做自己的SDK,  用rockchip的发现sdk的链条给该的乱七八糟, 自己搞个原装的.mkdir bin srccurl "http://php.webtutor.pl/en/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/repo" > bin/repochmod a+x bin/repocd src../bin/repo init -u http://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.1.1_r1../bin/repo sync[如若出错, .repo目录下的manifest.xml里找到fetch属性,  改成  fetch= "git://Android.git.linaro.org/ " ]修改整个framework 代码, 生成sdk 给应用开发人员用, 好用了.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------最后翻到同目录下的windows_sdk.mk,发现目前版本的真正编译方法了 Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source ProjectLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.Subject: How to build an Android SDK & ADT Eclipse plugin.Date:    2009/03/27Updated: 2010/03/30Table of content:  0- License  1- Foreword  2- Building an SDK for MacOS and Linux  3- Building an SDK for Windows  4- Building an ADT plugin for Eclipse  5- Conclusion----------0- License---------- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.-----------1- Foreword-----------This document explains how to build the Android SDK and the ADT Eclipse plugin.It is designed for advanced users which are proficient with command-lineoperations and know how to setup the pre-required software.Basically it's not trivial yet when done right it's not that complicated.--------------------------------------2- Building an SDK for MacOS and Linux--------------------------------------First, setup your development environment and get the Android source code fromgit as explained here:  http://source.android.com/source/download.htmlFor example for the cupcake branch:  $ mkdir ~/my-android-git  $ cd ~/my-android-git  $ repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b master  $ repo syncThen once you have all the source, simply build the SDK using:  $ cd ~/my-android-git  $ . build/envsetup.sh  $ lunch sdk-eng  $ make sdkThis will take a while, maybe between 20 minutes and several hours depending onyour machine. After a while you'll see this in the output:  Package SDK: out/host/darwin-x86/sdk/android-sdk_eng._mac-x86.zipSome options:- Depending on your machine you can tell 'make' to build more things in  parallel, e.g. if you have a dual core, use "make -j4 sdk" to build faster.- You can define "BUILD_NUMBER" to control the build identifier that gets  incorporated in the resulting archive. The default is to use your username.  One suggestion is to include the date, e.g.:  $ export BUILD_NUMBER=${USER}-`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`  There are certain characters you should avoid in the build number, typically  everything that might confuse 'make' or your shell. So for example avoid  punctuation and characters like $ & : / \ , and .------------------------------3- Building an SDK for Windows------------------------------Full Windows SDK builds are now only supported on Linux -- most of the framework isnot designed to be built on Windows so technically the Windows SDK is build on topof a Linux SDK where a few binaries are replaced. So it cannot be built on Windows,and it cannot be built on Mac, only on Linux.I'll repeat this again because it's important:  To build the Android SDK for Windows, you need to use a *Linux* box.A- Pre-requisites-----------------Before you can even think of building the Android SDK for Windows, you need toperform the steps from section "2- Building an SDK for MacOS and Linux" above:setup and build a regular Linux SDK. Once this working, please continue here.Under Ubuntu, you will need the following extra packages:$ sudo apt-get install mingw32 tofrodosmingw32 is the cross-compiler, tofrodos adds a unix2dos commandB- Building-----------To build, perform the following steps:$ . build/envsetup.sh$ lunch sdk-eng$ make win_sdkNote that this will build both a Linux SDK then a Windows SDK. The result is located at   out/host/windows/sdk/android-sdk_eng.${USER}_windows/----------------------------4- Partial SDK Windows Tools----------------------------As explained above, you can only build a *full* SDK for Windows using Linux.However sometimes you need to develop one specific tools, e.g. adb.exe oraapt.exe, and it's just more convenient to do it on the same platform whereyou can actually test it. This is what this section explains.   A- Cygwin pre-requisite & code checkout---------------------------------------You must have Cygwin installed. You can use the latest Cygwin 1.7 or thethe "legacy Cygwin 1.5" from:  http://cygwin.org/Now configure it:- When installing Cygwin, set Default Text File Type to Unix/binary, not DOS/text.  This is really important, otherwise you will get errors when trying to  checkout code using git.- Packages that you must install or not:  - Required packages: autoconf, bison, curl, flex, gcc, g++, git, gnupg, make,                       mingw-zlib, python, zip, unzip.  - Suggested extra packages: diffutils, emacs, openssh, rsync, vim, wget.  - Packages that must not be installed: readline.Once you installed Cygwin properly, checkout the code from git as you didfor MacOS or Linux (see section 2 above.)C- Building the Windows Tools-----------------------------This is the easy part: run make on the tool you want.How do you know which tools you can build? Well obviously all the onesthat come in an installed SDK/tools or SDK/platform-tools folder!Example, to build adb:  $ cd ~/my-android-git  $ . build/envsetup.sh  $ lunch sdk-eng  $ make adbThe result will be somewhere in out/host/windows-x86/bin/. Just look atthe output from make to get the exact path. Since you are building thisunder cygwin, you get an unstripped binary that you can happily feed togdb to get debugger symbols:  $ gdb --args out/host/windows-x86/bin/adb.exeAnd before you ask, msys is not supported, nor is MSVC or windbg.So you can build a lot of little parts of the SDK on Windows, one toolat a time, but not the full thing because basically building the wholeplatform is not supported. This means you cannot build "android.jar"nor "layoutlib.jar" under Windows. For this you want Linux.D- Building the Windows Tools on Linux--------------------------------------You can also build isolated windows tools directly on Linux.Again, it requires a checkout of the full android code and the usualsetup like described above to build an SDK.Then to build an isolated Windows binary, you'd do something like this:   $ cd ~/my-android-git  $ . build/envsetup.sh  $ lunch sdk-eng  $ USE_MINGW=1 make adbThe special environment variable "USE_MINGW" must be set to 1. This isthe clue to switch the make logic to cross-compiling to Windows underLinux.-------------------------------------4- Building an ADT plugin for Eclipse-------------------------------------Requirements:- You can currently only build an ADT plugin for Eclipse under Linux.- You must have a working version of Eclipse 3.6 "helios" RCP installed.- You need X11 to run Eclipse at least once.- You need a lot of patience. The trick is to do the initial setup correctly  once, after it's a piece of cake.A- Pre-requisites-----------------Note for Ubuntu or Debian users: your apt repository probably only has Eclipse3.2 available and it's probably not suitable to build plugins in the firstplace. Forget that and install a working 3.6 manually as described below.- Visit http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ to grab the  "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers (176 MB)" download for Linux.  32-bit and 64-bit versions are available, depending on your Linux installation.  Note: Eclipse comes in various editions. Do yourself a favor and just stick  to the RCP for building this plugin. For example the J2EE contains too many  useless features that will get in the way, and the "Java" version lacks some  plugins you need to build other plugins. Please just use the RCP one.  Note: You will need the CDT plugin but don't take a "CDT" flavor build as it  will lack the RCP tools. Instead take an RCP and then add CDT. - Unpack "eclipse-rcp-*-linux-gtk.tar.gz" in the directory of  your choice, e.g.:  $ mkdir ~/eclipse-3.6  $ cd ~/eclipse-3.6  $ tar xvzf eclipse-rcp-????-linux-gtk.tar.gz  This will create an "eclipse" directory in the current directory.- Set ECLIPSE_HOME to that "eclipse" directory:  $ export ECLIPSE_HOME=~/eclipse-3.6/eclipse  Note: it is important you set ECLIPSE_HOME before starting the build.  Otherwise the build process will try to download and install its own Eclipse  installation in /buildroot, which is probably limited to root.- Now, before you can build anything, it is important that you start Eclipse  *manually* once using the same user that you will use to build later. That's  because your Eclipse installation is not finished: Eclipse must be run at  least once to create some files in ~/.eclipse/. So run Eclipse now:  $ ~/eclipse-3.6/eclipse/eclipse &- Since you have Eclipse loaded, now is a perfect time to pick up the  CDT plugin. (Another alternative is is to fetch the CDT from its archives  and manually dump all the *.jar in eclipse/plugins.)   That's it. You won't need to run it manually again.B- Building ADT---------------Finally, you have Eclipse, it's installed and it created its own config files,so now you can build your ADT plugin. To do that you'll change directories toyour git repository and invoke the build script by giving it a destinationdirectory and an optional build number:  $ mkdir ~/mysdk  $ cd ~/my-android-git   #  $ sdk/eclipse/scripts/build_server.sh ~/mysdk $USERThe first argument is the destination directory. It must be absolute. Do notgive a relative destination directory such as "../mysdk". This will make theEclipse build fail with a cryptic message:  BUILD SUCCESSFUL  Total time: 1 minute 5 seconds  **** Package in ../mysdk  Error: Build failed to produce ../mysdk/android-eclipse  AbortingThe second argument is the build "number". The example used "$USER" but itreally is a free identifier of your choice. It cannot contain spaces norperiods (dashes are ok.) If the build number is missing, a build timestamp willbe used instead in the filename.The build should take something like 5-10 minutes.When the build succeeds, you'll see something like this at the end of theoutput:  ZIP of Update site available at ~/mysdk/android-eclipse-v200903272328.zipor  ZIP of Update site available at ~/mysdk/android-eclipse-.zipWhen you load the plugin in Eclipse, its feature and plugin name will look like"com.android.ide.eclipse.adt_0.9.0.v200903272328-.jar". Theinternal plugin ID is always composed of the package, the build timestamp andthen your own build identifier (a.k.a. the "build number"), if provided. Thismeans successive builds with the same build identifier are incremental andEclipse will know how to update to more recent ones.-------------5- Conclusion-------------This completes the howto guide on building your own SDK and ADT plugin.Feedback is welcome on the public Android Open Source forums:  http://source.android.com/discussIf you are upgrading from a pre-cupcake to a cupcake or later SDK please readthe accompanying document "howto_use_cupcake_sdk.txt".-end-在Linux下编译for Windows的:make PRODUCT-sdk-win_sdk
10-25 17:46