framebuffer - double-buffering, pan display and RGB 454
pmem - alloc physical memory for GPU or DSP
low memory
android source
use init.[ro.hareware].rc - this ro.hareware property is from /proc/cpuinfo
switch /dev/tty0 between KD_TEXT and KD_GRAPHIC
keymap - someparameters in qwerty.kl need power manager from kernel
battery check
bypass touch screen check in some App.
bypass network available check in some App. - check NetworkInfo andConnectivity Intent
sync - need network and correct date time, maybe also need DNS info from dhcpinfo
mount fake sd card -if execute these at start, take care the intent if the intent start ornot
mount real sd card -need kernel support mmc and a correct vold.conf
mount umsstorage - need to check code
Intent brordcast recivier - howto usr this, such fake sd card, and svc enable wifi and mobile network
enable wifi network - libhardware_legecy, wpa_supplicant and its config
audio - need kernel support alsa and external/alsa-lib...etc
bypass GoogleLoginSerive - need additional properties and independent ofSetupWizard.apk
compile compatible shell on android
how to make wifi device more stable on android
learn how to use androidndk
map other input device keycode to android keycode
add ethernet service into android
find out how to use ntp onandroid