common
- sudo apt install python3-polled-camera polled-camera-tool libpolled-camera0d
- sudo apt install libtheora-dev libogg-dev libboost-python-dev
sudo apt-get install -y libssl-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config libgtk-3-dev sudo apt-get install -y libglfw3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
也可考虑源码安装, 这样可以保证更新
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/image_pipeline.git
cd image_pipeline;
git checkout ros2
colcon build --symlink-install
source 安装目录/setup.bash
- ## Wiki 参考 https://index.ros.org/r/v4l2_camera/#foxy
- ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node --ros-args -p video_device:="/dev/video2"
- 出现
- [INFO] [1597918407.198064148] [v4l2_camera]: Starting camera
- [INFO] [1597918407.839159913] [v4l2_camera]: using default calibration URL
- [INFO] [1597918407.839354370] [v4l2_camera]: camera calibration URL: file:///home/iibull/.ros/camera_info/sunplusit_inc:_pc_camera.yaml
- [ERROR] [1597918407.839576699] [camera_calibration_parsers]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/home/iibull/.ros/camera_info/sunplusit_inc:_pc_camera.yaml]
- [WARN] [1597918407.839643757] [v4l2_camera]: Camera calibration file /home/iibull/.ros/camera_info/sunplusit_inc:_pc_camera.yaml not found
- 发布话题
- iibull@BIG:/$ ros2 topic list
- /camera_info
- /image_raw
- /image_raw/compressed
- /image_raw/compressedDepth
- /image_raw/theora
- /parameter_events
- /rosout
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view 使用 /image_raw 以及 /image_raw/compressed 话题可以看到图像.
- ros2 run image_transport republish compressed --ros-args --remap in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed --ros-args --remap out:=image_raw/uncompressed
- compressed - the transport to use for input, in this case 'compressed'. Alternative: raw, to republish the raw /image_raw topic
- in/compressed:=image_raw/compressed - by default, republish uses the topics in and out, or in/compressed for example if the input transport is 'compressed'. This parameter is a ROS remapping rule to map those names to the actual topic to use.
- raw - the transport to use for output. If omitted, all available transports are provided.
- out:=image_raw/uncompressed - remapping of the output topic.
- 打开 rviz2. fixed frame 改成 camera, 然后添加 /image_raw/uncompressed 的topic 显示。 则可以看到图像了。
参考 https://navigation.ros.org/tutorials/docs/camera_calibration.html
- 执行 ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator
- 出现错误
- RuntimeError: FATAL: module compiled as little endian, but detected different endianness at runtime
- ...
- ...
- SystemError: initialization of cv_bridge_boost raised unreported exception
- cv_bridge是OpenCV与ROS之间的格式转换桥梁。 higer 版本编译器中应当移除 boost endian APIs, 目前官网github上有改好的,ubuntu仓库还没有更新,需要手动编译。 (害得我查了很久)
- 下载地址:https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv
- (这个仓库中包含多个包,下载之后只需要把cv_bridge拷贝到指定目录即可)
- OK, 那么在自己的工作空间内。 git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/vision_opencv.git
- cd vision_opencv/
- git checkout ros2
- colcon build --symlink-install
- sudo apt install python3-numpy
- pip3 install opencv-python
- source 自己的安装目录/install/setup.bash
- 再次执行 cameracalibration 就没有问题了。
ros2 run camera_calibration cameracalibrator --size 7x9 --square 0.20 image:=/image_raw camera:=/custom_camera
- 摄像头参数
- Camera Name:
- -c, --camera_name
- name of the camera to appear in the calibration file ##校准文件中,摄像头的名字
- 棋盘参数
- Chessboard Options:
- You must specify one or more chessboards as pairs of --size and--square options.
- -p PATTERN, --pattern=PATTERN
- calibration pattern to detect - 'chessboard','circles', 'acircles','charuco'
- -s SIZE, --size=SIZE
- chessboard size as NxM, counting interior corners (e.g. a standard chessboard is 7x7)
- -q SQUARE, --square=SQUARE
- chessboard square size in meters
- ROS 选项
- ROS Communication Options:
- --approximate=APPROXIMATE
- allow specified slop (in seconds) when pairing images from unsynchronized stereo cameras
- --no-service-check
- disable check for set_camera_info services at startup
- Calibration Optimizer Options:
- --fix-principal-point
- fix the principal point at the image center
- --fix-aspect-ratio
- enforce focal lengths (fx, fy) are equal
- --zero-tangent-dist
- set tangential distortion coefficients (p1, p2) to
- zero
- -k NUM_COEFFS, --k-coefficients=NUM_COEFFS
- number of radial distortion coefficients to use (up to
- 6, default 2)
- --disable_calib_cb_fast_check
- uses the CALIB_CB_FAST_CHECK flag for findChessboardCorners
前后左右上下移动, 同时各个方向上倾斜, 最终得到calibrate按钮可用并点击(1分钟计算时间), 然后点击保存, 获得 “/tmp/calibrationdata.tar.gz”
tar -xvf calibration.tar.gz
- iibull@BIG:/tmp$ tar -xvf calibrationdata.tar.gz
- left-0000.png
- left-0001.png
- left-0002.png
- left-0003.png
- left-0004.png
- left-0005.png
- left-0006.png
- left-0007.png
- left-0008.png
- left-0009.png
- left-0010.png
- left-0011.png
- left-0012.png
- left-0013.png
- left-0014.png
- left-0015.png
- left-0016.png
- left-0017.png
- left-0018.png
- left-0019.png
- left-0020.png
- left-0021.png
- left-0022.png
- left-0023.png
- left-0024.png
- left-0025.png
- left-0026.png
- left-0027.png
- left-0028.png
- left-0029.png
- left-0030.png
- left-0031.png
- left-0032.png
- left-0033.png
- left-0034.png
- left-0035.png
- left-0036.png
- left-0037.png
- left-0038.png
- left-0039.png
- left-0040.png
- left-0041.png
- ost.yaml
- ost.txt
修改 ost.yaml 文件中 的内存 camera_name: sunplusit_inc:_pc_camera
cp ost.yaml /home/iibull/.ros/camera_info/sunplusit_inc:_pc_camera.yaml
然后重启 v4l2
ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node --ros-args -p video_device:="/dev/video2" -r image_raw:=/my_camera/image_raw -r camera_info:=/my_camera/camera_info -p camera_info_url:=file:///home/iibull/.ros/camera_info/mycamera.yaml
通过 ros2 topic echo /my_camera/camera_info 看到输出的内容和 mycamera.yaml 内容是一样的。
- 目前官方的代码有些问题, 不支持 camera_info_url的导入。 只能自己修改一下。
- git clone https://gitlab.com/boldhearts/ros2_v4l2_camera.git
- vi src/ros2_v4l2_camera/src/v4l2_camera.cpp
- 添加
- void V4L2Camera::createParameters()
- {
- // Node parameters
- output_encoding_ = declare_parameter("output_encoding", std::string{"rgb8"});
- declare_parameter("camera_info_url");
- ...
- ...
- ...
- colcon build --symlink-install
- source install/setup.bash
- //删除旧的
- sudo apt remove ros-rolling-v4l2-camera