- catkin_make 编译指定的包.
- $ catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="package1;package2"
- 恢复编译所有的包
- rostopic list #列出话题
- rostopic echo 话题 #接收话题
编译时出现 .msg: Invalid declaration: 类型 变量. 切记 <类型 变量>之间的分割为空格 不能是tab.
Built-in types:
Primitive Type | Serialization | C++ | Python2 | Python3 |
bool (1) | unsigned 8-bit int | uint8_t (2) | bool | |
int8 | signed 8-bit int | int8_t | int | |
uint8 | unsigned 8-bit int | uint8_t | int (3) | |
int16 | signed 16-bit int | int16_t | int | |
uint16 | unsigned 16-bit int | uint16_t | int | |
int32 | signed 32-bit int | int32_t | int | |
uint32 | unsigned 32-bit int | uint32_t | int | |
int64 | signed 64-bit int | int64_t | long | int |
uint64 | unsigned 64-bit int | uint64_t | long | int |
float32 | 32-bit IEEE float | float | float | |
float64 | 64-bit IEEE float | double | float | |
string | ascii string (4) | std::string | str | bytes |
time | secs/nsecs unsigned 32-bit ints | |||
duration | secs/nsecs signed 32-bit ints |
rosrun tf tf_echo base_link map
rosrun tf tf_monitor base_link map
rostopic pub /crash_jump_cmd std_msgs/Empty
- 制作文件 custom_rosconsole.conf
- # Set the default ros output to warning and higher
- log4j.logger.ros=WARN
- # Override my package to output everything (Change the level to fit your needs)
- log4j.logger.ros.你的包名=DEBUG
- 1. 在bash环境下
- export ROSCONSOLE_CONFIG_FILE=<config_file_path>/custom_rosconsole.conf
- 2. 或者在 launch 文件中.
- <launch>
- value="$(find mypackage)/custom_rosconsole.conf"/>
- <node pkg="mypackage" type="mynode" name="mynode" output="screen"/>
- </launch>
- 还有一种是在代码中设置.
- #include <ros/console.h>
- if (ros::console::set_logger_level(ROSCONSOLE_DEFAULT_NAME, ros::console::levels::Debug)) { // Change the level to fit your needs
- ros::console::notifyLoggerLevelsChanged();
- }